Friday, October 21, 2011

The next step . .

3 rounds

10 overhead squats 95#
50 12" box jumps

No time-goal was to be able to finish and breathe.  Working with my beyond awesome ENT Dr. Coombe at Medcenter One.  Seriously, he is great!  He is going beyond his scope to help me get my issues solved.  I will be forever singing his praises!!!!  Sounds like I will be working with a new Dr. and praying that he can make my health/life better.  Been lifting lots at Crossfit, skating at roller derby and working a ton.  You can now see me at Creative Clay and at Victoria's Secret.  I used to manage the Fargo store and absolutely love the company.  Very excited to be back.  The Bisman Bombshellz are having the first home bout of the season at the Bismarck Civic Center next Saturday, October 29th.  It will be tons of fun!  Everyone should go.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Diane with crutches

hand stand push ups

Did my own personal version today.  Figured since I can't go fast (at all), I might as well go heavier in increments.  Did the 21 at 155#, the 15 at 165# and 9 at 175#.  The handstands were banded.  Need to kick the band and just do the depth that I can without it.  My schedule is changing leaps and bounds, so I am sure that this will be inconsistent. 

Friday, October 7, 2011


Hello!  Remember me?  Even though we have not talked, you have been on my mind and I am sorry to have neglected you.  During my absence, I have been lifting daily, working, working and more working.  There has just not been time for us to talk.  This week I tried some cardio and the results were disastrous.  Just wanted to see if things had changed at all.  They haven't.  I have made lots of new Dr. friends and may be going to Mayo clinic to finally get some answers.  Just waiting for the call.  It seems sorta silly to me, and yet not, that my issues are minor compared to some, but they impact my life in a major way.  It all trickles down and I am just done with it.  I need answers and resolutions.  Some things that we have done this year have helped, others not.  Found out that I am anemic.  Hoping that will completely explain why I can barely keep my eyes open.  Well, gotta go.  Just wanted to check in.  Have a great weekend and blog you soon.