Well, it has been a heck of a month. My Grandpa passed away from stomach cancer close to the end of October. It was absolutely horrible watching him basically starve to death. A fate that I would never wish on anyone. If there is a plus side, it is knowing that he is at peace. It was nice, under the circumstances, to see my two nieces that live out of state. I always enjoy spending time with them. It's like they are different extensions of me. Well, actually my brother, whom they really never knew. Funny how that happens. How personality traits can be passed on through blood. His two girls are very much like him. Wish they could have know him.
Sorry for the sidetracking . . . I found out on the day that we buried Grandpa that I would be going into surgery in a few short days. Still trying to fix my throat issue, I had Nissen fundiplication surgery almost two weeks ago. Basically, the Dr. took the top part of my stomach and wrapped it around the fundus (lower part of esophagus), tightening the opening into my stomach so acid and such is not able to come back up. It is laparoscopic surgery and I have six new scars to prove it! I am still recovering. The baby food diet sucked and I am transitioning into real food again. The other night we were eating scrambled eggs and french toast. Not thinking, I took a normal size bite. Stupid!!! It basically got stuck on the way down and hurt like a MF'er. Took a good minute before I could recover. Word to the wise-small bites and chew a lot. My middle son was so cute and told me that he would write that down on a post-it for me so I always remember. It will take a bit to build my energy back up and I think that I might be ok with keeping off some of the weight that I lost. Need to get back at CF and build more muscle. Not sure how my schedule will work out with CF yet and my new job. I just know that even though my life is very busy, I am blessed to be able to do things that I love. Everything will fit into place soon.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
The next step . .
3 rounds
10 overhead squats 95#
50 12" box jumps
No time-goal was to be able to finish and breathe. Working with my beyond awesome ENT Dr. Coombe at Medcenter One. Seriously, he is great! He is going beyond his scope to help me get my issues solved. I will be forever singing his praises!!!! Sounds like I will be working with a new Dr. and praying that he can make my health/life better. Been lifting lots at Crossfit, skating at roller derby and working a ton. You can now see me at Creative Clay and at Victoria's Secret. I used to manage the Fargo store and absolutely love the company. Very excited to be back. The Bisman Bombshellz are having the first home bout of the season at the Bismarck Civic Center next Saturday, October 29th. It will be tons of fun! Everyone should go.
10 overhead squats 95#
50 12" box jumps
No time-goal was to be able to finish and breathe. Working with my beyond awesome ENT Dr. Coombe at Medcenter One. Seriously, he is great! He is going beyond his scope to help me get my issues solved. I will be forever singing his praises!!!! Sounds like I will be working with a new Dr. and praying that he can make my health/life better. Been lifting lots at Crossfit, skating at roller derby and working a ton. You can now see me at Creative Clay and at Victoria's Secret. I used to manage the Fargo store and absolutely love the company. Very excited to be back. The Bisman Bombshellz are having the first home bout of the season at the Bismarck Civic Center next Saturday, October 29th. It will be tons of fun! Everyone should go.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Diane with crutches
hand stand push ups
Did my own personal version today. Figured since I can't go fast (at all), I might as well go heavier in increments. Did the 21 at 155#, the 15 at 165# and 9 at 175#. The handstands were banded. Need to kick the band and just do the depth that I can without it. My schedule is changing leaps and bounds, so I am sure that this will be inconsistent.
hand stand push ups
Did my own personal version today. Figured since I can't go fast (at all), I might as well go heavier in increments. Did the 21 at 155#, the 15 at 165# and 9 at 175#. The handstands were banded. Need to kick the band and just do the depth that I can without it. My schedule is changing leaps and bounds, so I am sure that this will be inconsistent.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Hello! Remember me? Even though we have not talked, you have been on my mind and I am sorry to have neglected you. During my absence, I have been lifting daily, working, working and more working. There has just not been time for us to talk. This week I tried some cardio and the results were disastrous. Just wanted to see if things had changed at all. They haven't. I have made lots of new Dr. friends and may be going to Mayo clinic to finally get some answers. Just waiting for the call. It seems sorta silly to me, and yet not, that my issues are minor compared to some, but they impact my life in a major way. It all trickles down and I am just done with it. I need answers and resolutions. Some things that we have done this year have helped, others not. Found out that I am anemic. Hoping that will completely explain why I can barely keep my eyes open. Well, gotta go. Just wanted to check in. Have a great weekend and blog you soon.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tuesday, Sept 20th
Lynne with a mohawk
for reps
5 rounds
bodyweight benchpress/ women's 1/2 bodyweight
66# -10/12,9/10, 8/11, 8/8, 7/9 sub shoulder press for bench press and Rx pullups
Wed, Sept 21st
I had a ph probe put in through my nose, down my throat and into my stomache Tuesday afternoon and needed to workout with the probe in place. Did some toes to bar, 65# thrusters, and box jumps before the thing went wacky. Praying that this will help them help me.
Thurs, Sept 22nd
135#-10 reps
155#-10 reps
165#-10 reps
175#-5 reps
185# 3 reps
Overhead squats
115#-failed to get over my head today, oh well.
