Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, Dec 3rd
run 1600 m, rest 3 min
run 1200 m, rest 2 min
run 800 m, rest 1 min
run 400 m, done
Ran outside in the snow, while snowing. Much better than the satanic treadmill, by far. Almost slipped numerous times. Got quite a few odd looks from cars driving by on my last 400m when I had my sweatshirt all the way opened and showing off my tank top. What can I say, I was hot:-)
I didn't write down nmy times right away, so when I went back to do it they were gone. From what I remember they were 9:??, 8:??, 5:??, and 2:?? Good music though.
run 1200 m, rest 2 min
run 800 m, rest 1 min
run 400 m, done
Ran outside in the snow, while snowing. Much better than the satanic treadmill, by far. Almost slipped numerous times. Got quite a few odd looks from cars driving by on my last 400m when I had my sweatshirt all the way opened and showing off my tank top. What can I say, I was hot:-)
I didn't write down nmy times right away, so when I went back to do it they were gone. From what I remember they were 9:??, 8:??, 5:??, and 2:?? Good music though.
Birthday Burpees!
My dear friend Loic picked the morning wod . . .
80 squats
10 hand stand push ups (banded)
60 squats
20 hspu
40 squats
30 hspu
20 squats
time 15:26
Then 34 birthday burpees! Damn they sucked more than usual. Been a tough week for wods.
80 squats
10 hand stand push ups (banded)
60 squats
20 hspu
40 squats
30 hspu
20 squats
time 15:26
Then 34 birthday burpees! Damn they sucked more than usual. Been a tough week for wods.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What is is about stress that is so debilitating? Your body tries to cope and give you clues to relax, but sometimes it just doesn't help. Then you find yourself losing it Biggest Loser style and crying mid-wod. To be honest, it was stress and more stress from the continued lack of breathing ability that hit the nail in the coffin. So, my time is quite horrible and it's ok. Another day, another wod, less tears.
3 rounds
400 m run (treadmill rnd 1, then row 500 rnds 2 & 3)
21 kettlebell swings 35# rx
12 pull ups (kipping)
Time was 21:06
Birthday Burpees tomorrow!
3 rounds
400 m run (treadmill rnd 1, then row 500 rnds 2 & 3)
21 kettlebell swings 35# rx
12 pull ups (kipping)
Time was 21:06
Birthday Burpees tomorrow!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A week in review . . .

7 rounds
5 handstand push ups (banded)
10 deadlifts 135# RX women
10 chest to bar pullups (kipping)
20 double unders (sub 60 single skips)
Made 5 rounds
time 23:25
Tuesdays with Loic
50 jumping jacks
50 push ups
50 tuck jumps
50 sit ups
50 mountain climbers (50 per leg)
50 squats
50 jumping jacks
Time 10:20
Followed with a 5 minute squat hold, then some lifting
push press
65-70-75-80-85-90 failed at 95
hang power clean
3-3-3 (was supposed to be more but I suck at these and lost my momentum pronto)
ended at 85 with one at 90
Ate way too much, but enjoyed every bit:-)
deadlift 155# RX starting range for women
handstand push ups (banded)
time 15? something
Baby it's cold outside and what's a girl to do except go running in 15 degree weather:-) Did the famous Washington St. run with a group from Crossfit. This was the first time I have truly ran in well over a month due to illness. Felt really good and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thurs, Nov 18th
400 m run outside
50 back ext
400 m run
75 ab mat sit ups
400 m run
100 squats
400 r run
Time 17:25
Did not finish last run. Bad lungs & throat. Again, baby steps back.
50 back ext
400 m run
75 ab mat sit ups
400 m run
100 squats
400 r run
Time 17:25
Did not finish last run. Bad lungs & throat. Again, baby steps back.
Wed, Nov 17th
AMRAP 20 min
30 sec handstand hold
30 sec squat hold
30 sec l-sit hold
30 sec chin over bar
Made 9 rounds plus 1 handstand hold. The first holds were great, the l-sit was more of a tucked under and the chin over bar sucked. Still, this was a wod that worked with my lungs.
30 sec handstand hold
30 sec squat hold
30 sec l-sit hold
30 sec chin over bar
Made 9 rounds plus 1 handstand hold. The first holds were great, the l-sit was more of a tucked under and the chin over bar sucked. Still, this was a wod that worked with my lungs.
Tues, Nov 16th
5 rounds
400 m run-outside
15 overhead squats RX 65#
Made 2 rounds. My lung capacity is still recovering. Oh well, it is a start!
5 rounds
400 m run-outside
15 overhead squats RX 65#
Made 2 rounds. My lung capacity is still recovering. Oh well, it is a start!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Here we go . . .
Monday was some light, heavy lifting with overhead squats and deadlifts. Stayed away from met-con still. At Dr. again. Going to try an inhaler to increase lung capacity. Most likely just need some R & R and time, but I am impatient and desperately want to get back into my WOD's again.
Tuesday I gave it a go. Did 2 rounds of 5 of 400 m run and 15 overhead squats at 65#. Ran outside, which is my favorite, and the second 400m killed my throat. Hate, hate, hate doing overhead squats in my running shoes. The balance is just off. Taking baby steps here to get my health back.
Tuesday I gave it a go. Did 2 rounds of 5 of 400 m run and 15 overhead squats at 65#. Ran outside, which is my favorite, and the second 400m killed my throat. Hate, hate, hate doing overhead squats in my running shoes. The balance is just off. Taking baby steps here to get my health back.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
No, I'm not dead. . .
Yep, it's been a couple of crappy weeks being sick. On the second round of antibiotics and steroids. Super frustrating! Went in about four days last week and could only do one round before i was gasping for air and my throat felt like I had drank battery acid. Did do one heavy day. Totals weren't bad, but not were I wanted them. Will redo once better.
Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1
95 lbs. (best previous 100 lbs. spring 2010)
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1
125 lbs. (no documented front squat weight)
back squat 1-1-1-1-1
155 lbs. (this one killed me since I love back squats and can do 180! B was showing me the low back bar resting position. It felt totally weird. Will practice more. Still need weightlifting shoes)
Killing me to have nice fall weather and unable to go running outside. Sure the combo of chilly and depleted respiratory function would be a very bad idea. Waiting patiently here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1
95 lbs. (best previous 100 lbs. spring 2010)
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1
125 lbs. (no documented front squat weight)
back squat 1-1-1-1-1
155 lbs. (this one killed me since I love back squats and can do 180! B was showing me the low back bar resting position. It felt totally weird. Will practice more. Still need weightlifting shoes)
Killing me to have nice fall weather and unable to go running outside. Sure the combo of chilly and depleted respiratory function would be a very bad idea. Waiting patiently here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Beyond awesome!
Ok, so I happened upon the Warrior Dash website earlier this year and was instantly intrigued. The problem was a flipping long road trip that just wasn't in the cards. The warrior gods must have heard my cries and decided to throw down the gauntlet closer to home. I mean what sounds better that a 5k obstacle course with a beer chaser? Needless to say, I will be there crawling in the mud and wearing those sexy horns. What is still to be determined is who will join me? Come on Crossfitters-let's get dirty!
Back to when I could workout
Sunday, October 24th
"Beer Gone Bad" team wod
2 rounds, 3 person team
45 seconds on/rest in rotation
box jumps-23/20
double unders-84/84 singles
Crazy crappy workout after nice night of MMA fights and beer. Kicked my #ss and started a week plus of sickness. Attempted to workout a little the last two days and it just wasn't happening. Time for a Dr. visit. Starting antibiotics & steroids tomorrow. Can't wait to get back in the gym!!!!!!!!!
"Beer Gone Bad" team wod
2 rounds, 3 person team
45 seconds on/rest in rotation
box jumps-23/20
double unders-84/84 singles
Crazy crappy workout after nice night of MMA fights and beer. Kicked my #ss and started a week plus of sickness. Attempted to workout a little the last two days and it just wasn't happening. Time for a Dr. visit. Starting antibiotics & steroids tomorrow. Can't wait to get back in the gym!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The fight is on!
