Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tuesday, Sept 20th
Lynne with a mohawk
for reps
5 rounds
bodyweight benchpress/ women's 1/2 bodyweight
66# -10/12,9/10, 8/11, 8/8, 7/9  sub shoulder press for bench press and Rx pullups

Wed, Sept 21st
I had a ph probe put in through my nose, down my throat and into my stomache Tuesday afternoon and needed to workout with the probe in place.  Did some toes to bar, 65# thrusters, and box jumps before the thing went wacky.  Praying that this will help them help me.

Thurs, Sept 22nd
135#-10 reps
155#-10 reps
165#-10 reps
175#-5 reps
185# 3 reps

Overhead squats
115#-failed to get over my head today, oh well.

Monday, September 19, 2011

It was a crazy week at the studio . . .

Wed, Sept 14th
25 rope pullups
145#/85# clean & jerk 5 reps
20 rope pullups
165#/105# clean & jerk 4 reps
15 rope pullups
185#/125# clean & jerk 3 reps
10 rope pullups
205#/145# clean & jerk 2 reps
50 rope pullups
225#/185# clean & jerk 1 rep

Time was way too long as I got stuck at 125# and tried repeatedly to stick that weight.  Maxed out at 115# and finished wod with that weight.

Thurs, Sept 15th
shoulder press
push press
push jerk

60#-65-70-75-80 SP
85#-95-100-105-110 PP
115-120-125-130-135 (f) PJ

Was working at the local street fair both Fri and Sat, so wods.  Had derby practice Sunday night, Well, sort of.  After the warm-up, the Bombshellz needed to scrimmage in preparation for the SD bout this Sat and I was the jam timer.  The new fresh meat class starts Mon night and us "seasoned meat" will be skating with them.

Mon, Sept 19th
Split jerk
70#-90-105-120-125-130-135 (f)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Monday, Sept 12th
12 min as many rounds as possible
6 handstand push ups
12 sumo deadlift high pull kettle bell 53#/35#
200 m row

Made 4 complete plus the hspu and sdhp.  The rowing was the devil.  I am off antacids until they do a ph test in a week, thus killed my throat hardcore.  After recovery, I wanted to lift some.

Front squats
100#-110-120-130-140 single

Tuesday, Sept 13th

overhead squat
front squat
back squat
continue with weight when progressing from one lift to the next,  Try to increase load with each rep.
120-120-140-150-155 (fail)
155-165-175-185-195 (pr)

Loved this wod, except for the front squats.  They always hurt my shoulders.  I guess the bruises are pretty . .  .

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wednesday eve . . . Bombshellz practice.  We had our annual meeting first with about an hour and a half of skating.  With a bout coming up here soon, we focused on endurance skating.  Felt like I skated really good on the new surface.  Loving me some derby!!!

Thursday, September 8th

double unders
box jumps 24"/20"
rest 2 min, then
3 min as many rounds as possible
ground to overhead 125#/95#

time 12:16 /9 Rx

Friday, September 9th
135#-145-155-165-175-180-185-190-195-205 (single)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Veggie Meat . . .

Monday, Sept 5th

Had derby practice this eve at a new location for me, the Hughes Center.  It is an old gym floor made from old school linoleum tiles that have been waxed.  Can you say slippery?  It was a quaint practice with us not fresh meat, but not bouting yet girls.  We are working on what to call ourselves.  Will keep you posted.  Practice itself was great.  Mike and Jeff were there as coaches and it was a nice one-on-one setting with great feedback.  They will lovingly be known as "Mike & Ike" by me henceforth.  Excited of things to come in derby world . . .

Tuesday, Sept 6th
50 kbs 53#/35#
25 knees to elbow
30 mod handstand pushups
35 ring rows
40 push ups

Time 17:04  hspu were banded, rest Rx

Wednesday, Sept 7th
5 rnds
5 backsquats 185#/115#
10 pull ups
15 glute ham situps

Time:  16:07 Rx, then . . .


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Power cleans 135#/95#
Bar facing burpees

Time 17:58 -95# (sub 200 single rope skips per set of burpees) 

I knew that the burpees would kill my throat, so I subbed them out.  Looks like the rest killed my throat regardless . . . It had been at least on month since I had done cardio due to sinus infection and I felt like it was time to give it a try again.  Other than the breathing, throat hurting like hell, it was pretty fun.  It felt great to do the power cleans.  After a nice recovery time, I rounded off the day with some banded handstand push ups.  Totally felt those in my shoulders the next day!  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Love those derby kisses . . .

Not my best practice last night.  Wiped out on a corner.  I think that my skates slipped out from under me causing me to land on my front hip/pelvic bone, chin and, most unfortunately, nose.  The bruise sucks!!!!  Enjoy the pic.  My steroids are still being good little troopers and my head is pretty clear.  Still wanted to lay low and just lift today.

Overhead squats
45#-65#-75#-85#-95#-105# and 115# (matched my PR)  The form on my last one was pretty wobbly.  Had to try it twice to get it.  Loic gave me some pointers that I will start working on next week.  Was very pleased with my ability to jerk it overhead.