Lynne with a mohawk
for reps
5 rounds
bodyweight benchpress/ women's 1/2 bodyweight
66# -10/12,9/10, 8/11, 8/8, 7/9 sub shoulder press for bench press and Rx pullups
Wed, Sept 21st
I had a ph probe put in through my nose, down my throat and into my stomache Tuesday afternoon and needed to workout with the probe in place. Did some toes to bar, 65# thrusters, and box jumps before the thing went wacky. Praying that this will help them help me.
Thurs, Sept 22nd
135#-10 reps
155#-10 reps
165#-10 reps
175#-5 reps
185# 3 reps
Overhead squats
115#-failed to get over my head today, oh well.
Monday, September 19, 2011
It was a crazy week at the studio . . .
Wed, Sept 14th
25 rope pullups
145#/85# clean & jerk 5 reps
20 rope pullups
165#/105# clean & jerk 4 reps
15 rope pullups
185#/125# clean & jerk 3 reps
10 rope pullups
205#/145# clean & jerk 2 reps
50 rope pullups
225#/185# clean & jerk 1 rep
Time was way too long as I got stuck at 125# and tried repeatedly to stick that weight. Maxed out at 115# and finished wod with that weight.
Thurs, Sept 15th
shoulder press
push press
push jerk
60#-65-70-75-80 SP
85#-95-100-105-110 PP
115-120-125-130-135 (f) PJ
Was working at the local street fair both Fri and Sat, so wods. Had derby practice Sunday night, Well, sort of. After the warm-up, the Bombshellz needed to scrimmage in preparation for the SD bout this Sat and I was the jam timer. The new fresh meat class starts Mon night and us "seasoned meat" will be skating with them.
Mon, Sept 19th
Split jerk
70#-90-105-120-125-130-135 (f)
25 rope pullups
145#/85# clean & jerk 5 reps
20 rope pullups
165#/105# clean & jerk 4 reps
15 rope pullups
185#/125# clean & jerk 3 reps
10 rope pullups
205#/145# clean & jerk 2 reps
50 rope pullups
225#/185# clean & jerk 1 rep
Time was way too long as I got stuck at 125# and tried repeatedly to stick that weight. Maxed out at 115# and finished wod with that weight.
Thurs, Sept 15th
shoulder press
push press
push jerk
60#-65-70-75-80 SP
85#-95-100-105-110 PP
115-120-125-130-135 (f) PJ
Was working at the local street fair both Fri and Sat, so wods. Had derby practice Sunday night, Well, sort of. After the warm-up, the Bombshellz needed to scrimmage in preparation for the SD bout this Sat and I was the jam timer. The new fresh meat class starts Mon night and us "seasoned meat" will be skating with them.
Mon, Sept 19th
Split jerk
70#-90-105-120-125-130-135 (f)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, Sept 12th
12 min as many rounds as possible
6 handstand push ups
12 sumo deadlift high pull kettle bell 53#/35#
200 m row
Made 4 complete plus the hspu and sdhp. The rowing was the devil. I am off antacids until they do a ph test in a week, thus killed my throat hardcore. After recovery, I wanted to lift some.
Front squats
100#-110-120-130-140 single
Tuesday, Sept 13th
overhead squat
front squat
back squat
continue with weight when progressing from one lift to the next, Try to increase load with each rep.
120-120-140-150-155 (fail)
155-165-175-185-195 (pr)
Loved this wod, except for the front squats. They always hurt my shoulders. I guess the bruises are pretty . . .
12 min as many rounds as possible
6 handstand push ups
12 sumo deadlift high pull kettle bell 53#/35#
200 m row
Made 4 complete plus the hspu and sdhp. The rowing was the devil. I am off antacids until they do a ph test in a week, thus killed my throat hardcore. After recovery, I wanted to lift some.
Front squats
100#-110-120-130-140 single
Tuesday, Sept 13th
overhead squat
front squat
back squat
continue with weight when progressing from one lift to the next, Try to increase load with each rep.
120-120-140-150-155 (fail)
155-165-175-185-195 (pr)
Loved this wod, except for the front squats. They always hurt my shoulders. I guess the bruises are pretty . . .
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Wednesday eve . . . Bombshellz practice. We had our annual meeting first with about an hour and a half of skating. With a bout coming up here soon, we focused on endurance skating. Felt like I skated really good on the new surface. Loving me some derby!!!
Thursday, September 8th
double unders
box jumps 24"/20"
rest 2 min, then
3 min as many rounds as possible
ground to overhead 125#/95#
time 12:16 /9 Rx
Friday, September 9th
135#-145-155-165-175-180-185-190-195-205 (single)
Thursday, September 8th
double unders
box jumps 24"/20"
rest 2 min, then
3 min as many rounds as possible
ground to overhead 125#/95#
time 12:16 /9 Rx
Friday, September 9th
135#-145-155-165-175-180-185-190-195-205 (single)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Veggie Meat . . .
Monday, Sept 5th
Had derby practice this eve at a new location for me, the Hughes Center. It is an old gym floor made from old school linoleum tiles that have been waxed. Can you say slippery? It was a quaint practice with us not fresh meat, but not bouting yet girls. We are working on what to call ourselves. Will keep you posted. Practice itself was great. Mike and Jeff were there as coaches and it was a nice one-on-one setting with great feedback. They will lovingly be known as "Mike & Ike" by me henceforth. Excited of things to come in derby world . . .