It is so time for a night out! Brian sent out the invitation to go see Derek fight this Saturday and Chris and I are going. Should be good times and good beer. And as the saying goes, "you did the crime, now do the time." So we will be offering a team wod on Sunday (time tbd) and I invite you to come and work off some beer calories with your fellow crossfitters. It will be a two person bodyweight exercise relay (no running). Hope to see you there!
Totally awesome!
Crossfit Total
back squat 175#
shoulder press 75#
deadlift 205#
Total 455#
I love the total! It has been since February since I had done it last and I was pretty nervous that my numbers would suck with all of my SI joint issues over the summer. But low and behold, the numbers were the same, just in different areas. Lost 5# on the press, but gained 5# on the deadlift. The back squat is killing me! Last time I went down and up at 185# but I was parallel not just a little beyond, so no go. Ditto today. UGH! Uber frustrating. Going to plan to do the total mid- November and I WILL hit 185# on back squat, 85# on shoulder press, and 215# on deadlift. If my will is strong enough, my body will follow. (just nod your head "yes" for me please). A girls gotta have something to believe in, right.
back squat 175#
shoulder press 75#
deadlift 205#
Total 455#
I love the total! It has been since February since I had done it last and I was pretty nervous that my numbers would suck with all of my SI joint issues over the summer. But low and behold, the numbers were the same, just in different areas. Lost 5# on the press, but gained 5# on the deadlift. The back squat is killing me! Last time I went down and up at 185# but I was parallel not just a little beyond, so no go. Ditto today. UGH! Uber frustrating. Going to plan to do the total mid- November and I WILL hit 185# on back squat, 85# on shoulder press, and 215# on deadlift. If my will is strong enough, my body will follow. (just nod your head "yes" for me please). A girls gotta have something to believe in, right.
50 flutterkicks
50 sit ups
run 400 m
100 flutterkicks
100 sit ups
run 400 m
Ok, so the flutterkicks were new and I was sorta unsure of body position. Did mine with feet about 6" off ground in a very open "v" shape. Shoulders and arms were elevated off the ground. They sound sorta wussy like, honestly. But, when I woke up this am, my hip flexers were saying "what the hell did you do?" I can honestly say that I have not been sore on the side of my hips before and it was sorta cool. Flutterkicks sound fluffy, but may actually kick ass. Open your mind to the possibilities.
50 sit ups
run 400 m
100 flutterkicks
100 sit ups
run 400 m
Ok, so the flutterkicks were new and I was sorta unsure of body position. Did mine with feet about 6" off ground in a very open "v" shape. Shoulders and arms were elevated off the ground. They sound sorta wussy like, honestly. But, when I woke up this am, my hip flexers were saying "what the hell did you do?" I can honestly say that I have not been sore on the side of my hips before and it was sorta cool. Flutterkicks sound fluffy, but may actually kick ass. Open your mind to the possibilities.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
What is CrossFit?
Yep-awesome video. Working towards the amazin abs the ladies were proudly displaying.
Bulger Hero WOD
10 rounds
150 m run
7 chest to bar pull ups
7 front squats ladies rx 95#
7 hand stand push ups
Completed 5 rounds. Sub toes to bar (easier on si than the kipping), weight 85/75, and banded HSPU. Time 19:59
Good workout. Back was getting tight, so left off after the 5 rounds. Enjoy the video on front squats. I find them harder than back squats. It is a elbow driven upward motion balanced on heels. There were a few where I found myself balancing on the balls of my feet. My depth, Ibelieve was nice and deep.
150 m run
7 chest to bar pull ups
7 front squats ladies rx 95#
7 hand stand push ups
Completed 5 rounds. Sub toes to bar (easier on si than the kipping), weight 85/75, and banded HSPU. Time 19:59
Good workout. Back was getting tight, so left off after the 5 rounds. Enjoy the video on front squats. I find them harder than back squats. It is a elbow driven upward motion balanced on heels. There were a few where I found myself balancing on the balls of my feet. My depth, Ibelieve was nice and deep.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The diet thing . . .
I have never been one to "diet." Ever. I have been a vegetarian for eighteen and a half years, but that is an ethical choice with health benefits, not a health choice. Like I said in the previous blog, I need to dial in my diet. Avoiding the sweets that I love and following perhaps the paleo diet or the soy zone. Still researching. Anyhow, check out the sweet blog on the Crossfit One World website for their "Look Better Naked" challenge. They are following a paleo diet and it is a very interesting read. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, my proteins are mainly from soy based veggie meats, dairy and eggs. Finding what works for me might take some time. For those of you in my shoes, here are some links for you to peruse. Got stuck on a blog degrating vegans on a paleo website. Not going to say anything more.
Some thoughts that were sick of being caged . . .
I am a creative person by nature, a business woman by profession, and a Crossfitter by choice. I choose to go in to challenge myself almost daily. Am I the fastest, surely not. Can I lift the heaviest, no, but at certain times I can hold my own. But I try. I try. I often wonder why more people don't do Crossfit or workout in any fashion for that matter. My conclusion is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failing, fear of looking like an idiot, fear of hurting oneself, and even fear of succeeding. For sure, fear of change. If I get healthy, I will want to give up my bad habits and replace them with good ones. It sounds like lots of work. It is and that is great. Drop the twinkie, get off your tooshie, and start feeling proud of making simple choices that will make you healthier and happier. I have been working out for a year and a half'ish now and it frustrates me that my stomach is still not flat. Ok, my diet is not perfect. I love sweets. But, my arms and shoulders are looking good. My always flat but is getting a nice rounded shape. Further more, I went from being the biggest whiney brat when it came to running to running every weekend because I love to do it. And I am proud as hell to say that I am a Crossfitter. Yes, please push me beyond my limits. I am beyond the point of the whines of "I don't want to do it" and accept the soreness as testament to my increasing strength. Give me more. Don't get me wrong. It is hard not to compare yourself to others who are faster and stronger than you. Especially in Crossfit where everything is timed and posted. Use that to push yourself, not get down on yourself.
One of my favorite shows is "The Biggest Loser." Why? It's not because I am looking for pointers on how to loose weight or ways to workout. It is for inspiration (and because I want Jillian's job). People who are really, truthfully unhealthy, getting their asses kicked on a daily basis to save their lives. It is so easy to get sucked into the sleep, work, eat, repeat drone of life. Add in some kids, and it is challenging to find time for yourself. By making time to workout almost every day, I am making time for me. And everyone needs some me time in this go, go, go world. Even our kids are being pushed to the max. I hate being told that they need to start in a sport when they are five if they want to play it in high school. Really? I want more for my kids. Playing, creating, enjoying just being a kid. Life is too short to start all the stress now. Ok, I got off track there. Sorry.
One of the coolest things that I have heard is that I inspired someone to workout. Not by telling them that they should, but by my simple act of doing what I do. They see the changes in me physically & mentally and it makes them want to change for too. So, for all of you Crossfitters who get your butts kicked on a regular basis, thanks for inspiring me and inspiring others to get healthy & fit. Now go give me one hundred burpees, baby!
One of my favorite shows is "The Biggest Loser." Why? It's not because I am looking for pointers on how to loose weight or ways to workout. It is for inspiration (and because I want Jillian's job). People who are really, truthfully unhealthy, getting their asses kicked on a daily basis to save their lives. It is so easy to get sucked into the sleep, work, eat, repeat drone of life. Add in some kids, and it is challenging to find time for yourself. By making time to workout almost every day, I am making time for me. And everyone needs some me time in this go, go, go world. Even our kids are being pushed to the max. I hate being told that they need to start in a sport when they are five if they want to play it in high school. Really? I want more for my kids. Playing, creating, enjoying just being a kid. Life is too short to start all the stress now. Ok, I got off track there. Sorry.
