Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Teenie 25!

Filthy Fifty
50 box jumps 24"
50 jumping pullups
50 kettlebell swings 35#
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press 45#
50 back extensions
50 wall balls 20#
50 burpees
50 double unders

Teenie 25 (Mel version)
25 box jumps 24"
25 jumping pullups
25 glute ham situps
25 walking lunges
50 abmat sit ups
50 fast 12" box jumps
25 back extensions
25 handstand push ups (banded)
50 jumping pull ups
75 single rope skips

Time 14:21

Today is six weeks post-surgery, but my check-ups are not until tomorrow, hence all of the non-body weight subs.  The elbow is still angry, so a few more subs.  The good news is that I was able to get done and cheer on my friend Loic through a Rx PR filthy fifty.  Nice job Loic!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Derby pics!

Just for you Mr. Mark!  Fresh meat!!!!
15 handstand push ups
15 knees to elbows
400 m run
10 hspu
10 k to e
400 m run
5 hspu
5 k to e
400 m run

time 12:??

Had to switch my knees to elbows to glute ham sit ups halfway through first set.  Me elbow did not agree with them.  My first derby fall tweaked it a little and it's still crabby.  Today is my first day for my five fingers.  Wearing them as regular shoes, not running yet.  Need to make friends with them first . . .

Monday, June 27, 2011

Good food & great company!

My weekend in Minneapolis was wonderful!  Ate lots of good food, drank some really good beverages, and enjoyed some delicious desserts.  Going back in a little under a month for the Warrior Dash and plan on staying a few extra days to chill with my good friend Traci.  Want to explore the city with some photography.  Here is a sampling of food pics and my new five fingers.  Got in late last night and mistakenly thought that my field trip was earlier than scheduled, so my wod ended up just being some tall box jumps (just to see for height), stretching, and some handstand work.
 Vanilla Creme Brulee from "Pardon my French."
 We got to Crave at MOA very, very late and hungry.  Forgot the before pic, but here is the after.  I had two of their veggie sushi rolls (add cream cheese).  They are draped in layers of avocado and drizzled with a sesame sauce.  By far, my very favorite veggie sushi!
 The next afternoon back at Pardon my French for a duo of quiche (spinach & feta and fresh mushroom) with a few pistachio macaroons for dessert.  Yum!!!
These will be part of the formula to work off all of those wonderful food & beverages and also hopefully strengthen my feet, ankles, and legs.  Will keep you informed on my verdict.  They feel funny as heck but also good at the same time.  Husband gives them thumbs down, but my boys think that they are groovy chickens.

Friday, June 24, 2011

So not seven minutes in heaven!

jump rope single skips - abmat sit ups

Between the numerous phone calls I had to answer mid-wod and my sore abs, my time was past where it should have been.  Oh well.  Heading to the cities for the weekend to see my lovely friend Traci, eat some good food, and get some clay for my studio.  See you all Monday!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

handstand pushups

time 15:59

The wod was supposed to go in reverse order on 10-20-30, but who wants to add more at the end.  Always better to go down in numbers or at least it feels better mentally to get the big stuff over with.  The handstand pushups were banded, but the pullups were kipping. It's been awhile since I've been able to do pullups during a wod, so my callouses got tender very fast.   Need to get back on track with Rx handstand pushups.  My depth is not very good on them and if the wod calls for a descent number, it's less frustrating and quicker to band them.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fresh Meat!

Fresh meat open skate tonight was great! A big thank you to Liz for correcting my derby stance-it made a huge difference in my balance as did tightening my skates a bit.  My body is used to very deep Crossfit squats and they are counterproductive in derby stance.  Mr. Miyagi would say "bad for balance, Melanie-son."  Good to know.  Broke out my shorter than short purple tutu and loved every minute of it.  My dear silly husband wanted me to stop on the way home to grab some beverages and I am sorry to say that wearing a tutu while skating derby is one thing, but walking into a store dressed that way is another.  Maybe I just need to ease into that experience a little more first.  On a different note, snagged the last Crossfit Bismarck t-shirt that Brian had to get some "out & about" pics when we are in South Dakota over the 4th of July.  Totally want to get a handstand pic by Mount Rushmore!  Guess you will have to wait and see . . .
400 m run
30 deadlifts 135/95
30 situps abmat
30 back extensions
400 m run
20 deadlifts
20 situps
20 back ext
400 m run
10 deadlifts
10 sit ups
10 back ext