Tuesday, Sept 6th
50 kbs 53#/35#
25 knees to elbow
30 mod handstand pushups
35 ring rows
40 push ups
Time 17:04 hspu were banded, rest Rx
Wednesday, Sept 7th
5 rnds
5 backsquats 185#/115#
10 pull ups
15 glute ham situps
Time: 16:07 Rx, then . . .
Had derby practice this eve at a new location for me, the Hughes Center. It is an old gym floor made from old school linoleum tiles that have been waxed. Can you say slippery? It was a quaint practice with us not fresh meat, but not bouting yet girls. We are working on what to call ourselves. Will keep you posted. Practice itself was great. Mike and Jeff were there as coaches and it was a nice one-on-one setting with great feedback. They will lovingly be known as "Mike & Ike" by me henceforth. Excited of things to come in derby world . . .
Tuesday, Sept 6th
50 kbs 53#/35#
25 knees to elbow
30 mod handstand pushups
35 ring rows
40 push ups
Time 17:04 hspu were banded, rest Rx
Wednesday, Sept 7th
5 rnds
5 backsquats 185#/115#
10 pull ups
15 glute ham situps
Time: 16:07 Rx, then . . .
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Power cleans 135#/95#
Bar facing burpees
Time 17:58 -95# (sub 200 single rope skips per set of burpees)
I knew that the burpees would kill my throat, so I subbed them out. Looks like the rest killed my throat regardless . . . It had been at least on month since I had done cardio due to sinus infection and I felt like it was time to give it a try again. Other than the breathing, throat hurting like hell, it was pretty fun. It felt great to do the power cleans. After a nice recovery time, I rounded off the day with some banded handstand push ups. Totally felt those in my shoulders the next day! Have a great weekend!
Power cleans 135#/95#
Bar facing burpees
Time 17:58 -95# (sub 200 single rope skips per set of burpees)
I knew that the burpees would kill my throat, so I subbed them out. Looks like the rest killed my throat regardless . . . It had been at least on month since I had done cardio due to sinus infection and I felt like it was time to give it a try again. Other than the breathing, throat hurting like hell, it was pretty fun. It felt great to do the power cleans. After a nice recovery time, I rounded off the day with some banded handstand push ups. Totally felt those in my shoulders the next day! Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Love those derby kisses . . .
Not my best practice last night. Wiped out on a corner. I think that my skates slipped out from under me causing me to land on my front hip/pelvic bone, chin and, most unfortunately, nose. The bruise sucks!!!! Enjoy the pic. My steroids are still being good little troopers and my head is pretty clear. Still wanted to lay low and just lift today.
Overhead squats
45#-65#-75#-85#-95#-105# and 115# (matched my PR) The form on my last one was pretty wobbly. Had to try it twice to get it. Loic gave me some pointers that I will start working on next week. Was very pleased with my ability to jerk it overhead.
135#-155#-165#-175#-185# Wanted to work on a deeper 195# today, but my body was saying no, and I listened. Think that I may redo my CFT for S & G to see if I can up any numbers. Never know . . .
Overhead squats
45#-65#-75#-85#-95#-105# and 115# (matched my PR) The form on my last one was pretty wobbly. Had to try it twice to get it. Loic gave me some pointers that I will start working on next week. Was very pleased with my ability to jerk it overhead.
135#-155#-165#-175#-185# Wanted to work on a deeper 195# today, but my body was saying no, and I listened. Think that I may redo my CFT for S & G to see if I can up any numbers. Never know . . .
Confessions of a small town girl . . .
You know, sometimes you just can't get the past out of your mind. Silly and irrelevant that it may be, it still sucks. So, here's the story. I grew up in a small town in ND. My graduating class was double the normal size and consisted of 63 classmates. Since we were a small town, it was the norm to be involved in lots of activities. Lots for me equated to almost everything that I could do, I did, including sports. Now, just to clarify, we didn't start sports at age 3, like they do in Bismarck. It was generally, for girls, when you went into junior high that you could be on teams etc. Like I said, small town. There was this wonderful coincidence that my school was sorta well known off and on for having solid girls basketball team due partially to the coach. So, of course, I was on the basketball team. My poor parents sent me to multiple camps every summer, drove my butt into town (we lived in the country) for early practices every morning both in and off season. The truth be told, as anyone who saw me play could tell you, was that I sucked. My friends did it, so I did it. Don't get me wrong. The exercise, teamwork, etc was all good for me. The problem is that since we were small town, I was allowed to keep playing on some level until I decided to quit. There wasn't "you didn't make the team," I was just a continual bench warmer. This went on for about four or five years.
Of course, I was also in track during the duration of my basketball career and did so, so on jumping. When my school finally formed a volleyball team, followed a few years later by a golf team, I joined both. It was pretty much all the same story, except for golf. I can hit a ball fairly decent, but my putting sucks. The moral of this little story is that I sucked at sports. Try as I might, I was just not naturally athletic, nor did I catch on quick. Looking back, it does show some degree of perseverance on my part that I kept going with it all for so long. Maybe just stupidity? By the time I was done with sports in school, I was done exercising. I have been told, either directly or indirectly, long enough that I was no good and I therefore decided to hate exercise of any kind. Yep, young and dumb.