One of the coolest things that I have heard is that I inspired someone to workout. Not by telling them that they should, but by my simple act of doing what I do. They see the changes in me physically & mentally and it makes them want to change for too. So, for all of you Crossfitters who get your butts kicked on a regular basis, thanks for inspiring me and inspiring others to get healthy & fit. Now go give me one hundred burpees, baby!
sun 17th
3 rounds
15 hang power cleans 65#
15 burpees
Ok, I really suck at cleans. Everytime I do them, I tweak my right shoulder! So, it was a given that the burpees would really suck since the shoulder felt like dog poop. Oh well. Made it through it slowly and iced, iced, iced. And Mark tried to get rid of my pain face as I was rolling a "pain ball" under said shoulder. The pain cave won that round, but I'll be back for more.
15 hang power cleans 65#
15 burpees
Ok, I really suck at cleans. Everytime I do them, I tweak my right shoulder! So, it was a given that the burpees would really suck since the shoulder felt like dog poop. Oh well. Made it through it slowly and iced, iced, iced. And Mark tried to get rid of my pain face as I was rolling a "pain ball" under said shoulder. The pain cave won that round, but I'll be back for more.
sat 16th
Ran down, up an around Sleepy Hollow. Felt great on the home stretch up the hill from hell, kicked it into gear and plowed all the way up it & home! This was the first time I did not have to walk a protion of this hill and it felt great. Very big smile when I got home. Of course, it took twice as long to regain a normal breathing pattern, but it was so worth it!
thurs 14th
run 400 m
25 m burpee broad jump
25 m walking lunges
25 m burpee broad jump
25 m bear crawl
25 m burpee broad jump
25 m walking lunges
25 m burpee broad jump
25 m bear crawl
run 400 m
This was most likely pretty fun to watch. Truthfully enjoyed the burpee broad jumps. A longer version of this would be a great team wod. Thanks to Liz for working out with me.
25 m burpee broad jump
25 m walking lunges
25 m burpee broad jump
25 m bear crawl
25 m burpee broad jump
25 m walking lunges
25 m burpee broad jump
25 m bear crawl
run 400 m
This was most likely pretty fun to watch. Truthfully enjoyed the burpee broad jumps. A longer version of this would be a great team wod. Thanks to Liz for working out with me.
wed 13th
Mr. Joshua
5 rounds
400 m run
30 abmat sit ups
15 deadlifts 105#
Time :
Took it nice and easy with the weight/ time doing my deadlifts. Waiting for the day when I wake up and the si joint crap is magically gone. Want to get back into heavier lifting. Miss it lots.
5 rounds
400 m run
30 abmat sit ups
15 deadlifts 105#
Time :
Took it nice and easy with the weight/ time doing my deadlifts. Waiting for the day when I wake up and the si joint crap is magically gone. Want to get back into heavier lifting. Miss it lots.
Tues 12th
Over head squats
love, love, love overhead squats. Need to work back up into heavier weights again. Goal is to do bodyweight and then multiples at bodyweight. There is something about the challenge of the balancing act. Tried for heavier, but had issue thrusting it overhead.
love, love, love overhead squats. Need to work back up into heavier weights again. Goal is to do bodyweight and then multiples at bodyweight. There is something about the challenge of the balancing act. Tried for heavier, but had issue thrusting it overhead.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Get ready . . .
Brian, Mark, and I are working on another "Markinar" for you great Crossfitters. Some of the focus will be on the goals that we set earlier this year. What have we achieved, what is still to be achieved, and helping you set up a plan to achieve your goals by the end of the year. Also, what is your main goal at Crossfit? Is it to lose weight, gain muscle, increase endurance, run a marathon, or all of the above. We want to help you to get there. Date TBD
Spread the love!
Prison WOD
20, 19, 18, . . . 3, 2, 1.
walk 25m after each set.
Time 41:10
The burpees them selves were pretty good. I was, however, very nauseous by the #13 set with the up and down movement. Kept it together, but had to rest a little bit after so many to recoup. And no, I did not do the math before hand. This was a good idea, since I totally did not figure this to be 210 burpees. I didn't believe Mark when he gave me the total (sorry!). My shoulders are stiff now, so tomorrow they will be impossible. And yes, every stinking one of them was on my toes! :-)
20, 19, 18, . . . 3, 2, 1.
walk 25m after each set.
Time 41:10
The burpees them selves were pretty good. I was, however, very nauseous by the #13 set with the up and down movement. Kept it together, but had to rest a little bit after so many to recoup. And no, I did not do the math before hand. This was a good idea, since I totally did not figure this to be 210 burpees. I didn't believe Mark when he gave me the total (sorry!). My shoulders are stiff now, so tomorrow they will be impossible. And yes, every stinking one of them was on my toes! :-)
Meet the newest Malsam!
Yeah, I'm a week behind . .
Monday, Oct 4th
50-45 lb
40-55 lb
30-65 lb
20-85 lb
10-105 lb
Back squats/ pullups
Did not run a clock. Reduce that pressure so can focus on good form.
Tuesday, Oct 5th
3 rnds
800 r run
50 situps
10 push ups
time 24:14
Wednesday, Oct 6th
run 5k
did not run a clock
Thursday, Oct 7th
Stretched lots. SI joint feeling really out of whack.
Sunday, Oct 10th
ran 2.5 miles up n down hills around our Sleepy Hollow
50-45 lb
40-55 lb
30-65 lb
20-85 lb
10-105 lb
Back squats/ pullups
Did not run a clock. Reduce that pressure so can focus on good form.
Tuesday, Oct 5th
3 rnds
800 r run
50 situps
10 push ups
time 24:14
Wednesday, Oct 6th
run 5k
did not run a clock
Thursday, Oct 7th
Stretched lots. SI joint feeling really out of whack.
Sunday, Oct 10th
ran 2.5 miles up n down hills around our Sleepy Hollow
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunday afternoon
Oct 3
Ran from our house to the studio, loaded my kiln, and ran back. Very hilly trek, especially on the way home. Approx 6 miles total - 3 there and 3 back.
Ran from our house to the studio, loaded my kiln, and ran back. Very hilly trek, especially on the way home. Approx 6 miles total - 3 there and 3 back.
Friday, October 1, 2010
The week in review . . .
Sunday, Monday-miserable
Tuesday-root canal, moderately miserable
Wednesday-looking better
10 rnds
15 deadlifts 65lb
15 pushups
made it through 8.5 rnds before mouth was throbbing and sick-time unsure
Thursday-hanging in there
3 rnds
800 m run
30 burpees
30 knees to elbows
made it through 2 rounds before same effects as day previous-flt-frustrated!
Friday-another Dr. visit-mouth is feeling worse again
Hope your week was better than mine!
Tuesday-root canal, moderately miserable
Wednesday-looking better
10 rnds
15 deadlifts 65lb
15 pushups
made it through 8.5 rnds before mouth was throbbing and sick-time unsure
Thursday-hanging in there
3 rnds
800 m run
30 burpees
30 knees to elbows
made it through 2 rounds before same effects as day previous-flt-frustrated!
Friday-another Dr. visit-mouth is feeling worse again
Hope your week was better than mine!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
And now a word from our sponsors . .
The Bodysnatchers
200 m run
10 body busters
3 rnds
time 10:30
7 minutes in heaven
time 7:42
Body busters were not as bad as anticipated. If my arms would have held up longer for the dead hang pull ups, they would have been much easier. The alternative was first kipping and then jumping pull ups. Kipping took too much time for me to get a rhythm.
Enjoy the Harry Potter Preview! Counting down the days until the release in November.
200 m run
10 body busters
3 rnds
time 10:30
7 minutes in heaven
time 7:42
Body busters were not as bad as anticipated. If my arms would have held up longer for the dead hang pull ups, they would have been much easier. The alternative was first kipping and then jumping pull ups. Kipping took too much time for me to get a rhythm.
