Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Hello again!
Well, I am as back as much as I can be back. Dang recovery time frames. Tomorrow will be two weeks since the surgery and, from what I have heard, I can start a little cardio after three weeks. Sad news is no lifting until after six weeks. What to do? I am thinking lots of stretching and maybe dabble a little in some yoga in the meantime. Granted, it may help if I knew any yoga. So, let's scratch that and put in its place, mobility stretches. Those I know. It felt so good to be back at Crossfit. It looks like I will be wearing my coaching hat a little more in the meantime. We had new family pics taken before my surgery and this one is priceless! Glasser Images did a great job!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
A good girl gone bad!
It's been a heck of a week and nothing really went as planned. Surgery itself was 4 hours. They fixed my deviated septum, a balloon sinusplasty, reduced turbinates, and an open rhinoplasty. They removed cartilage from the back of my ear and used it to widen my narrow nasal bridge, hoping to improve breathing. AKA, lots of surgery. I was in the post-op recovery room for another 6 hours puking up copious amounts of blood and in wicked pain. They finally decided that they would have to admit me to the hospital overnight. More nausea and pain, with little to no sleep. BTW, it's really disgusting to have blood flowing out of your nose while vomiting. Can totally say that Crossfit helped me during my hospital stay. Imagine not being able to see (no glasses or contacts), your head throbbing horrendously anytime you lean forward, and needing to pee. Thanks to the CF gods for all of the squats-they made my life a little easier! Not sure about anyone else, but I was immediately bruised after the surgery. Took lots of pics. Very interesting to see how the color changed even hour by hour. The pics don't do the colors justice.
Day 1 after surgery, my best friend babysat me at her house. Was sent home with different pain pills than what was working at hospital. Called in to Dr. for pain control. Answer was take ibuprofen in between pain meds. Didn't really help. Still felt very tired from anesthesia. Day 2, my Grandma babysat me at her house. Spent most of the day with a bag of frozen green peas over my eyes. Pain worsened. Noticed on tip of nose some white funkiness. Oozed out yuck and blood when touched. Went to ER that eve. They gave me a huge shot of stronger pain meds and sent me home with pill prescription for same. Pain finally under control! Day 3, went to walk-in clinic about skin crap. Given pill antibiotics and a topical antibiotic cream. Also took a culture of nose tip. Dr. said to call my surgery Dr. asap. "Don't want to cartilage to get infected." Really??? What next! Day 4, hung out in my bed all day. Going to Dr. right away in the morning. Wanting good news. Dr. mentioned that he wouldn't do anything surgically right away? Please do not say the word surgery to me! I know that they try to control pain meds as to control addiction, but I think that it sucked being sent home with pills that were not as effective, suffering with pain and then having to go back in to get pain managed. To me it seems pretty black and white. Control the pain and if, as a Dr., you think that your patient is abusing is, don't give them more. Sorry for the play by play, but I am a little miffed with how everything has played out and I guess I want to share my pain. I took some nice close ups that may look groovy in black & white.
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post op |
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day 2 ish |
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day 4- yuckiness on end of nose |
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at hospital |
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tomorrow's Surgery Day!
3 rnds
21 front squats 95#/65#
40 feet walking handstands
30 glute ham situps
40 feet walking handstands
Time 25:34 Rx
The handstands were a little challenging as mine are hit and miss for balancing/walking. They took a little extra time to do, but are definitely improving. New goal is to be able to do a one-handed free-standing handstand hopefully before July. Guess my recovery will determine if that goal is met or not. Wish me luck and get ready for some fun pictures!
21 front squats 95#/65#
40 feet walking handstands
30 glute ham situps
40 feet walking handstands
Time 25:34 Rx
The handstands were a little challenging as mine are hit and miss for balancing/walking. They took a little extra time to do, but are definitely improving. New goal is to be able to do a one-handed free-standing handstand hopefully before July. Guess my recovery will determine if that goal is met or not. Wish me luck and get ready for some fun pictures!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Evil Droid must have lived in the Amityville House
So, one of two posts from my Droid cellphone yesterday actually worked. The first one was about going to a 2.5 mile run up & down the hills by my house. My oldest son came with and rode his bike. It was so fun to see him flying down those big hills screaming "Wheeeee!"