Now we come to the parts of the story that you may have heard before. The reason that I started going to Crossfit was because my husband lost 100 pounds and I felt some pressure to also get my butt in shape. I didn't really need to lose weight, just get healthy and tone. Truth be told, it sucked at the start. After not working out at all for seventeen years and gaining & losing 150 lbs between three pregnancies, it kicked my ass. Running was the worst. Brian heard lots of swearing every time we ran for a solid half year. As time passed, I realized that it felt good to be sore for a reason and noticed that my clothes were fitting differently. You should have heard me giggling with joy the first time that I really saw some muscles in the mirror one morning when I was checking my progress. Totally addicted by that point. Then came the health issues last January with my throat that are still present. I adapted and focused more on lifting, as this was easier on my breathing. Lifting rocks! Hands down, it is my favorite thing to do at Crossfit. I may be slow, but for my size and how long I have been working out, my lifting numbers are pretty good at our gym. I make a point to push myself in ways that is is currently possible for me to grow and know that when I get the health crap figured out, I can tackle getting my times down where they should be. And at least 90% of the time, Rx is my middle name. Anyhow, Crossfit is part of my life now and that won't change. I finally feel like I am good at something athletic. Then I heard that there was roller derby in Bismarck. My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and I was on the search. Granted, I grew up in the country with gravel roads and have no clue how to skate, but I was willing to learn. Low and behold, a friend of mine stops in and says that his wife is in derby. Then a few days later, some of the Bombshellz come into my studio for a birthday party and recruit me. Perfect!!!!! Got my gear asap and after my surgery this May, I was on the track attempting to skate. For as in shape as I am and as good of balance that I have with overhead squats, I sure am squirrely on wheels! I really should have been counting the number of bruises that I have had thus far, because it is pretty impressive. Even though I go down a lot, I am quick to get back up and try for more. If I want something bad enough, I find a way to make it happen. This brings us to the whole point of this long ass blog. We had our first basic skills testing, and I did not pass. I am finding it hard to wrap my head around this. For someone who just started skating in June and has only skated two days a week max (due to lack of a smooth surface to practice on other than at practice) I should be happy where I am at. The way that I look at myself athletically since I joined CrossfitCrossfitters could see that point. We push ourselves at every WOD to go faster, lift more weight, have perfect form, etc. We are trained to become addictive to perfection. When I look back to where I was in high school and what I felt capable of then, it is the complete opposite of my outlook now. If I want a killer deadlift, I know that I can put in the work and it will come. When people ask after they see my derby bruises, why I do it, it's because it is fun and challenging. I just want to get better faster! Gone is any patience that I pretended to have. It truthfully sucks not moving out of fresh meat status, and maybe it is just a mental thing like in high school where someone else is again telling me that I am not good enough. So enough whining. My outlook is going to be positive from this day forward. I will be the best fresh meater out there and when the time comes in December to test again, I am going to lack the smack down on some derby candy asses! (I love the Rock!) Please and Thank You for listening.
Of course, I was also in track during the duration of my basketball career and did so, so on jumping. When my school finally formed a volleyball team, followed a few years later by a golf team, I joined both. It was pretty much all the same story, except for golf. I can hit a ball fairly decent, but my putting sucks. The moral of this little story is that I sucked at sports. Try as I might, I was just not naturally athletic, nor did I catch on quick. Looking back, it does show some degree of perseverance on my part that I kept going with it all for so long. Maybe just stupidity? By the time I was done with sports in school, I was done exercising. I have been told, either directly or indirectly, long enough that I was no good and I therefore decided to hate exercise of any kind. Yep, young and dumb.
Now we come to the parts of the story that you may have heard before. The reason that I started going to Crossfit was because my husband lost 100 pounds and I felt some pressure to also get my butt in shape. I didn't really need to lose weight, just get healthy and tone. Truth be told, it sucked at the start. After not working out at all for seventeen years and gaining & losing 150 lbs between three pregnancies, it kicked my ass. Running was the worst. Brian heard lots of swearing every time we ran for a solid half year. As time passed, I realized that it felt good to be sore for a reason and noticed that my clothes were fitting differently. You should have heard me giggling with joy the first time that I really saw some muscles in the mirror one morning when I was checking my progress. Totally addicted by that point. Then came the health issues last January with my throat that are still present. I adapted and focused more on lifting, as this was easier on my breathing. Lifting rocks! Hands down, it is my favorite thing to do at Crossfit. I may be slow, but for my size and how long I have been working out, my lifting numbers are pretty good at our gym. I make a point to push myself in ways that is is currently possible for me to grow and know that when I get the health crap figured out, I can tackle getting my times down where they should be. And at least 90% of the time, Rx is my middle name. Anyhow, Crossfit is part of my life now and that won't change. I finally feel like I am good at something athletic. Then I heard that there was roller derby in Bismarck. My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and I was on the search. Granted, I grew up in the country with gravel roads and have no clue how to skate, but I was willing to learn. Low and behold, a friend of mine stops in and says that his wife is in derby. Then a few days later, some of the Bombshellz come into my studio for a birthday party and recruit me. Perfect!!!!! Got my gear asap and after my surgery this May, I was on the track attempting to skate. For as in shape as I am and as good of balance that I have with overhead squats, I sure am squirrely on wheels! I really should