Enjoy the Harry Potter Preview! Counting down the days until the release in November.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Crossfit Body Buster
Thurs 8:30-10:30 a.m. Come try out a new move to Crossfit Bismarck! Or should I say, a combination of moves that we already know, just put together. Promises to be lots of fun and possibly lots of sweat. Are you up for the challenge? See you there.
A little funny looking
800 m run
400 m run backwards
800 m run
400 m run backwards
7 minutes in heaven
time 8:00
It was not only goofy looking running backwards down Century Ave, but should prove to be good for the tooshie. It used a whole different set of muscles and required a little more coordination to not trip.
800 m run
400 m run backwards
800 m run
400 m run backwards
7 minutes in heaven
time 8:00
It was not only goofy looking running backwards down Century Ave, but should prove to be good for the tooshie. It used a whole different set of muscles and required a little more coordination to not trip.
Monday, September 20, 2010
7 Minutes in Heaven
Sunday 19th-went for a nice 2.5-3 mile run. Beautiful day, nice and chilly.
Monday 20th
12 min amrap
10 push ups
15 situps
75 ft walking lunges
Made 6 rounds plus the push ups
7 min in heaven (this is the new name for the jump rope/ sit up wod)
8:05-4th time at wod
Going to see how many times I can do double wod with this as the second.
Monday 20th
12 min amrap
10 push ups
15 situps
75 ft walking lunges
Made 6 rounds plus the push ups
7 min in heaven (this is the new name for the jump rope/ sit up wod)
8:05-4th time at wod
Going to see how many times I can do double wod with this as the second.
Friday, September 17, 2010
A Little Behind . . .
Ok, since coming back from convention, I have been working out, but woefully negligent in updating my blog. So sorry. Here is a two-week review:
Wed-no time
500m row
100 m sprint run
rest 90 seconds
400 m run
150 m row
3 rounds
Thurs- time 11:13
thrusters 55 lbs
pull ups-Rx
Friday -time 20:39
400 m run
50 squats
25 push ups
3 rounds
Monday-time 23:04
250 m row
10 front squats 65/53 lbs.
15 sit ups
20 box jumps 20"
Tuesday- time 7:58, Thurs -time 8:35, Friday -time 7:54 (double wod Thurs & Fri)
100 single rope jumps
50 sit ups
80 single rj
40 sit ups
60 single rj
30 sit ups
40 single rj
20 sit ups
20 single rj
10 sit ups
Wed -time 11:12
thrusters 65 lbs
dead hang pull ups -purple band
Thurs -time 19:30
800 m run
15 burpees
800m run
10 burpees
800 m run
5 burpees
12 min AMRAP
3 push press
6 clapping push ups
9 toes to bar
5 rounds plus a little more Rx
Wed-no time
500m row
100 m sprint run
rest 90 seconds
400 m run
150 m row
3 rounds
Thurs- time 11:13
thrusters 55 lbs
pull ups-Rx
Friday -time 20:39
400 m run
50 squats
25 push ups
3 rounds
Monday-time 23:04
250 m row
10 front squats 65/53 lbs.
15 sit ups
20 box jumps 20"
Tuesday- time 7:58, Thurs -time 8:35, Friday -time 7:54 (double wod Thurs & Fri)
100 single rope jumps
50 sit ups
80 single rj
40 sit ups
60 single rj
30 sit ups
40 single rj
20 sit ups
20 single rj
10 sit ups
Wed -time 11:12
thrusters 65 lbs
dead hang pull ups -purple band
Thurs -time 19:30
800 m run
15 burpees
800m run
10 burpees
800 m run
5 burpees
12 min AMRAP
3 push press
6 clapping push ups
9 toes to bar
5 rounds plus a little more Rx
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The goal . . .
Tuesdays torture
Maybe the bigger plan was for both Mark and Brian to inflict pain upon me. Brian did have a sinister laugh as he wrote down my wod for the day. I, of course, felt compelled to let him know my feelings, in words not meant for children's ears, mid workout. Hopefully one day we can forgive each other and move on from this day. . .
3 rounds
800 m run
30 squats
30 push ups
time 27:00
This wod would have been fine if it had not come the day after the crippling 400 m of walking lunges. Brian would have been twirling his evil villain mustache today if he had one.
3 rounds
800 m run
30 squats
30 push ups
time 27:00
This wod would have been fine if it had not come the day after the crippling 400 m of walking lunges. Brian would have been twirling his evil villain mustache today if he had one.
Mondays with Lake
Sometimes you wonder why things happen. Is there a bigger plan that you are unaware of that factors into the equation. Is it fate? After my wod Monday with Mark & Lake, I find myself contemplating questions like this as I can hardly walk or sit for that matter. If I had to guess, the plan was not for Mark to try to kill me slowly with walking lunges, but possibly, just maybe to help get my #ss in shape. That had to be it because I don't think I have given Mark any reason to make me suffer in this pain. Suffer I will . . . Gosh I feel old!
400 m walking lunges
time unknown-little mix up with the stopwatches
I renamed this wod "The Crippler."
400 m walking lunges
time unknown-little mix up with the stopwatches
I renamed this wod "The Crippler."
Saturday, August 21, 2010
That dang hill!
Went to for a run on my usual course around sleepy hollow. Was a little warm already so, of course, I hated it. I should say that it was great until I reached the killer hill leading home. Between the heat and the incline, it got the best of me. Waiting for the cool fall days when I won't be melting so I can kick that hills little #ss! It will happen, I promise.
Friday, August 20, 2010
little modification . . .
400 m run
21 knees to elbows
400 m run
21 sit ups
400 m run
21 presses 33 lb bar
400 m run
21 push ups
Time 15:39
400 m run
21 knees to elbows
400 m run
21 sit ups
400 m run
21 presses 33 lb bar
400 m run
21 push ups
Time 15:39
Thursday, August 19, 2010
sit ups with a 400 m run after each round
Time 17:23 (I think)
sit ups with a 400 m run after each round
Time 17:23 (I think)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
5 rounds
row 1000
rest 1 min
Got through first 1000 and was in mid second 1000 when the stinky back decided to be evil. Switched to running. Ran 400 m to finish up that round then did two more 800m. Not sure on time. Really wanted my music while running. It is sorta like an addiction. I run to listen to music. Whatever works!
row 1000
rest 1 min
Got through first 1000 and was in mid second 1000 when the stinky back decided to be evil. Switched to running. Ran 400 m to finish up that round then did two more 800m. Not sure on time. Really wanted my music while running. It is sorta like an addiction. I run to listen to music. Whatever works!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Double or Nothing
Another nice day for some running. Ran to the studio in the morning, which is about a 5k. Made a fairy from wet clay, loaded the kiln, and ran another 5k back home. Heart attack hill was brutal and I succumbed to its viciousness in the end. But really, what is walking an eighth of a mile up a super steep hill anyhow. Running ,yes, better for the heart, but maybe not in the mid-day sun. Waiting patiently for those fall leaves to fall . . .
Saturday, August 14, 2010
It was a beautiful overcast, not too hot, and a little windy day for a run. Went about two and a half miles up, down, and around sleepy hollow. Not sure on time, but was about 5 songs. Very nice.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Keeping it "safe" with body weight wods and some cardio of my own making.
3 rnds
400 m run
20 push ups
15 sit ups
10 back ext.
500 m row
time 23:32
3 rnds
400 m run
20 push ups
15 sit ups
10 back ext.
500 m row
time 23:32
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Run, Forest, Run!
Had to make up my own personal injury friendly wod. Keeping it easy on the weights since they seem to give my the most trouble. This truly breaks my heart since they are my favorite.
4 rounds
400 m run
25 push ups
25 sit ups
25 back ext
This felt pretty good. Cross my fingers.
4 rounds
400 m run
25 push ups
25 sit ups
25 back ext
This felt pretty good. Cross my fingers.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Mondays with Mark and Lake! It has been a long summer without the dynamic duo and it was great to have them back. Mark had me warm up lots since my hip was feeling thirty years older than me.
400 m run
21 kettle bell 26 lb.
