Monday, December 6, 2010

Friday, Dec 3rd

run 1600 m, rest 3 min
run 1200 m, rest 2 min
run 800 m, rest 1 min
run 400 m, done

Ran outside in the snow, while snowing. Much better than the satanic treadmill, by far. Almost slipped numerous times. Got quite a few odd looks from cars driving by on my last 400m when I had my sweatshirt all the way opened and showing off my tank top. What can I say, I was hot:-)
I didn't write down nmy times right away, so when I went back to do it they were gone. From what I remember they were 9:??, 8:??, 5:??, and 2:?? Good music though.

Birthday Burpees!

My dear friend Loic picked the morning wod . . .
80 squats
10 hand stand push ups (banded)
60 squats
20 hspu
40 squats
30 hspu
20 squats

time 15:26

Then 34 birthday burpees! Damn they sucked more than usual. Been a tough week for wods.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


What is is about stress that is so debilitating? Your body tries to cope and give you clues to relax, but sometimes it just doesn't help. Then you find yourself losing it Biggest Loser style and crying mid-wod. To be honest, it was stress and more stress from the continued lack of breathing ability that hit the nail in the coffin. So, my time is quite horrible and it's ok. Another day, another wod, less tears.

3 rounds
400 m run (treadmill rnd 1, then row 500 rnds 2 & 3)
21 kettlebell swings 35# rx
12 pull ups (kipping)

Time was 21:06

Birthday Burpees tomorrow!