time 19:57

Had to sub out the deadlifts for knees to elbows since I'm still on lifting restrictions.  Same old same old for the throat.  Thinking that once I get the all clear for lifting next week, I will maybe focus on the heavy for a bit and see if that helps or hinders the throat.  Need to get some more running in as well.  Warrior Dash is coming up fast and I have not been on a run, run since pre-surgery.  Heading to the cities this weekend to get some wet clay and other supplies for the studio with my Mom.  Should be fun!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Top secret female stuff!

3 rounds
50 double unders
25 wall balls 2 for 1 (2 squats for 1 throw)

My wod was a total subfest.  My double unders suck, and I know that I should practice, but I had to be quicker today because I had summer camp early.  As for the wall balls, I am at peace with them and would have liked to do them, it just would be a nightmare if I accidentally missed and hit my face.  We will revisit wall balls maybe later this year.  So, in conclusion, my subs were 150 single skips and then 50-12" fast box jumps.  Time was 13:22 

***disclaimer***  Men who are freaked out by girlie stuff should not read any further!
My friend, Mel S., is a genius!  For all of you women who have had children the natural way, there are some exercises that do not bode well anynore (fast box jumps, jumping pull ups, and jump rope).  Mel is a Nurse Practitioner who deals with incontinence.  Before our wod today, I was mentioning how I was for certain to be running to the bathroom multiple times due to the exercises.  She ever so secretly whispers to me that I may want to try wearing a tampon while exercising.  Sorry Mel, but I would not due all of the technical terms justice, so we will just say that it worked so fabulous and I did not need even one potty break.  So all of you fantastic female Crossiftters out there, even if you are not affected this way, please pass on this knowledge and together we can make the world a better place!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dude, my #ss hurts!

#1-Thank you to Crossfit for putting my butt and thighs in great shape.  In roller derby, you are basically squat-skating the whole time (aka "derby stance").  Those body parts are already used to torture from Crossit, so derby stance was not a big deal at all.  In fact, I heard comments back from my fellow "fresh meaters" about how fast I flew through all of the off skate drills.  Since I am just learning to skate, I will take those compliments whole heartedly.  I do think that the derby stance is going to benefit my little butt immensely (a nice plus!).

#2-As far as I know, there is not a level of fitness that can protect you from bruises when you fall during derby.  If there is, I will get there and fast!  It flipping hurt my tooshie to even do a few sit ups via abmat this morning.  Really?????  Plus, I think that there is not enough "meat" on my back bones as it also feels very tender from the various exercises on the concrete.  Trying to decide if I smuggled my abmat into the next practice if that would look like a wussy or smart so I don't have the discomfort?  Tough one for me.  Alas, today was a stretching day for me.  Sore is one thing, but bruised is another.  I totally prefer the first one.

A few of my fresh meaters and I are going to break out the tutus for the next open skate.  Heck, part of the appeal of derby for me is getting to dress up fun and crazy.  We'll put it this way.  When we go to the craft fairs and you see the little girls wearing the cute tutus, I am totally jealous.  They're so sassy & girlie and now I have reasons to wear them!  It's a oxymoron.  You see girls dressed up fun, but they're on four wheels, racing fast as hell, and hip-checking anyone that gets in their way.  What's not to love?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A roller derby weekend

Saturday, June 18th
First day on my wheels!  Went out to a park with my family to give them a try.  Went better than expected with the exception of multiple bruises and scratches.  Super proud and jealous of my husband's skating abilities.  Take 13+ years playing hockey, many years on inline blades, and you get a guy who is skating backwards after 15 minutes on blades.  I should mention that he hasn't skated for more than 10 years.  Boys were so excited and are very eager to get their own blades soon.