12 pull ups
Made it through 1.5 rounds when the kettle bells bit back. Tried to finish with the last 400 m and even that fell flat. Escaped to my chiro for some paint relief. She is thinking that I sprained my Si joint and may need physical therapy. Not sounding good at all. The sky is getting cloudy and I am searching for the sun. Where the hell is the sun?
400 m run
21 kettle bell 26 lb.
12 pull ups
Made it through 1.5 rounds when the kettle bells bit back. Tried to finish with the last 400 m and even that fell flat. Escaped to my chiro for some paint relief. She is thinking that I sprained my Si joint and may need physical therapy. Not sounding good at all. The sky is getting cloudy and I am searching for the sun. Where the hell is the sun?
Thurs. August 5, 2010
In addition to being super busy right now, I must be getting old as well, as I seem to not be able to recall my wod from last week. I know that it involved some running and other jazz. I completed it with minor modifications due to si issues. It's a pretty sad excuse, but all too real. Summer is just way too crazy for me at the studio and the brain is the first, well after my si joint, second thing to go. Silly as it sounds, I think that my time was 19:48. Yes, please give me lots of grief for this. I do remember attempting a nice 10 am run Saturday morning with my two oldes boys of their bikes. It was hot. The end.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day two
400 m run
30 box jumps (20")
30 dumbell squat cleans
90 skips jump rope
60 suats
30 push ups
30 sit ups
100 ft. walking lunges
Time 15:47
I did not finish the squat cleans. Started with 20 lb. d.bells, went to 15 lbs, then went to jerks and it still felt wrong with my back. So B said to just carry on without them. This having to move in baby steps is for the birds. But, as long as I am back at Crossfit and can eventually start doing my heavy lifting again, I will keep bringing those birdies my breadcrumbs. Religious stretching afterwards is now my middle name. Hi, my name is Melanie Religious Stretcher Malsam and I like to paint pottery and take long walks on the beach. B has this long cylinder syrofoam like roller that is pretty groovy to loosen up tight back muscles and I will for sure be visiting my savior chiropractor to buy my own very soon. So far, day two feels pretty good:-)
30 box jumps (20")
30 dumbell squat cleans
90 skips jump rope
60 suats
30 push ups
30 sit ups
100 ft. walking lunges
Time 15:47
I did not finish the squat cleans. Started with 20 lb. d.bells, went to 15 lbs, then went to jerks and it still felt wrong with my back. So B said to just carry on without them. This having to move in baby steps is for the birds. But, as long as I am back at Crossfit and can eventually start doing my heavy lifting again, I will keep bringing those birdies my breadcrumbs. Religious stretching afterwards is now my middle name. Hi, my name is Melanie Religious Stretcher Malsam and I like to paint pottery and take long walks on the beach. B has this long cylinder syrofoam like roller that is pretty groovy to loosen up tight back muscles and I will for sure be visiting my savior chiropractor to buy my own very soon. So far, day two feels pretty good:-)
Back in the Saddle Again . . .
Monday, August 2, 2010
What do you get with two weeks of no exercise, three massages, and five chiropractor visits? About two pounds! :-) I'm crossing my fingers that my back issue are starting to resolve and life can get back to normal. Went in Monday and did my first wod. The running felt horrible, like I had lead in my shoes. I was uber cautious with my back and the stinker still decided to be a little b#!ch! A little ibuprofen, ice, bengay, and my tempurpedic mattress later, I felt ok. LOL. If this is what it feels like to get old, I am moving to Neverland with Peter and the Lost Boys.
4 rounds
400m run
10 back squats (i went really lite at 33lb bar)
20 situps
20 back extensions
Time 18:42
What do you get with two weeks of no exercise, three massages, and five chiropractor visits? About two pounds! :-) I'm crossing my fingers that my back issue are starting to resolve and life can get back to normal. Went in Monday and did my first wod. The running felt horrible, like I had lead in my shoes. I was uber cautious with my back and the stinker still decided to be a little b#!ch! A little ibuprofen, ice, bengay, and my tempurpedic mattress later, I felt ok. LOL. If this is what it feels like to get old, I am moving to Neverland with Peter and the Lost Boys.
4 rounds
400m run
10 back squats (i went really lite at 33lb bar)
20 situps
20 back extensions
Time 18:42
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
6 rounds
250 m r0w
20 deadlifts 65 lbs
15 back extensions
10 squats
time 23:08
Back tweaked on the first round, but I kept on going and the going was very slow. It was pretty apparent once I was done that my back was at its worst and it was time to go to the Dr. My Rx for the rest of this week involves the following: painkillers, muscle relaxers, going to see the massage therapist and chiropractor. Pretty much sucky all around. Oh, and I am supposed to not exercise for one to two weeks. I am hoping to open my eyes and realize that this was all a very bad dream. Pretty please with sugar on top.
250 m r0w
20 deadlifts 65 lbs
15 back extensions
10 squats
time 23:08
Back tweaked on the first round, but I kept on going and the going was very slow. It was pretty apparent once I was done that my back was at its worst and it was time to go to the Dr. My Rx for the rest of this week involves the following: painkillers, muscle relaxers, going to see the massage therapist and chiropractor. Pretty much sucky all around. Oh, and I am supposed to not exercise for one to two weeks. I am hoping to open my eyes and realize that this was all a very bad dream. Pretty please with sugar on top.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
800 m run
20 pushups
800m run
15 push ups
800 m run
10 pushups
800 m run
5 pushups
time 22:53
Have learned my lesson about running at noon in the middle of july. Can you say heat stroke!
20 pushups
800m run
15 push ups
800 m run
10 pushups
800 m run
5 pushups
time 22:53
Have learned my lesson about running at noon in the middle of july. Can you say heat stroke!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Wednesday, July 13th, 2010
Here we go, back from a long weekend of lots of fun relaxation! Would have loved to have stayed longer . . . oh, well, next time. Was able to make it through the entire workout, so hopefully things are on the up with my back.
15 minute amrap
5 pullups
10 box jumps 20"
15 situps
completed 8 rounds and just missed
the 9th by 1 sit up
15 minute amrap
5 pullups
10 box jumps 20"
15 situps
completed 8 rounds and just missed
the 9th by 1 sit up
Thursday, July 8, 2010
LaLanne Fitness - Powered by CrossFit "Walking Lunge"
100 ft walking lunges
21 situps/ 21 pullups
100 ft w l
18 s u /18 p u
100 ft w l
15 s u/ 15 p u
100 ft w l
12 s u/ 12 p u
100 ft w l
9 s u/ 9 p u
100 ft w l
6 su/ 6 p u
Back is still freaky. The walking lunges felt fine. Love the soreness after then. It's like instant butt tightening. Got up t the 12's and realized that I completely forgot to do any situps, so had to do a little catch up of those. Yep, little brain fart. Started kipping and again had to stop and go to a jumping pull up (yuck and double yuck!). Having a girls weekend starting tomorrow, so will be doing my own version of a wod with supplies on hand. Tying to stay sane with my back "limitations." It's not easy and makes me very crabby. Please send good thoughts my way:-)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Applied Kinesilogy
Went to see Alicia this morning for an applied kinesiology chiropractic visit. It was crazy good how it worked. She would ask me to apply force against her hand using various appendages. If she could push back, then she would adjust me and try again with radically different results as I resisted her push. I am hoping that this can help me solve the back spasm problem and soon. It's finally summer and I want to stay active. Will be calling her next week to check in for a possible second visit. Very interesting!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
5 rounds
400 m run
21 kettlebell swings
12 pullups
Finished all five rounds, but not anywhere close to how they are supposed to be. Went from a 35 lb to 26 lb kettlebell during round two and had to completely give it up mid round three. The kipping pullups had to be reduced to jumping pullups (yuck!) also due to my back. Ended up doing 33 jpu and running the 400's for the last two rounds. Thank goodness that I am going to a new chiropractor who also practices kinesiology tomorrow morning. Praying to have relief and live a normal life again! Sounds like Sara came in and worked out again and did great!