Fash forward to Monday
Box jumps/heavy kettlebell swings/pushups
Time 16:22 24" box jump/53# kettlebell/rx pushups
Only one day left until the surgery and this wod totally made me wish that the surgery was a month ago. Throat was not loving any of this (well, maybe the pushups). Always wonder what my times would be if I didn't have to stop and gasp for breath pretty much each round. Tomorrow is last wod day for a while. Depending on time, there are two that look nice and interesting. Decided that I will be posting pre and post surgery pics. Sorta feel like sharing my nice bruising and bandages for you all to enjoy:-)
Fash forward to Monday
Box jumps/heavy kettlebell swings/pushups
Time 16:22 24" box jump/53# kettlebell/rx pushups
Only one day left until the surgery and this wod totally made me wish that the surgery was a month ago. Throat was not loving any of this (well, maybe the pushups). Always wonder what my times would be if I didn't have to stop and gasp for breath pretty much each round. Tomorrow is last wod day for a while. Depending on time, there are two that look nice and interesting. Decided that I will be posting pre and post surgery pics. Sorta feel like sharing my nice bruising and bandages for you all to enjoy:-)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
7 minutes in heaven
7 minutes in heaven
single skip rope jumps/abmat situps
time 7:49
single skip rope jumps/abmat situps
time 7:49
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Power cleans
push press
45-55-60-56-70-75-80-85-90-100-105- missed at 110#
power cleans
65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100-105-110 missed at 115#
Really starting to like power cleans. Guess that happens as you get better at something. Words of wisdom. Avoid a bar with center knurling unless you like a red throat. My bad!
Starting to unleash my inner cheerleader/Jillian. It helps me when my ass is dragging or my form sucks to hear feedback good or bad. I would much rather have someone get in my face than to have shitty form and not know. Seems like my fellow Crossfitters may feel the same way.
My wods are numbered. Surgery is less than a week away. If you can't tell, not being able to workout is stressing me out. B tried to reel me back in today. Get the surgery done, recover and then exercise. For so many years, exercise was not a part of my life at all and now it plays a major role in my life. Big change. My two year Crossfit anniversary is coming up later this month! Somewhat hoping that I feel so miserable that I will be adverse to exercising until I am recovered enough to do so. Is that normal to hope to feel like shit? Just until I get the clear by my Dr. to go kick some CF butt! Pretty sure that I drank the Koolaid.
45-55-60-56-70-75-80-85-90-100-105- missed at 110#
power cleans
65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100-105-110 missed at 115#
Really starting to like power cleans. Guess that happens as you get better at something. Words of wisdom. Avoid a bar with center knurling unless you like a red throat. My bad!
Starting to unleash my inner cheerleader/Jillian. It helps me when my ass is dragging or my form sucks to hear feedback good or bad. I would much rather have someone get in my face than to have shitty form and not know. Seems like my fellow Crossfitters may feel the same way.
My wods are numbered. Surgery is less than a week away. If you can't tell, not being able to workout is stressing me out. B tried to reel me back in today. Get the surgery done, recover and then exercise. For so many years, exercise was not a part of my life at all and now it plays a major role in my life. Big change. My two year Crossfit anniversary is coming up later this month! Somewhat hoping that I feel so miserable that I will be adverse to exercising until I am recovered enough to do so. Is that normal to hope to feel like shit? Just until I get the clear by my Dr. to go kick some CF butt! Pretty sure that I drank the Koolaid.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
5 rounds
5 overhead squats 135#/95#
10 toes to bar
15 dumbbell squat cleans 40#/35#
20 double unders
Time 18:30 for 3 rounds of 85# ohs, 30# db, and subbed 12" fast box jumps for double unders. The dumbbell squat cleans sucked. Wondering why the rx for ladies is only 5# less than mens? Went for my pre-op physical yesterday and had to get tetanus booster. Why they placed it at the top of my arm, lower shoulder, I don't know. It is nice and sore though. Not me in the pic, but thought it was cool.
5 overhead squats 135#/95#
10 toes to bar
15 dumbbell squat cleans 40#/35#
20 double unders
Time 18:30 for 3 rounds of 85# ohs, 30# db, and subbed 12" fast box jumps for double unders. The dumbbell squat cleans sucked. Wondering why the rx for ladies is only 5# less than mens? Went for my pre-op physical yesterday and had to get tetanus booster. Why they placed it at the top of my arm, lower shoulder, I don't know. It is nice and sore though. Not me in the pic, but thought it was cool.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
What would you change?
20 min amrap
5 chest to bar pullups
10 wall balls 20#/14#
15 kettlebell 53#/35#
Subbed kettlebell for handstand pushups. Not sure how smart of an idea that was. Did them unbanded with as much depth as I could do. Made 6 rounds plus the wall balls. Started off with parallette hspu, then had to switch to regular. Going for my pre-op physical this afternoon. Surgery is only 8 days away! Absolutely cannot wait to see how my improved breathing ability will affect my Crossfit life. Only can get better, right.