Sunday, June 19th
First derby practice on wheels, second day on wheels.  It was so much nicer to skate on smooth cement! My balance is getting better.  Derby stance is good.  The most natural thing for me was the off-skate workout at the beginning of practice.  Totally missed my abmat for the sit ups.  Sit ups on cement suck!  Have my name and number totally figured out.  Crossing my fingers that I can keep it once it's submitted.  Went for a drink and some food afterwards with some fellow fresh meat teammates.  Fun!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday, June 16th

My very own version of "Nancy"

3 rnds
400 m run
15 box jumps 24"

No time recorded.  Thinking that may be my mantra until we get all of the health issues under control.  Less stress. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hmmm . . .

Crossfit Bismarck posted wod today was Fran and with me still on weight restrictions, we had to come up with a plan "B".  I wanted to stay on a similar format of 21-15-9.  In my wod, I started with burpees, but they exasperated my throat issues so we switched to 12" box jumps with double the number of reps.
It went so much better after that.  Not even close to perfect health-wise, but a step forward.   It was wonderful to see so many great Fran times on the board, with a few PR's.

sit ups
burpees (sub double # box jumps)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bit by bit . . .

3 rounds
50 box jumps 20"
50 situps
50 squats

Made it through one round.  Exercises good, throat bad.  Enough said.  Baby steps, little tiny baby steps.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Patience is a virtue

3 rnds
1000 m row
50 burpees
50 box jumps 24"
400 m run

The scaled down version was half of the reps for each of the rounds.  I managed to get in one round this way.  Breathing today was really bad.  From the row to burpees to jumps and finally the run, it killed my throat.  The good news is that, for what I did, I Rx'd the wod.  Love my buddy Loic for trying to keep my spirits up.  It's getting harder and harder to do. . . on a different note, I got all of my derby gear today, plus a note from my Dr. for cardio!  Good to go!!!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A week in review . . .

It's been a crazy work week!  As a ceramics studio owner, Father's Day is one of my busiest times of the and I have not had any time to update the blog.

Thurs-Psycho phone again.  Blog post should have said that I helped coach some strong Crossfit women through the regional qualifier wod.  They did awesome!  Super jealous on my end that I had to miss the overhead squats.  Will be doing this wod as soon as I am cleared for weightlifting.


15 min amrap
9 toes to bar
12 push ups
15 box jumps 20"

Made 4 rnds clear.  I feel like a broken repeating record here, but the exercises themselves were fine.  It was the same old throat issue again.  I am beyond frustrated!  After a year and a half, surgery, and a variety of meds, I am at my breaking point here.  The little patience that I had is gone.  I've heard "stay positive" and "just give it more time."  That is all fine and dandy, but when it's you having the issues, it's a lot harder to swallow.  I think that we all can agree, it will be so nice once I am not b!*ching about this issue any longer.


Walked to studio to work.  Wanted to run, but it was sorta awkward running with a backpack on, so a walking I went.  It was a beautiful day!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 1

box jumps 12"
sit ups


The box jumps and situps were completely fine.  That is if you count that at least a third of the time was spent trying to catch my breath.  Cannot even make into words how frustrated I am right now!  My Dr. had said that my nose my throb if I overdid it and to stop.  This I was waiting for and pretty much expecting.  It did not happen.  What I was praying did not happen was the old throat issue, which was back with a vengence.  So either the timeframe has not been sufficient enough for things to correct themselves or what we did really didn't help.  Needless to say, I am not playing the waiting game with this unless I have to.  Ughhh!!!!!  Why can't things go easy at least some of the time?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Can you say burpees?

Very little stretching today, but more coaching and motivation.  Tomorrow I will be trying some cardio, bit by bit to see how it goes.  Three weeks in and three to go until I should be all clear.  Dying to get my hands on some of the posted wods!  Happy Birthday Lila!  Not sure that I can say that I am all too sad that I couldn't do 50 birthday burpees with you today.  Next time!

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Walking We Will Go . . .