400 m run
21 kettlebell swings
12 pullups
Finished all five rounds, but not anywhere close to how they are supposed to be. Went from a 35 lb to 26 lb kettlebell during round two and had to completely give it up mid round three. The kipping pullups had to be reduced to jumping pullups (yuck!) also due to my back. Ended up doing 33 jpu and running the 400's for the last two rounds. Thank goodness that I am going to a new chiropractor who also practices kinesiology tomorrow morning. Praying to have relief and live a normal life again! Sounds like Sara came in and worked out again and did great!
Monday, July 5, 2010
4 rounds
200 m run
21 kettlebell swings
21 knees to elbows
Was able to finish two rounds before my back started wiggin on me again. Super frustrating! On the positive note, my best friend came with to Crossfit today to check it out. Not sure if she'll join, but I hope so:-)
200 m run
21 kettlebell swings
21 knees to elbows
Was able to finish two rounds before my back started wiggin on me again. Super frustrating! On the positive note, my best friend came with to Crossfit today to check it out. Not sure if she'll join, but I hope so:-)
Saturday, July 3rd, 2010
Lessons learned . . .
Lesson #1: Went for a great 6 mile run with a group from Crossfit at 7:30 a.m. starting at the beginning of Washington street and going to the end of it. Felt great during the run and horrible after the run. Need to do more research, but it sounds like sometimes runners get stomach cramping after running. The blood gets diverted to other organs while running and when it returns once they are finished, it causes cramping, etc. It was not a pleasant day and a half to say the very least.
Lesson #2: Never leave your husband unattended while running. Upon returning from my run, I was surprised to see two of my three boys with newly shaven mohawks. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but my husband thrives on surprising me this way. Kithe is sporting a long rocker mohawk that borders on a 90's skater 'do and Garver has the low profile mow. Very MMA fighter style. Strausser opted to grow his hair out for now . . .
Lesson #1: Went for a great 6 mile run with a group from Crossfit at 7:30 a.m. starting at the beginning of Washington street and going to the end of it. Felt great during the run and horrible after the run. Need to do more research, but it sounds like sometimes runners get stomach cramping after running. The blood gets diverted to other organs while running and when it returns once they are finished, it causes cramping, etc. It was not a pleasant day and a half to say the very least.
Lesson #2: Never leave your husband unattended while running. Upon returning from my run, I was surprised to see two of my three boys with newly shaven mohawks. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but my husband thrives on surprising me this way. Kithe is sporting a long rocker mohawk that borders on a 90's skater 'do and Garver has the low profile mow. Very MMA fighter style. Strausser opted to grow his hair out for now . . .
Thursday, July 1, 2010
10 rnds of:
10 pullups
10 ring dips
10 situps
10 squats
Made it through 5 rounds before my back really started to freak. Time 9:23. Stretched some and tried to relax my back. This is truly testing my patience level. Going to run Saturday morning and see how it goes.
10 pullups
10 ring dips
10 situps
10 squats
Made it through 5 rounds before my back really started to freak. Time 9:23. Stretched some and tried to relax my back. This is truly testing my patience level. Going to run Saturday morning and see how it goes.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Brian was nice enough to make up a groovy workout for me that shouldn't tweak my back muscles. It worked for awhile, then the squats got me. I worked a little more and by the time I got to my knees to elbows, it was apparent that I needed to stop. If I knew how to spell it, I would type the German swear word that my Grandpa always says. Please take a moment to use your imagination. The flow of the wod was great and I will try it again after my back starts to cooperate. It worked really well to go straight from the dead hang p/u to the kipping.
12 min amrap
1 dead hang pullup
3 kipping pullups
5 knees to elbows
10 squats
made it 4 3/4 rounds before I had to quit
On another note, we had another beautiful family bike ride/walk last night. Went about 2.5 miles up and down the hills by our house. Our youngest son pooped out this time, but still did pretty well.
12 min amrap
1 dead hang pullup
3 kipping pullups
5 knees to elbows
10 squats
made it 4 3/4 rounds before I had to quit
On another note, we had another beautiful family bike ride/walk last night. Went about 2.5 miles up and down the hills by our house. Our youngest son pooped out this time, but still did pretty well.
Monday, June 28, 2010
SO FRUSTRATED!!!!!! Started to warm up this morning with a little rowing while talking to Brian. All it took was two seconds of me losing my form for my back to freak out again! Ok, Ok, stretch and try again. Yeah, nothing really felt right. Even the running felt wrong and tight. I was able to do a few light dumbell thrusters, a few dead hang pullups, and that was about it. Tomorrow is another day. If I repeat this enough it may sink in or maybe I need to visualize my muscles loosening? Kudos to my hubby, who hearing the sadness in my text, suggested a family walk tonight:-) It is truly crazy to me how much I miss being active in the few days that I have not been able to work out.
Friday, June 25th, 2010
Massage day! My stress over this massage has waned a little now that my back feels way worse. All in all, it was very relaxing. My muscles were really knotted and super tight and it felt like she was playing my hamstring like a guitar as she kneaded the area. The pain was very manageable during the massage. I drank my water like a good girl and was not sore the next morning. It did, however, feel like my lower back was one big bruise. Very tender to the touch. A rest is needed over the weekend. No running or lifting, just a nice long walk on Sunday.
Thurs. June 24th, 2010
I truly believe that fate interjects as to teach patience when you are striving for a goal. That just plain sucks! Started out a wod with knees to elbows, burpees, and something else. Got into like my seventh burpee and my back spasmed. Continued with the movement and it did it again. Really? I putzed around stretching and trying other things, but the damage was done, so to speak, and nothing felt right. Hopefully my massage will help.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
10 power cleans, 200 m run
9 power cleans, 200 m run
8 power cleans, 200 m run
7 power cleans, 200 m run
6 power cleans, 200 m run
5 power cleans, 200m run
4 power cleans, 200 m run
3 power cleans, 200 m run
2 power cleans, 200 m run
1 power clean, 200 m run
time 24:37 75 lbs
Started off with a completely different wod, but it wasn't jiving with my quads, so we changed tactics to moderate torture with the hot sun. Yuck is all I can say to that! Ended up stripping off my tanktop and running in my sports bra and capris. Interestingly enough, there were a few drive by honkers. One was my Grandma and the other was my landlord I think? LOL
9 power cleans, 200 m run
8 power cleans, 200 m run
7 power cleans, 200 m run
6 power cleans, 200 m run
5 power cleans, 200m run
4 power cleans, 200 m run
3 power cleans, 200 m run
2 power cleans, 200 m run
1 power clean, 200 m run
time 24:37 75 lbs
Started off with a completely different wod, but it wasn't jiving with my quads, so we changed tactics to moderate torture with the hot sun. Yuck is all I can say to that! Ended up stripping off my tanktop and running in my sports bra and capris. Interestingly enough, there were a few drive by honkers. One was my Grandma and the other was my landlord I think? LOL
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Hangover . . .
21 -15 -9
box jumps 20"
time 7:27
My time should have been better, but wasn't for various factors. Next time . . .
I did, however, rattle off 15 kipping pullups in a row before I had to take a breather.
Thanks Mark for the tough love.
box jumps 20"
time 7:27
My time should have been better, but wasn't for various factors. Next time . . .
I did, however, rattle off 15 kipping pullups in a row before I had to take a breather.
Thanks Mark for the tough love.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Beautiful morning!
