Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dang backsquat!

25 burpees, then
5 rounds of
15 reps shoulder to overhead (45 lb bar)
100 yrd farmer walk (carrying 2-26 lb kettlebells), then
25 burpees
500 m row
400 m run

Time 21.54

Chilled for about 15 minutes then did backquats
week 4 warmup
week 2 (3 @ 115, 3 @ 135, 3 @ 150)
went on singles 165, 175, failed at 185
Thank goodness Brian was spooting me. Got down to full depth, kept my hips back, but my shoulders went forward. The bar rolled up on my neck a little before we got my upright again. Pretty sure there may be some unique bruising. It feels funky. Need to get weightlifting shoes. Barefoot is better that my workout shoes, but I like to lift and supposedly, they make a world of difference. Want to hit new BS PR in June of 195. It is attainable.

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