deadlifts 135#
overhead squat 85/75#
Time 13:33
Women's rx was 155#, and 95#. The deadlifts were just fine and I should've bumped up the weight, but the overheads just killed me! I love overheads, absolutely love them! The dealio, I think, was all of the pushups, hspu, and pullups this week. It was hard for me to find my horizontal balance on my shoulders. They wanted a vacation and I didn't get the memo. Oops! My core balance was fine though. Yuck!! Should have made a different wish yesterday. On a brighter note, I had a blast taking pics of fellow female Crossfitters doing medicine ball cleans and wall balls. Once I get them from B, I will surely post. B also got some overhead pics of me that I have been wanting. Cannot wait for the sun to come melt the snow here. Will be awesome to do our wods outside again.
deadlifts 135#
overhead squat 85/75#
Time 13:33
Women's rx was 155#, and 95#. The deadlifts were just fine and I should've bumped up the weight, but the overheads just killed me! I love overheads, absolutely love them! The dealio, I think, was all of the pushups, hspu, and pullups this week. It was hard for me to find my horizontal balance on my shoulders. They wanted a vacation and I didn't get the memo. Oops! My core balance was fine though. Yuck!! Should have made a different wish yesterday. On a brighter note, I had a blast taking pics of fellow female Crossfitters doing medicine ball cleans and wall balls. Once I get them from B, I will surely post. B also got some overhead pics of me that I have been wanting. Cannot wait for the sun to come melt the snow here. Will be awesome to do our wods outside again.
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