Met a few friends and ran a 5k bright and early this morning down by the river on the trails. Very peaceful. I really never run on trails though and there is a little confession that I need to make . . . I am a wrong side of the road runner, aka a leftie. Now you know. Given the opportunity to drive on the interstate, I always drive on the left side as well. Not sure why, it just feels normal. A biker this morning gave me a dirty look for being on his side. To him, I apologize. You came up around the corner quickly and I didn't see you in enough time to move my butt over. Alas, I feel that living in England would be wonderful for driving on the left side of the road. I will have to Google my condition and look for treatment options :-)
Friday, June 18, 2010
1000 m row
50 thrusters 33 lb
30 pullups
12:05 (sub 35 kettlebell for thrusters due to muscle pull)
bench presses
week 4 warmup, then
week 1
5 @ 65
5 @ 70
max @ 80-did 7
My pullups felt wrong. Couldn't relax and flex fully with my lower back. Opted out of knees to elbows and instead did 50 pushups. Tried locking my one ankle over the other while doing pushups. It took some of the pressure off of my right side:-)
50 thrusters 33 lb
30 pullups
12:05 (sub 35 kettlebell for thrusters due to muscle pull)
bench presses
week 4 warmup, then
week 1
5 @ 65
5 @ 70
max @ 80-did 7
My pullups felt wrong. Couldn't relax and flex fully with my lower back. Opted out of knees to elbows and instead did 50 pushups. Tried locking my one ankle over the other while doing pushups. It took some of the pressure off of my right side:-)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
1000 m row
then 5 rounds of
5 deadlifts 185
10 burpees
then 500 m row
Got through the first row and was on my third set of burpees when I pulled a muscle in my right inner thigh. My lower back muscles are really tight on my left side and I was possibly favoring it? Spoke to B and he suggested a deep muscle massage to relax the muscles and clear toxins. To some this may sound wonderful, but to me it sounds scary. I'll give massages, but getting them isn't as fun. For the sake of open mindedness, I will try.
then 5 rounds of
5 deadlifts 185
10 burpees
then 500 m row
Got through the first row and was on my third set of burpees when I pulled a muscle in my right inner thigh. My lower back muscles are really tight on my left side and I was possibly favoring it? Spoke to B and he suggested a deep muscle massage to relax the muscles and clear toxins. To some this may sound wonderful, but to me it sounds scary. I'll give massages, but getting them isn't as fun. For the sake of open mindedness, I will try.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Love this shirt!
12 min amrap
5 pushups
10 box jumps 20"
15 squats
1 deadlift @ 80% of 1 rep max
completed 7 rounds on the nose with a 150 lb deadlift
Shoulder presses
warmup of 3 sets of 45 lbs
week 2
5@ 50
5@ 58
max at 65- did 6
Skipped the wipers today. My lower back did not really like them and will do them again, but later in the week.
knees to elbows
7 rounds of 5 reps
Sunday, June 13, 2010
My morning run turned into a run walk and then a sprint walk. Right off the bat, I got a nice persistent side ache. Totally my fault. Beer and running the next day, do not always mix well. The run walk combo works well for these type of situations. Still working on the natural running bit. It has definitely paid off with the sprints. Pretty sure that I have not truly sprinted since I was in high school. My quads and hamstrings were begging for mercy by the time I arrived back home. On a better note, Strausser was a perfect companion. I ran, he rode his bike. Just as I was complementing him on how well he did, I got the first whine of the day, "Mom, I'm tired." Thankfully, we were only two blocks from home.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Toes to bar
Deadlifts felt great!
Shoulder Press
wk 4 modified warmup, then
wk 1
5 @ 55
5 @ 65
max reps @ 70 -did 5
Messed up my press weight amounts when switching bars and ended up pressing heavier than required. Hence, less max reps. Oops!
Tried the wipers move with 95 lb on the bar. FYI, put a mat under your hips, it is much nicer. I will be incorporating this move into my daily cycle. Between this and the knees to elbows, my abs should be crying:-)
Did 6 sets of 5 knees to elbows and then gave toes to bar a try. They also felt great!
Food for thought:
Also . . .
Deadlifts felt great!
Shoulder Press
wk 4 modified warmup, then
wk 1
5 @ 55
5 @ 65
max reps @ 70 -did 5
Messed up my press weight amounts when switching bars and ended up pressing heavier than required. Hence, less max reps. Oops!
Tried the wipers move with 95 lb on the bar. FYI, put a mat under your hips, it is much nicer. I will be incorporating this move into my daily cycle. Between this and the knees to elbows, my abs should be crying:-)
Did 6 sets of 5 knees to elbows and then gave toes to bar a try. They also felt great!
Food for thought:
Also . . .
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
800 m run
15, 20 box jumps
25 abmat situps
600 m
15 box jumps
25 situps
400 m
15 box jumps
25 situps
Time 16:33
Rx would have been 1000, 750, 500 m row, and GH situps. There were four of us and three rowers, so I opted to run. Still not 100% on GH situps with my hip. It's so hit or miss and I'd rather error on the cautious side.
week 4 warmup, then
week 2
3 @ 117
3 @ 133
Max @ 150-did 8
Rounded off day with 6 sets of 5 knees to elbows. Really sorta like the day after sore upper ab feeling from these. Decided that after one month of heavy after the wod, I will do crossfit total and see if my #'s have improved. Need to add shoulder presses into heavy lifting routine.
15, 20 box jumps
25 abmat situps
600 m
15 box jumps
25 situps
400 m
15 box jumps
25 situps
Time 16:33
Rx would have been 1000, 750, 500 m row, and GH situps. There were four of us and three rowers, so I opted to run. Still not 100% on GH situps with my hip. It's so hit or miss and I'd rather error on the cautious side.
week 4 warmup, then
week 2
3 @ 117
3 @ 133
Max @ 150-did 8
Rounded off day with 6 sets of 5 knees to elbows. Really sorta like the day after sore upper ab feeling from these. Decided that after one month of heavy after the wod, I will do crossfit total and see if my #'s have improved. Need to add shoulder presses into heavy lifting routine.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
!*#! Power Cleans!
12 min amrap
9 deadlifts
6 hang power cleans
3 front squats
completed 7 rounds @ 75 lbs
Power cleans are officially my arch nemesis. I struggle with the timing and they do not flow like they should. Very frustrating and unfortunately, there was plenty of foul language. Sorry Mom. On the plus side, I am recouping faster and feel great after my wod and heavy lifts. Brian showed me a secret to kill my c-section area today. They are called windshield wipers. Did not try today, but will this week. Working on posting a sweet video from my boys. Just need to get my phone to cooperate.
week 4 warmup, then
week 1
5 @ 117
5 @ 135
Max @ 153- did 10
9 deadlifts
6 hang power cleans
3 front squats
completed 7 rounds @ 75 lbs
Power cleans are officially my arch nemesis. I struggle with the timing and they do not flow like they should. Very frustrating and unfortunately, there was plenty of foul language. Sorry Mom. On the plus side, I am recouping faster and feel great after my wod and heavy lifts. Brian showed me a secret to kill my c-section area today. They are called windshield wipers. Did not try today, but will this week. Working on posting a sweet video from my boys. Just need to get my phone to cooperate.
week 4 warmup, then
week 1
5 @ 117
5 @ 135
Max @ 153- did 10
Monday, June 7, 2010
Finally did it!
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
Had a pretty crappy morning. Mark and Lake were rays of sunshine and I felt much better after the workout. Got to #50 in the kipping pullups and was not sure my hands could go any further. The callouses were screaming. Mark gave me a pardon to do a half angie. If it was possible to break down in section with all four exercises, I could have tackled a full angie. Oh well. My half angie time was 12:52 Rx. Funny, my associate named Angie is actullay enjoying a beautiful vacation in Florida. Wish I was there as well.
Overhead squats
week 4 warmup, then
week 2
3 @ 65
3 @ 72
Max @ 81-did 9
Felt good, so did 5 sets of 5 knees to elbows. Ripped open a callous on my left hand on last rep. This was my first rip, but most likely not my last. Should've known better. Thanks for the super glue B.
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
Had a pretty crappy morning. Mark and Lake were rays of sunshine and I felt much better after the workout. Got to #50 in the kipping pullups and was not sure my hands could go any further. The callouses were screaming. Mark gave me a pardon to do a half angie. If it was possible to break down in section with all four exercises, I could have tackled a full angie. Oh well. My half angie time was 12:52 Rx. Funny, my associate named Angie is actullay enjoying a beautiful vacation in Florida. Wish I was there as well.
