Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hello again . . .

Well, what to do after a long weekend of pain killers and muscle relaxers? Nope, not backquats quite yet and I will say that my Doctor. will be very disappointed in me when I do not give up my favorite lifts. Sorry Doc. I Feel pretty good so far. Just did some stretching Tuesday and went for a run on the treadmill today. Yuck is all I can say to that! Treadmills are up there with some of my least favorite things like bugs, coconut and arrogant men (sorry guys!). Ran about a mile and a half before I was successfully doing a great impersonation of Darth Vader. Seriously, why does it take two months to get into a ENT Doctor? Anyhow, will start with a body weight wod tomorrow and keep plucking away. Wasn't it the slow and steady snail that won the race anyway?

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