have been counting the number of bruises that I have had thus far, because it is pretty impressive. Even though I go down a lot, I am quick to get back up and try for more. If I want something bad enough, I find a way to make it happen. This brings us to the whole point of this long ass blog. We had our first basic skills testing, and I did not pass. I am finding it hard to wrap my head around this. For someone who just started skating in June and has only skated two days a week max (due to lack of a smooth surface to practice on other than at practice) I should be happy where I am at. The way that I look at myself athletically since I joined CrossfitCrossfitters could see that point. We push ourselves at every WOD to go faster, lift more weight, have perfect form, etc. We are trained to become addictive to perfection. When I look back to where I was in high school and what I felt capable of then, it is the complete opposite of my outlook now. If I want a killer deadlift, I know that I can put in the work and it will come. When people ask after they see my derby bruises, why I do it, it's because it is fun and challenging. I just want to get better faster! Gone is any patience that I pretended to have. It truthfully sucks not moving out of fresh meat status, and maybe it is just a mental thing like in high school where someone else is again telling me that I am not good enough. So enough whining. My outlook is going to be positive from this day forward. I will be the best fresh meater out there and when the time comes in December to test again, I am going to lack the smack down on some derby candy asses! (I love the Rock!) Please and Thank You for listening.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
No WOD this am. Was at my first Savor the Flavor committee meeting helping raise money to benefit kiddos in the Bismarck community. Derby practice tonight was not loving me lots. Wiped out really good. My pelvis bone on my lift hip is scraped up, swollen, and very bruised already. Can't wait to see what it looks like in a few days. Also hit my chin and nose on the same wipe out. The nose freaked me out majorly. We call these "derby kisses," but they really feel like derby kisses from hell!!!!! Will be super interesting putting on my workout gear on tomorrow as I can't even touch my hip now. Enough whining already, bring it on!!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
What better a way to start the day off than with the Crossfit Total!!!! This is absolutely one of my favorite WODs and it saddens me that it doesn't come up more. Looks like the last time I recorded a CFT was last October. My then score was 455. Today was 480! I really do think that I could have upped it a little bit more if I was feeling better. Goal for next total is 200# BS, 95# SP, and 220 DL. Regardless, I am pleased with my results.
For those of you unfamiliar with the CFT, here's how it goes. You get to warm up with each lift, but only get three attempts to hit your max weight per lift. Rest as needed.
Back squat-185#
Shoulder press-90#
For those of you unfamiliar with the CFT, here's how it goes. You get to warm up with each lift, but only get three attempts to hit your max weight per lift. Rest as needed.
Back squat-185#
Shoulder press-90#
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hello again . . .
What a Monday! Missed the alarm, thus making my boys and myself all late this morning-yuck. Jetted to Crossfit for a very quick progression of shoulder presses, showered and off to a Dr. appt for my youngest. The rest of the day was not an improvement by any means.
Surgery last week went good for most part. I was completely drained for the rest of the week and am still feeling like dog poo. Started another steroid today. My sinuses suck, for lack of better words. Decided I am going to do what I do best and push through this crap until I get it all figured out. Having most of last week off of WODs didn't agree with me. Not only do I not feel productive mentally, I physically hate taking time off. Yes, yes, yes, I know that my body needs time to heal, but it's not really getting better anyhow, so what can it hurt to at least lift some everyday? My name is missing the WOD board . . . Maybe I need a good killer WOD to expel the demons. Yeah, that sounds great!
Surgery last week went good for most part. I was completely drained for the rest of the week and am still feeling like dog poo. Started another steroid today. My sinuses suck, for lack of better words. Decided I am going to do what I do best and push through this crap until I get it all figured out. Having most of last week off of WODs didn't agree with me. Not only do I not feel productive mentally, I physically hate taking time off. Yes, yes, yes, I know that my body needs time to heal, but it's not really getting better anyhow, so what can it hurt to at least lift some everyday? My name is missing the WOD board . . . Maybe I need a good killer WOD to expel the demons. Yeah, that sounds great!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
No, I'm not dead . . . I just feel like it
It's been a long couple of weeks again health wise. Having a second sinus surgery next week and trying to battle off another infection in the meantime, aka, more antibiotics. Sooooooooooooooo very tired of this! Didn't work out last two days and wondering if I should just lay low until surgery. Guess it depends on how the new antibiotics work. It would be beyond horrible if I was unable to have my surgery because I was too sick. To be determined . . .
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Mondays are starting to suck!
What a horrible Monday, in pretty much all regards. Not going to bore you with the gritty details, sorry. Felt like crap today after an emotional Monday, so kept it nice and easy.
The wod went something like this. With a continously runnimg clock, do one pullup and one handstand push up the first minute, two the second, three the third and so on. Once you are unable to complete both tasks within the minute time frame, you are allowed to switch to just pullups. You should have total completed rounds, plus the extra pull ups as your score. I sucked. Make 8 complete rounds and just five pullups. My hands started to rip and I needed to breathe. Pullups were Rx, but the HSPU were banded.
The wod went something like this. With a continously runnimg clock, do one pullup and one handstand push up the first minute, two the second, three the third and so on. Once you are unable to complete both tasks within the minute time frame, you are allowed to switch to just pullups. You should have total completed rounds, plus the extra pull ups as your score. I sucked. Make 8 complete rounds and just five pullups. My hands started to rip and I needed to breathe. Pullups were Rx, but the HSPU were banded.
