Saturday, November 12, 2011

Missed Crossfit . . .

Well, it has been a heck of a month.  My Grandpa passed away from stomach cancer close to the end of October.  It was absolutely horrible watching him basically starve to death.  A fate that I would never wish on anyone.  If there is a plus side, it is knowing that he is at peace.  It was nice, under the circumstances, to see my two nieces that live out of state.  I always enjoy spending time with them.  It's like they are different extensions of me.  Well, actually my brother, whom they really never knew.  Funny how that happens.  How personality traits can be passed on through blood.  His two girls are very much like him.  Wish they could have know him.

Sorry for the sidetracking . . . I found out on the day that we buried Grandpa that I would be going into surgery in a few short days.  Still trying to fix my throat issue, I had Nissen fundiplication surgery almost two weeks ago.  Basically, the Dr. took the top part of my stomach and wrapped it around the fundus (lower part of esophagus), tightening the opening into my stomach so acid and such is not able to come back up.  It is laparoscopic surgery and I have six new scars to prove it!  I am still recovering.  The baby food diet sucked and I am transitioning into real food again.  The other night we were eating scrambled eggs and french toast.  Not thinking, I took a normal size bite.  Stupid!!!  It basically got stuck on the way down and hurt like a MF'er.  Took a good minute before I could recover.  Word to the wise-small bites and chew a lot.  My middle son was so cute and told me that he would write that down on a post-it for me so I always remember.  It will take a bit to build my energy back up and I think that I might be ok with keeping off some of the weight that I lost.  Need to get back at CF and build more muscle.  Not sure how my schedule will work out with CF yet and my new job.  I just know that even though my life is very busy, I am blessed to be able to do things that I love.  Everything will fit into place soon.


  1. HI Mel - I do crossfit and today, a surgeon recommended a Nissen and also told me that i would have to give up Xfit. What has been your experience?

  2. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