This brings me to a topic of discussion. What is quality of lifestyle worth? For the past year and a half, I have had major issues with acid reflux. So much that my voice is noticeably different and at times is so scratchy that I sound like a man or darth vader. This happens everytime that I work out. I am gasping for breath. Dr.s are going on a hunch that it is related to my sinuses not draining correctly (and numerous sinus infections) and therefore having four surgeries. Correcting my very messed up septum, a balloon sinusplasty to clear out sinues, reducing my turbinates and a rhinoplasty to widen my very narrow nose to improve breathing. The rhinoplasty is my nervous point. I am very excited to have the bump on my nose widdled down, but really do not know what I will look like with a wider nose. Some of my friends have asked is it worth it? What if I do this, end up not looking like myself anymore and it doesn't improve my breathing? Case in point, Jennifer Grey. Sure she had a good bump on her nose, but once she had rhinoplasty, she faded away. She lost her signature feature. Granted, I am not an actress and it won't affect my work, but will people still recognize me for me? Obviously, I have deemed that the benefits outweigh the negatives, but it makes you wonder. To be determined. Dr. said that I should know within a week of the surgery if it corrected the reflux problem. If not, then it's back to the drawing board. Tons of people have acid reflux, and mine is controlled somewhat by medicine, but constant acid in your throat has been proven to change the cells in that area and eventually cause cancer. Not a road that I want to go down. Plus my Crossfit addiction (if you want to call it that) is affected by this every day.
5 chest to bar pullups
10 wall balls 20#/14#
15 kettlebell 53#/35#
Subbed kettlebell for handstand pushups. Not sure how smart of an idea that was. Did them unbanded with as much depth as I could do. Made 6 rounds plus the wall balls. Started off with parallette hspu, then had to switch to regular. Going for my pre-op physical this afternoon. Surgery is only 8 days away! Absolutely cannot wait to see how my improved breathing ability will affect my Crossfit life. Only can get better, right.
This brings me to a topic of discussion. What is quality of lifestyle worth? For the past year and a half, I have had major issues with acid reflux. So much that my voice is noticeably different and at times is so scratchy that I sound like a man or darth vader. This happens everytime that I work out. I am gasping for breath. Dr.s are going on a hunch that it is related to my sinuses not draining correctly (and numerous sinus infections) and therefore having four surgeries. Correcting my very messed up septum, a balloon sinusplasty to clear out sinues, reducing my turbinates and a rhinoplasty to widen my very narrow nose to improve breathing. The rhinoplasty is my nervous point. I am very excited to have the bump on my nose widdled down, but really do not know what I will look like with a wider nose. Some of my friends have asked is it worth it? What if I do this, end up not looking like myself anymore and it doesn't improve my breathing? Case in point, Jennifer Grey. Sure she had a good bump on her nose, but once she had rhinoplasty, she faded away. She lost her signature feature. Granted, I am not an actress and it won't affect my work, but will people still recognize me for me? Obviously, I have deemed that the benefits outweigh the negatives, but it makes you wonder. To be determined. Dr. said that I should know within a week of the surgery if it corrected the reflux problem. If not, then it's back to the drawing board. Tons of people have acid reflux, and mine is controlled somewhat by medicine, but constant acid in your throat has been proven to change the cells in that area and eventually cause cancer. Not a road that I want to go down. Plus my Crossfit addiction (if you want to call it that) is affected by this every day.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Front squats
5-5-5-5-5 and a few singles
Did the front squats holding bar with a strap for the first time. Felt good except it rubbed nice chunks of skin off of my thumb knuckles. Overall, I find front squats evil. They consistently bruise my shoulder bones no matter the bar placement. Worked a little on glute-ham machine with full extended sit ups and back extensions, and of course some more handstands. Nailed the one-handed handstand on the parallette against the wall, even switching from one hand to the other.
In other news, had a great Mother's day! Boys played catch, went to the park, went to my sister's and had a great supper. Boys played some more. Very relaxing day-loved it!
5-5-5-5-5 and a few singles
Did the front squats holding bar with a strap for the first time. Felt good except it rubbed nice chunks of skin off of my thumb knuckles. Overall, I find front squats evil. They consistently bruise my shoulder bones no matter the bar placement. Worked a little on glute-ham machine with full extended sit ups and back extensions, and of course some more handstands. Nailed the one-handed handstand on the parallette against the wall, even switching from one hand to the other.
In other news, had a great Mother's day! Boys played catch, went to the park, went to my sister's and had a great supper. Boys played some more. Very relaxing day-loved it!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Back to back
box jumps 24"
power snatch 75#/53#
chest to bar pullups
time 19:00 Rx
Then a small group of us went on a 4 mile trail run. I had never ran the course before, got behind with some breathing issues and accidentally took a shortcut-oops! Will try the trail again, but not after a previous wod or an night of celebratory beverages. Eleven days left until my surgery. Nervous and excited, but wishing that I didn't have to take a break from exercising. Hoping that I can sneak in some light cardio after two weeks, but I know that I will have to wait the 6 weeks for lifting. Talk about torture! Here's a pic from our run. I may look pissy, but really was still not recovered and trying to breath.
box jumps 24"
power snatch 75#/53#
chest to bar pullups
time 19:00 Rx
Then a small group of us went on a 4 mile trail run. I had never ran the course before, got behind with some breathing issues and accidentally took a shortcut-oops! Will try the trail again, but not after a previous wod or an night of celebratory beverages. Eleven days left until my surgery. Nervous and excited, but wishing that I didn't have to take a break from exercising. Hoping that I can sneak in some light cardio after two weeks, but I know that I will have to wait the 6 weeks for lifting. Talk about torture! Here's a pic from our run. I may look pissy, but really was still not recovered and trying to breath.