135#-155#-165#-175#-185#  Wanted to work on a deeper 195# today, but my body was saying no, and I listened.  Think that I may redo my CFT for S & G to see if I can up any numbers.  Never know . . .

Confessions of a small town girl . . .

You know, sometimes you just can't get the past out of your mind.  Silly and irrelevant that it may be, it still sucks.  So, here's the story.  I grew up in a small town in ND.  My graduating class was double the normal size and consisted of 63 classmates.  Since we were a small town, it was the norm to be involved in lots of activities.  Lots for me equated to almost everything that I could do, I did, including sports.  Now, just to clarify, we didn't start sports at age 3, like they do in Bismarck.  It was generally, for girls, when you went into junior high that you could be on teams etc. Like I said, small town.  There was this wonderful coincidence that my school was sorta well known off and on for having solid girls basketball team due partially to the coach.  So, of course, I was on the basketball team.  My poor parents sent me to multiple camps every summer, drove my butt into town (we lived in the country) for early practices every morning both in and off season.  The truth be told, as anyone who saw me play could tell you, was that I sucked.  My friends did it, so I did it.  Don't get me wrong.  The exercise, teamwork, etc was all good for me.  The problem is that since we were small town, I was allowed to keep playing on some level until I decided to quit.  There wasn't "you didn't make the team,"  I was just a continual bench warmer.  This went on for about four or five years.
Of course, I was also in track during the duration of my basketball career and did so, so on jumping.  When my school finally formed a volleyball team, followed a few years later by a golf team, I joined both.  It was pretty much all the same story, except for golf.  I can hit a ball fairly decent, but my putting sucks.  The moral of this little story is that I sucked at sports.  Try as I might, I was just not naturally athletic, nor did I catch on quick.  Looking back, it does show some degree of perseverance on my part that I kept going with it all for so long. Maybe just stupidity?  By the time I was done with sports in school, I was done exercising.  I have been told, either directly or indirectly, long enough that I was no good and I therefore decided to hate exercise of any kind.  Yep, young and dumb.

Now we come to the parts of the story that you may have heard before.  The reason that I started going to Crossfit was because my husband lost 100 pounds and I felt some pressure to also get my butt in shape.  I didn't really need to lose weight, just get healthy and tone.  Truth be told, it sucked at the start.  After not working out at all for seventeen years and gaining & losing 150 lbs between three pregnancies, it kicked my ass.  Running was the worst.  Brian heard lots of swearing every time we ran for a solid half year.  As time passed, I realized that it felt good to be sore for a reason and noticed that my clothes were fitting differently.  You should have heard me giggling with joy the first time that I really saw some muscles in the mirror one morning when I was checking my progress.  Totally addicted by that point.  Then came the health issues last January with my throat that are still present.  I adapted and focused more on lifting, as this was easier on my breathing.  Lifting rocks!  Hands down, it is my favorite thing to do at Crossfit.  I may be slow, but for my size and how long I have been working out, my lifting numbers are pretty good at our gym.    I make a point to push myself in ways that is is currently possible for me to grow and know that when I get the health crap figured out, I can tackle getting my times down where they should be.  And at least 90% of the time, Rx is my middle name.  Anyhow, Crossfit is part of my life now and that won't change.  I finally feel like I am good at something athletic.  Then I heard that there was roller derby in Bismarck.  My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and I was on the search.  Granted, I grew up in the country with gravel roads and have no clue how to skate, but I was willing to learn.  Low and behold, a friend of mine stops in and says that his wife is in derby.  Then a few days later, some of the Bombshellz come into my studio for a birthday party and recruit me.  Perfect!!!!!  Got my gear asap and after my surgery this May, I was on the track attempting to skate.  For as in shape as I am and as good of balance that I have with overhead squats, I sure am squirrely on wheels!  I really should have been counting the number of bruises that I have had thus far, because it is pretty impressive.  Even though I go down a lot, I am quick to get back up and try for more.  If I want something bad enough, I find a way to make it happen.  This brings us to the whole point of this long ass blog.  We had our first basic skills testing, and I did not pass.  I am finding it hard to wrap my head around this.  For someone who just started skating in June and has only skated two days a week max (due to lack of a smooth surface to practice on other than at practice) I should be happy where I am at.  The way that I look at myself athletically since I joined CrossfitCrossfitters could see that point.  We push ourselves at every WOD to go faster, lift more weight, have perfect form, etc.  We are trained to become addictive to perfection.  When I look back to where I was in high school and what I felt capable of then, it is the complete opposite of my outlook now.  If I want a killer deadlift, I know that I can put in the work and it will come.  When people ask after they see my derby bruises, why I do it, it's because it is fun and challenging.  I just want to get better faster!  Gone is any patience that I pretended to have.  It truthfully sucks not moving out of fresh meat status, and maybe it is just a mental thing like in high school where someone else is again telling me that I am not good enough.  So enough whining.  My outlook is going to be positive from this day forward.  I will be the best fresh meater out there and when the time comes in December to test again, I am going to lack the smack down on some derby candy asses! (I love the Rock!)  Please and Thank You for listening.