Overhead squats
week 4 warmup, then
week 2
3 @ 65
3 @ 72
Max @ 81-did 9
Felt good, so did 5 sets of 5 knees to elbows. Ripped open a callous on my left hand on last rep. This was my first rip, but most likely not my last. Should've known better. Thanks for the super glue B.
Friday, June 4th
800 m
600 m
400 m
Time 18:15
Banded on the hand stand push ups. Still not getting full enough depth without bands. I really like doing these, I do, but they make me so dang dizzy. No blonde jokes please! Crazy busy day with lots of stuff to get done. No time for "playing" any longer.
Overhead Squats
Week 4 warm up, then
week 1
5 @ 60
5 @ 68
max at 77 -did 15
600 m
400 m
Time 18:15
Banded on the hand stand push ups. Still not getting full enough depth without bands. I really like doing these, I do, but they make me so dang dizzy. No blonde jokes please! Crazy busy day with lots of stuff to get done. No time for "playing" any longer.
Overhead Squats
Week 4 warm up, then
week 1
5 @ 60
5 @ 68
max at 77 -did 15
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Dang backsquat!
25 burpees, then
5 rounds of
15 reps shoulder to overhead (45 lb bar)
100 yrd farmer walk (carrying 2-26 lb kettlebells), then
25 burpees
500 m row
400 m run
Time 21.54
Chilled for about 15 minutes then did backquats
week 4 warmup
week 2 (3 @ 115, 3 @ 135, 3 @ 150)
went on singles 165, 175, failed at 185
Thank goodness Brian was spooting me. Got down to full depth, kept my hips back, but my shoulders went forward. The bar rolled up on my neck a little before we got my upright again. Pretty sure there may be some unique bruising. It feels funky. Need to get weightlifting shoes. Barefoot is better that my workout shoes, but I like to lift and supposedly, they make a world of difference. Want to hit new BS PR in June of 195. It is attainable.
5 rounds of
15 reps shoulder to overhead (45 lb bar)
100 yrd farmer walk (carrying 2-26 lb kettlebells), then
25 burpees
500 m row
400 m run
Time 21.54
Chilled for about 15 minutes then did backquats
week 4 warmup
week 2 (3 @ 115, 3 @ 135, 3 @ 150)
went on singles 165, 175, failed at 185
Thank goodness Brian was spooting me. Got down to full depth, kept my hips back, but my shoulders went forward. The bar rolled up on my neck a little before we got my upright again. Pretty sure there may be some unique bruising. It feels funky. Need to get weightlifting shoes. Barefoot is better that my workout shoes, but I like to lift and supposedly, they make a world of difference. Want to hit new BS PR in June of 195. It is attainable.
One of those days! Monday, May 31, 2010
I felt really good going into Crossfit. Got started on this crazy 7 round workout that had like 7 different exercises, and just was not feeling the love at all. Felt very weak. Did not finish and attributed it to a huge lack of water over the past couple of days. Not a good start to the day.
Later that evening, after lots of water, I decided to do a quick mile around by where we live. Unofficially, it was my fastest mile ever-about 7:30. I say unofficially because I used a very unorthodox method of calculating my time. Regardless, I finished up with one burpee for every minute I ran. From this I devised a three mile challenge. Run one mile, do one burpee for every minute you ran. Repeat three times. Will have to try this soon.
Later that evening, after lots of water, I decided to do a quick mile around by where we live. Unofficially, it was my fastest mile ever-about 7:30. I say unofficially because I used a very unorthodox method of calculating my time. Regardless, I finished up with one burpee for every minute I ran. From this I devised a three mile challenge. Run one mile, do one burpee for every minute you ran. Repeat three times. Will have to try this soon.
Busy weekend! Sat. May 29, 2010
So, here's the story. . . as a Mom, it would be ideal if my boys and I could go running together. Nice healthy bonding. We set out Saturday morining for a little one mile jaunt anound where we live (big hills). My six year old rode his bike and did wonderful. My eight year old tried to run with me. Being eight, it was hard for him to want to listen to Mom about pacing himself, and of course he sprinted and then fizzled repeatedly. By halfway, we had a huge case of the whines complete with side ache and leg pain. I found it really hard to relate to him that exercise usually is painful, but you grow stronger and the pain goes away fast. We ended up walking the rest of the way and will try again soon. Hopefully, my dream will come true and my boys will find a lifelong love of running.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010

7 power snatch 55 lb. Rx
7 knees to elbows
time 12:31
Put shoes on and ran 400 m carrying a 25 lb plate on my shoulders
The knees to elbows were my best yet:-) It amazes me how easily they came today when I remember not that long ago they were almost impossible. Toes to bar here we come! My form on the power snatch needs improving and is the one lifting position that tests me every time I do it. Running with the 25 lb plate was interesting. Started off with it on my shoulders then moved to my front side then back again. This maybe was not the best strategy as you will see from my picture. Brian said that was marking were my wings will grow. Funny boy! Post shower, it looks way worse.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Natural running . . .
Ran appox. 2.5 miles up and around the hills in the Sleepy Hollow area. This may be the only reason I will ever say that I miss Fargo-flat, flat, flat and way more flat areas to run. Forgot to look at the time I left, but it was about six Black Eyed Peas songs long.
Ok, so I have been eyeballing these new running shoes that everyone at Crossfit who has them raves about. They are Newton brand and they promote natural running. Natural running is how you would run if you were barefoot. You instinctively would run on the ball or midfoot area of your foot as to protect crashing down hard on your heel. The shoes sound great but are a little pricey, so I figured let's try this with my Asics. Well, we'll just say that it was a learning experience and my calf muscles thought that it was a bad idea for sure. Sure practice makes perfect, but I'll have to see if one of my Crossfit buddies can give me some tips. Here is the link to check out the shoes. The pink ones are adorable!
Ok, so I have been eyeballing these new running shoes that everyone at Crossfit who has them raves about. They are Newton brand and they promote natural running. Natural running is how you would run if you were barefoot. You instinctively would run on the ball or midfoot area of your foot as to protect crashing down hard on your heel. The shoes sound great but are a little pricey, so I figured let's try this with my Asics. Well, we'll just say that it was a learning experience and my calf muscles thought that it was a bad idea for sure. Sure practice makes perfect, but I'll have to see if one of my Crossfit buddies can give me some tips. Here is the link to check out the shoes. The pink ones are adorable!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Who's that girl. . .
A year has come and gone in my Crossfit journey. Exercise had always been a "why would you torture yourself that way," question for me. I never enjoyed it. Then my husband lost an amazing 100 lbs and it became my time to get healthy (and try to look as good as he did). Crossfit was a natural choice for my new endeavor as it was located right beside my business and the owner had been trying to recruit me for a year. At first it just plain sucked! It was very hard and I was super slow. Then I would get a burst of energy and craved more. This was the up down normal and it fluctuated depending on how busy I was at work and with the kids. Running was the devil and small children could not be in the room with me when I was forced to do it (unless they wanted an advanced vocabulary). That changed as well. Just did my first 10k last week. Loved it and will be running the Krolls half marathon this fall. Hands down favorite thing to do is heavy weightlifting. Back squats and overhead squats rock! The workouts or WODs vary every day and keep exercising fresh. My times have improved and I pride my self on trying to RX (as prescribed) what I can. Eventually "girl" pushups were not an option and as soon as I learned to kip, the pullup bands were history. Yes, it will take me longer, but I am at peace with that. I can honestly say that in that year I only missed workouts if I was out of town or sick. Skipping was never an option for me. You either give the commitment or you don't. Crossfit is amazing and a part of my life now. That will not change. I have changed for the better and am proud to get my now rounder butt out of bed every day to stay healthy and strong. My new journey starts today. Documenting my daily WODs and various exercising to help me hit my goals. Doing more to gain more. As my best friend put it, "I want to be a hot mama."
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