It's been a heck of a week and nothing really went as planned. Surgery itself was 4 hours. They fixed my deviated septum, a balloon sinusplasty, reduced turbinates, and an open rhinoplasty. They removed cartilage from the back of my ear and used it to widen my narrow nasal bridge, hoping to improve breathing. AKA, lots of surgery. I was in the post-op recovery room for another 6 hours puking up copious amounts of blood and in wicked pain. They finally decided that they would have to admit me to the hospital overnight. More nausea and pain, with little to no sleep. BTW, it's really disgusting to have blood flowing out of your nose while vomiting. Can totally say that Crossfit helped me during my hospital stay. Imagine not being able to see (no glasses or contacts), your head throbbing horrendously anytime you lean forward, and needing to pee. Thanks to the CF gods for all of the squats-they made my life a little easier! Not sure about anyone else, but I was immediately bruised after the surgery. Took lots of pics. Very interesting to see how the color changed even hour by hour. The pics don't do the colors justice.

post op |
day 2 ish |
day 4- yuckiness on end of nose |
at hospital |
Day 1 after surgery, my best friend babysat me at her house. Was sent home with different pain pills than what was working at hospital. Called in to Dr. for pain control. Answer was take ibuprofen in between pain meds. Didn't really help. Still felt very tired from anesthesia. Day 2, my Grandma babysat me at her house. Spent most of the day with a bag of frozen green peas over my eyes. Pain worsened. Noticed on tip of nose some white funkiness. Oozed out yuck and blood when touched. Went to ER that eve. They gave me a huge shot of stronger pain meds and sent me home with pill prescription for same. Pain finally under control! Day 3, went to walk-in clinic about skin crap. Given pill antibiotics and a topical antibiotic cream. Also took a culture of nose tip. Dr. said to call my surgery Dr. asap. "Don't want to cartilage to get infected." Really??? What next! Day 4, hung out in my bed all day. Going to Dr. right away in the morning. Wanting good news. Dr. mentioned that he wouldn't do anything surgically right away? Please do not say the word surgery to me! I know that they try to control pain meds as to control addiction, but I think that it sucked being sent home with pills that were not as effective, suffering with pain and then having to go back in to get pain managed. To me it seems pretty black and white. Control the pain and if, as a Dr., you think that your patient is abusing is, don't give them more. Sorry for the play by play, but I am a little miffed with how everything has played out and I guess I want to share my pain. I took some nice close ups that may look groovy in black & white.
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