Friday, April 22, 2011

What motivates you?

5 rounds 135#/95#
5 power cleans
10 front squats
5 push jerks
20 pull ups

Sometimes you know that the wod will just not go the way you like.  Today was that day.  My throat was horrible right off the bat this morning when I woke up and just got worse during the wod.  Truthfully, I really enjoyed this wod, especially the lifts.  Working on power cleans and snatches this week has inspired a new level of determination in me to practice them more.  I made it through two rounds, plus the power cleans at 85# before enough was enough.  Breathing is sometimes more important.  This leads me to the question of the day . . . what motivates you?

Myself, I pink puffy heart love to listen to my pop music when I run and work out.  The beats are great to keep a rhythm and I when I'm down and out, the music brings me back to life.  Granted, I like it loud, loud, loud.  Nothing better than loud music when your lifting.  Other motivators include challenges.  Not so much for time (not really at all since I am slower, but that may change after my surgery), but for what I can do with my body.  It is awesome to post a killer weight on the board, Rx rocks, and I am so open to trying new movements.  Pretty much every time I had tried something new, with a little practice, I have got it.  Muscle ups are on the board next for me.  Just gotta do it.  It is also great to get feedback, both good and bad, in order to grow.  It doesn't have to be lovey dovey, it can be blunt, as long as it help me, great!  Oh, and I can't forget to mention how much it helps when you're doing a nice heavy lift to have someone screaming at you to get your ass down and back up. Totally works every time.  Speaking of time, most of the lovely Crossfitters that I work out are very motivated by time.  Others are motivated by friends, aka workout buddies.  This works well as long as you both are committed to come regardless of if the other one can.  
I can officially say that even though I have not ran further that 8'ish miles at once, I will finish the half marathon in May and I am not one bit worried about it.  When I look back to where I was when I started almost two years ago to now, I honestly get goose bumps thinking about where I will be after two more years.  Crossfit is wonderful.  It challenges those who want a challenge and makes them hungry for more.

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