Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another manic monday . . . Wish it were Sunday . . . Cause that's my funday

Usually Mondays are my friends.  They don't torment me like they do Garfield, but when you start off your Monday with you oldest son fracturing his arm . . . Thank goodness that youngings bones are flexy and it is considered a green stick or buckle fracture.  Should be a quick healing process, complete with a cast going on this Thursday.  Too bad though that our plans for swimming pool and waterpark might have to be postponed.

Mondays Wod
one round for time:
10 handstand pushups
20 wall balls 20#/14#
30 toes to bar
40 power cleans 135#/75#
50 burpees
60 sumo deadlift high pull with kettlebell 70#/44#

Time  33:28 banded hspu rest rx (massive sinus infection)  All of the movements were great and the vice was my needing breath/stamina.

Had derby practice for three hours last night.  Did off skate workout first, so lots of variations of squats, tip-toe stuff, etc.  Skated in new temporary site which, unfortunately, is more square then rectangular, so the constant left turns cramped up my back the entire night.  Yuck!  Thinking that a chiropractor visit followed by a deep massage would be wonderful! 

Tues WOD

box jumps 24"/20"
double unders
abmat situps

time 17:30 Rx

My time would have rocked if i had a double under.  I did not sub, but practiced them for this wod and yes, they sucked!  Followed up with some overhead squats.

overhead squats
75-85-95-105-110-115#  New pr for me (big smile!)

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