Friday, August 12, 2011
7 minutes in heaven
7 minutes in heaven
single rope skips-abmat situps
time 7:56
I barely made my time goal. Abs were sorer than I realized. Afterwards, I helped some fellow crossfitters work on overhead squats. They are my favorite, but most people loathe them. Practice makes perfect. Whoever made up that saying was an evil genius and was most likely not liked by others. Maybe I should clarify, if they are practicing things they dislike, then they would be friendless. There is a long list of exercises in Crossfit that would fall into that category. On a different note, Austin bested his old overhead squat pr by 40#! Awesome to see and help coach. I will be skating all weekend in preparation for derby minimum skills testing next week. Wish me luck! Have a great weekend!
single rope skips-abmat situps
time 7:56
I barely made my time goal. Abs were sorer than I realized. Afterwards, I helped some fellow crossfitters work on overhead squats. They are my favorite, but most people loathe them. Practice makes perfect. Whoever made up that saying was an evil genius and was most likely not liked by others. Maybe I should clarify, if they are practicing things they dislike, then they would be friendless. There is a long list of exercises in Crossfit that would fall into that category. On a different note, Austin bested his old overhead squat pr by 40#! Awesome to see and help coach. I will be skating all weekend in preparation for derby minimum skills testing next week. Wish me luck! Have a great weekend!
A tough week!
3 rounds
15 squats
15 pushups
15 knees to elbow
15 walking lunges
15 back extensions
time 13:24 Rx
My body did not have any zip today. Shoulders were really sore from lots of heavy overhead all week and just plain tired. My lovely hubby has been gone all week and I truly am feeling like the boys and I are cursed. Monday started with Kithe fracturing his arm and me getting a nasty derby bruise on my hip. Tuesday was Strausser smacking his face into a bar, so a swollen and cut up cheek. Wednesday I smacked my knuckles good on a high box jump-cut and bruised. Thursday was Garver's turn to run head first into a corner while shopping. He was trying to keep up with his older brother. Bloody tooth, swollen lip, bruised nose and eyebrow. Regardless, I texted my husband asap and asked him to be real safe. Crossing my fingers that our injuries are done for the week.
15 squats
15 pushups
15 knees to elbow
15 walking lunges
15 back extensions
time 13:24 Rx
My body did not have any zip today. Shoulders were really sore from lots of heavy overhead all week and just plain tired. My lovely hubby has been gone all week and I truly am feeling like the boys and I are cursed. Monday started with Kithe fracturing his arm and me getting a nasty derby bruise on my hip. Tuesday was Strausser smacking his face into a bar, so a swollen and cut up cheek. Wednesday I smacked my knuckles good on a high box jump-cut and bruised. Thursday was Garver's turn to run head first into a corner while shopping. He was trying to keep up with his older brother. Bloody tooth, swollen lip, bruised nose and eyebrow. Regardless, I texted my husband asap and asked him to be real safe. Crossing my fingers that our injuries are done for the week.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Interesting . . .
deadlift 115#/75#
hang power clean
front squat
push jerk
time 13:45 Rx
This wod was interesting because it can be done two ways-as one continuous motion or broken down. As a group we decided to try it both ways, starting off broken down and then one motion. I ended up switching back to broken down at the sixes to gain time. Definitely harder than it looks. Afterwards a few of us worked on single box jumps for height starting at 24". I made it to about 38" before I called it quits for the day. My fellow jumpers ended at 41"-pretty awesome considering that neither of them had ever jumped higher than 24" before. It's so fun to see what your body is capable of if you just try.
deadlift 115#/75#
hang power clean
front squat
push jerk
time 13:45 Rx
This wod was interesting because it can be done two ways-as one continuous motion or broken down. As a group we decided to try it both ways, starting off broken down and then one motion. I ended up switching back to broken down at the sixes to gain time. Definitely harder than it looks. Afterwards a few of us worked on single box jumps for height starting at 24". I made it to about 38" before I called it quits for the day. My fellow jumpers ended at 41"-pretty awesome considering that neither of them had ever jumped higher than 24" before. It's so fun to see what your body is capable of if you just try.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Another manic monday . . . Wish it were Sunday . . . Cause that's my funday
Usually Mondays are my friends. They don't torment me like they do Garfield, but when you start off your Monday with you oldest son fracturing his arm . . . Thank goodness that youngings bones are flexy and it is considered a green stick or buckle fracture. Should be a quick healing process, complete with a cast going on this Thursday. Too bad though that our plans for swimming pool and waterpark might have to be postponed.
Mondays Wod
one round for time:
10 handstand pushups
20 wall balls 20#/14#
30 toes to bar
40 power cleans 135#/75#
50 burpees
60 sumo deadlift high pull with kettlebell 70#/44#
Time 33:28 banded hspu rest rx (massive sinus infection) All of the movements were great and the vice was my needing breath/stamina.
Had derby practice for three hours last night. Did off skate workout first, so lots of variations of squats, tip-toe stuff, etc. Skated in new temporary site which, unfortunately, is more square then rectangular, so the constant left turns cramped up my back the entire night. Yuck! Thinking that a chiropractor visit followed by a deep massage would be wonderful!
