7 rounds
5 handstand push ups (banded)
10 deadlifts 135# RX women
10 chest to bar pullups (kipping)
20 double unders (sub 60 single skips)
Made 5 rounds
time 23:25
Tuesdays with Loic
50 jumping jacks
50 push ups
50 tuck jumps
50 sit ups
50 mountain climbers (50 per leg)
50 squats
50 jumping jacks
Time 10:20
Followed with a 5 minute squat hold, then some lifting
push press
65-70-75-80-85-90 failed at 95
hang power clean
3-3-3 (was supposed to be more but I suck at these and lost my momentum pronto)
ended at 85 with one at 90
Ate way too much, but enjoyed every bit:-)
deadlift 155# RX starting range for women
handstand push ups (banded)
time 15? something
Baby it's cold outside and what's a girl to do except go running in 15 degree weather:-) Did the famous Washington St. run with a group from Crossfit. This was the first time I have truly ran in well over a month due to illness. Felt really good and enjoyed it thoroughly.