Friday, May 6, 2011
In a Crossfit Lego galaxy, far, far away . . .
shoulder press
Worked on my handstands some more, including one-handed handstands against the wall. Was able to pull off a one-handed handstand on the parallette:-) Need further work on purposefully walking on my hands once I am up, instead of walking in order to avoid falling. Mother's Day is almost here . . . how will you show the most special woman in your life your love and appreciation for all that she has done for you? As a Mother of three wonderful boys, I pretty much love what they love, aka, legos. I found this pic on the crossfit facebook site-beyond awesome! Enjoy!
Worked on my handstands some more, including one-handed handstands against the wall. Was able to pull off a one-handed handstand on the parallette:-) Need further work on purposefully walking on my hands once I am up, instead of walking in order to avoid falling. Mother's Day is almost here . . . how will you show the most special woman in your life your love and appreciation for all that she has done for you? As a Mother of three wonderful boys, I pretty much love what they love, aka, legos. I found this pic on the crossfit facebook site-beyond awesome! Enjoy!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Taking a break on the cardio to help with my throat . . .
power cleans
Worked again on gluteham machine on situps and back extensions. Then did 21-15-9 overhead squats at 65# with my buddy Becky for support and more practice. This is one of those lifts that is tempermental to learn, with lots of misses before you hit it right. It took lots of practice for me to be confident and comfortable with OHS, but now I love them. My issues with the lift are on the thrusting overhead. No worries, time and practice.
power cleans
Worked again on gluteham machine on situps and back extensions. Then did 21-15-9 overhead squats at 65# with my buddy Becky for support and more practice. This is one of those lifts that is tempermental to learn, with lots of misses before you hit it right. It took lots of practice for me to be confident and comfortable with OHS, but now I love them. My issues with the lift are on the thrusting overhead. No worries, time and practice.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
1000 m row
50 thrusters 45/33
30 pullups
Time 14:09 #35 Rx
Counting down the days until the surgeries. Today was horrible on my throat. Absolutely horrible. The sad thing is that my time could have been descent if I didn't have to stop to breathe so much. Not sure that it is a good thing to be gasping for air . . .
Will miss you Lake!! Say hi to Spaz from me.
50 thrusters 45/33
30 pullups
Time 14:09 #35 Rx
Counting down the days until the surgeries. Today was horrible on my throat. Absolutely horrible. The sad thing is that my time could have been descent if I didn't have to stop to breathe so much. Not sure that it is a good thing to be gasping for air . . .
Will miss you Lake!! Say hi to Spaz from me.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Hopefully my last sinus infection!!!!
Very under the weather with yet another sinus infection. Took my magic combo of steroids and antibiotics asap, hopefully will nip this in the bud asap. Not sure if they can do surgery if I am sick and that would suck more than words. Only 16 days left! Today I just did my own thing as I feel like dog poo.
Overhead squats
8-8 65#
8-8 75#
8-8 85#
6 90#
Just to see, I hopped on the glute/ham machine. I have been avoiding this particular item for almost a year and a half since I had issues with it and my hips coming out of place (this is what having three adorable kids does to your body). Low and behold, it was great. Did 50 situps and 50 back extensions. Very happy with that.
On another note, today is my 13th wedding anniversary. Time surely does fly by fast. Love you honey!
Overhead squats
8-8 65#
8-8 75#
8-8 85#
6 90#
Just to see, I hopped on the glute/ham machine. I have been avoiding this particular item for almost a year and a half since I had issues with it and my hips coming out of place (this is what having three adorable kids does to your body). Low and behold, it was great. Did 50 situps and 50 back extensions. Very happy with that.
On another note, today is my 13th wedding anniversary. Time surely does fly by fast. Love you honey!
Sorry about the crazy blog, my Droid is apparently dumb
Friday, April 29th
20 min amrap
5 burpees (sub for rope climb)
400 m run
max rep strict pullups (sub for strict hspu)
score is total # pullups
My strict pullups lack love and need more tlc. The combo of movements and the fact that it was windy today did a number on my breathing. Darth Vader here we come!
20 min amrap
5 burpees (sub for rope climb)
400 m run
max rep strict pullups (sub for strict hspu)
score is total # pullups
My strict pullups lack love and need more tlc. The combo of movements and the fact that it was windy today did a number on my breathing. Darth Vader here we come!
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