Tues WOD
box jumps 24"/20"
double unders
abmat situps
time 17:30 Rx
My time would have rocked if i had a double under. I did not sub, but practiced them for this wod and yes, they sucked! Followed up with some overhead squats.
overhead squats
75-85-95-105-110-115# New pr for me (big smile!)
Mondays Wod
one round for time:
10 handstand pushups
20 wall balls 20#/14#
30 toes to bar
40 power cleans 135#/75#
50 burpees
60 sumo deadlift high pull with kettlebell 70#/44#
Time 33:28 banded hspu rest rx (massive sinus infection) All of the movements were great and the vice was my needing breath/stamina.
Had derby practice for three hours last night. Did off skate workout first, so lots of variations of squats, tip-toe stuff, etc. Skated in new temporary site which, unfortunately, is more square then rectangular, so the constant left turns cramped up my back the entire night. Yuck! Thinking that a chiropractor visit followed by a deep massage would be wonderful!
Tues WOD
box jumps 24"/20"
double unders
abmat situps
time 17:30 Rx
My time would have rocked if i had a double under. I did not sub, but practiced them for this wod and yes, they sucked! Followed up with some overhead squats.
overhead squats
75-85-95-105-110-115# New pr for me (big smile!)
Friday, August 5, 2011
Spent yesterday morning in and out of Dr. offices complete with a nice morning cat scan of my sinuses. Looks like my sinuses are all full of crap and if we can't kill it with medicine, I will be having them surgically drained. Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, and one more yuck for good measure. Going back in next week Friday to recheck.
Having said that, my goal today was just some nice easy lifting. Nothing too complicated. Started with some shoulder presses from 45# to 85# in set of 5-10, then switched to jerks up to 110# in sets of 5. Started the bar with a few warm ups deadlifts at 110# then progressed upto 175#. Was getting really dizzy after each lift and knew that I should quit. Will be taking the weekend to relax and hopefully clear my head. B is on vacation all of next week, so look for 8:30 and 9:30 wods from me Mon-Fri. Have a great weekend!
Having said that, my goal today was just some nice easy lifting. Nothing too complicated. Started with some shoulder presses from 45# to 85# in set of 5-10, then switched to jerks up to 110# in sets of 5. Started the bar with a few warm ups deadlifts at 110# then progressed upto 175#. Was getting really dizzy after each lift and knew that I should quit. Will be taking the weekend to relax and hopefully clear my head. B is on vacation all of next week, so look for 8:30 and 9:30 wods from me Mon-Fri. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Hanging in there . . .
Feeling like dog poo with this stupid sinus infection and the meds aren't doing squat! Wanted to work on snatches today, but my foggy brain didn't like the idea. Instead went to my tried and true overhead squat.
Worked groups of 10 from 65# -75#-85#, then some at 95# and back down again. Would have like to have done more, but I am just drained. Here are some more pics from warrior dash. Some of me and some of the crazy costumes:-) enjoy!
Worked groups of 10 from 65# -75#-85#, then some at 95# and back down again. Would have like to have done more, but I am just drained. Here are some more pics from warrior dash. Some of me and some of the crazy costumes:-) enjoy!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
5 muscle ups (sub either 15 ring rows or 15 pullups per round)
10 deadlifts 245#/165#
15 glute ham machine situps
50 yard run/100/150/200
4 rounds total with running distance increasing each time
Time 19:17 155# kipping pullups
Fun little diddy. Breathing sucked bad today with this sinus infection. Sucky, sucky, sucky sauce. Felt good about my weight. Started with 165#, but after the first few I decided that it might be in my best interest to drop a bit. Next time. Need to get my butt working on a muscle up. Have been having early field trips at the studio and short on time. For the next two months, I will work on muscle ups after each wod. Goal is to get one nailed by the fall.
10 deadlifts 245#/165#
15 glute ham machine situps
50 yard run/100/150/200
4 rounds total with running distance increasing each time
Time 19:17 155# kipping pullups
Fun little diddy. Breathing sucked bad today with this sinus infection. Sucky, sucky, sucky sauce. Felt good about my weight. Started with 165#, but after the first few I decided that it might be in my best interest to drop a bit. Next time. Need to get my butt working on a muscle up. Have been having early field trips at the studio and short on time. For the next two months, I will work on muscle ups after each wod. Goal is to get one nailed by the fall.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Fresh Meat!!!!!
Most of the BisMan Bombshellz Fresh Meat! I am totally rocking what my husband called my "80's geek" outfit. Thank you Ragstock!
Warrior Dash!
Last week was crazy at the studio with lots of tie-dye field trips and summer camp. Worked out every day that I was back , just didn't have time to post. Here is a little recap.
Tues-was completely tired from late night of driving, so basically did some shoulder presses and push presses with a few overhead squats for good measure.
Wed-worked on my overhead squats again and hit a new PR of 105#. 110# wasn't feeling my love quite yet. Had derby practice for 2 1/2 hours that eve. Heck of a lot of fun and a great sweat fest. Started really nailing my trasitions.
100 m row
50 thrusters 45#
30 pullups
Time????? -completely spaced it
squat clean and jerk 135/95
muscle up (sub 21 pullups and 21 pushups per round)
Time 24:23 75# /rx subs
Sunday-Derby practice and then watched the Bombshellz and the Capital City Roller Girls bout in a mixer.