Sunday was just too beautiful to sit inside!  Walked to the studio to dip and walked about 3/4 way home before my family picked me up to run errands.  Total about 4 miles.  Went down to visit Grandma and took boys on bikes and new niece in stroller for second walk of the day.  It was an unfamiliar route for me, so I really am unsure of length.  My In-laws live on the south side of Bismarck where all of the flooding is potentially happening and it was very interesting to get a glimpse of the variety of sandbagged barriers that are out there.  Some had none, some had a few, and some went all out with a three foot dike.  I should mention that as long as the dikes that the corps put up hold, the area should be safe.  Here are some photos.  We live on a very tall hill in north Bismarck and are not affected by the flooding, but my heart goes out to everyone who is.  We have two sets of relatives that live below the University of Mary who have been out of their homes for almost three weeks now.  It's in God's hands now.

Monday, June 6

Did a little bit of stretching and then some tall box jumps (with lots of rest in between as my nose began to throb).  I worked in sets of three'ish starting with the 24" box.  Added a 25# plate, then took that off and added a 45#.  Stacked the 25# back on top of 45#, then did two 45# and finally added a 25# to the two 45#.  This most likely makes no sense at all, and I apologize for not measuring heights.  Just like sprints, box jumps are explosive and work your muscles differently than a long run.  Between a lanky marathoner and a beefy sprinter, I'd rather look like the latter.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

An Idea Is Born!

Went on a wonderfully, relaxing family walk this evening.   The big boys rode bike, the little one ran and Dad and I walked.  The mosquitoes where awful already.   On a positive note, I had a great idea to combine two of my favorite things; art and exercise.  As we are walking, I am seeing the possibility of so many great pictures.  So, the goal is to bring with some sort of camera on each walk, run or ride for the summer and post the fun things we encounter along the way.  This will be in addition to all of the usual Crossfit wods and such.  Wednesday is the go ahead for cardio!  Yeah!!!!

Quote of the day:  "Stinky mosquitoes better not bite me or I'll hit them with my wallet."  "I hope they don't take a dollar!"  by my seven year old.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Say what?!

It seems that maybe all of the recent pain killers have killed my brain cells.  To me no lifting means no lifting weights.  No thrusters, kettlebell, weighted squats, etc.  So this morning, when I was doing my little bit that I can do at the gym, Loic got on my case about some kipping pullups.  "You're lifting your body weight."  Really, that never, ever crossed my mind as lifting.  Not sure where my Dr.s stand on that fence, but I was a good girl and stopped anyhow.  Back to tree pose, I guess. . .

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Doctor, Doctor, what's that you say?

No stretching today.  Dr. appointments instead.  First one came with a huge shocker for me.  My ENT threw out the word "second surgery" to further help my breathing.  Sounds like the grafts helped, but I am still not breathing good (think some is swelling) and he thinks that I may need to have grafts to open up my nostrils.  It was instant panic for me.  That surgery sucked, and granted this won't happen for at least nine months, if at all, but still worries me.  Need to heal first.  Second Dr. (plastic surgeon) said he didn't think that a second graft is a possibility, but we will monitor and see.  My grandpa is all German and has always said this awesome German swear word, fonsoyetevitenah (no idea on spelling-sorry).  Seems appropriate right now to me. Still waiting not so patiently to see if this has helped the whole throat issue.  TBD.

Was able to hit the gym for a few minutes before work to give my buddy, Loic, some encouragement on his WOD.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy Late Anniversary!

Day two of stretching.  Forgot to post on my Crossfit two year anniversary on May 24th! These last two years have been amazing to me on many points.  I went from loathing any form of exercise to completely loving it and working out 5-6 times per week.  My body maybe didn't lose that much weight, but I have dropped three jean sizes and reduced fat all over, replacing with muscle.  Crossfit is never boring, never mundane and never dreaded anymore.  I have found a passion for learning and coaching exercises, especially lifting.  Henceforth, this is officially my third year of Crossfit and my blog title will change accordingly.  I have hit many of my goals, with still many more to go, and I am excited and ready for the challenge.  Are you?