Mon -try to incerase weight per round
25 ring rows
5 squat clean and jerk-75#
20 ring rows
4 squat clean and jerk-80#
15 ring rows
3 squat clean and jerk-85#
10 ring rows
2 squat clean and jerk-90#
5 ring rows
1 squat clean and jerk-95#
Continued doing some singles up to 105#. Again, 110# wasn't feeling the love.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Wednesday night was roller derby practice. Skated from a little after six to just up to nine when one of my fellow fresh meaters went down and broke her ankle in three places! My heart goes out to her! It is so frustrating to have a goal that you are working towards and then get a huge obstacle placed in your way. Her will is strong and I know that she will pull through this and be on her skates again. As for myself, even though I fell my fair share of times at practice, I am proud to say that I always fell correctly (no new bruises!). This was a big step for me. Being on my skates is feeling more natural every time I skate and I am confident that my skills will just keep improving.
Thurs, July 21st
4 rounds
8 thrusters 135#/95#
8 burpees
8 power cleans
8 pullups
time 23 something???? Out of town and forgot to look closely. I did all of the moves as rx just with 65#. This wod was especially hard on my breathing. The moves themselves were just fine, but I needed time in between to breathe. Don't ever take the ability to breathe for granted.
It's now Friday and I am in the Minneapolis hanging with my friend Traci and waiting to run the Warrior Dash on Sunday. Got a shitty wake up call this morning telling me that my GI Dr appointment that I had bee waiting well over a month for has to be cancelled and rescheduled for Aug 14th. Cannot express how mad, frustrated, and sad I am. I have been yearning to go to this appointment and get things figured out with my throat/breathing issues. Guess I will be suffering for another three weeks at least. Mother Trucker! Anyhow, must press on. Warrior Dash will be fun. Hopefully my breathing will be somewhat ok. Pictures will surely follow.
Thurs, July 21st
4 rounds
8 thrusters 135#/95#
8 burpees
8 power cleans
8 pullups
time 23 something???? Out of town and forgot to look closely. I did all of the moves as rx just with 65#. This wod was especially hard on my breathing. The moves themselves were just fine, but I needed time in between to breathe. Don't ever take the ability to breathe for granted.
It's now Friday and I am in the Minneapolis hanging with my friend Traci and waiting to run the Warrior Dash on Sunday. Got a shitty wake up call this morning telling me that my GI Dr appointment that I had bee waiting well over a month for has to be cancelled and rescheduled for Aug 14th. Cannot express how mad, frustrated, and sad I am. I have been yearning to go to this appointment and get things figured out with my throat/breathing issues. Guess I will be suffering for another three weeks at least. Mother Trucker! Anyhow, must press on. Warrior Dash will be fun. Hopefully my breathing will be somewhat ok. Pictures will surely follow.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Crossfit Football Wod
7 rounds
3 deadlifts
3 hang power cleans
-try to increase weight each round
-rest as needed in between rounds
-do 5 penalty burpees each time the bar is set down during a round
Kept it light to start and progressed. I am truly unsure of a single heaviest hang power clean, so we will have to try and measure that soon. No penalties. Was fun and fast. Next time will start heavier. Freddy from One World like CF Football for weight programming, and I am thinking I will be giving it a try. Some of the posted wods used sledgehammers and sleds which we don't have, so I will be cherrypicking the wods for equipment that we carry. Coached a few fellow CF'ers through Manion today. Nate killed this wod! Rx'd it with a great time-top for our gym. Sweetness Nate!!!!
3 deadlifts
3 hang power cleans
-try to increase weight each round
-rest as needed in between rounds
-do 5 penalty burpees each time the bar is set down during a round
Kept it light to start and progressed. I am truly unsure of a single heaviest hang power clean, so we will have to try and measure that soon. No penalties. Was fun and fast. Next time will start heavier. Freddy from One World like CF Football for weight programming, and I am thinking I will be giving it a try. Some of the posted wods used sledgehammers and sleds which we don't have, so I will be cherrypicking the wods for equipment that we carry. Coached a few fellow CF'ers through Manion today. Nate killed this wod! Rx'd it with a great time-top for our gym. Sweetness Nate!!!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Manion Hero Wod
7 rounds
400 m run
29 backsquats 135#/95#
Time 28:38 4 rnds 95# sub 2 minutes of single skips for running
The temp here was beyond crazy and let's not even mention the humidity. Felt that it was in my best interest to stay indoors and, unfortunately, the tread mill and I are not on the best speaking terms. Manion died on my late brothers birthday. I would have to say that if it's your time to go, in my opinion, it was a good day to die.
7 rounds
400 m run
29 backsquats 135#/95#
Time 28:38 4 rnds 95# sub 2 minutes of single skips for running
The temp here was beyond crazy and let's not even mention the humidity. Felt that it was in my best interest to stay indoors and, unfortunately, the tread mill and I are not on the best speaking terms. Manion died on my late brothers birthday. I would have to say that if it's your time to go, in my opinion, it was a good day to die.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Loving those derby bruises!
Sunday, July 17th
Skated for four hours at derby practice! Getting better, slowly, but surely. Made a couple new bruises. It's sorta like making friends, painful at times, but fun. The temp here was 105, so we were all sweating like pigs. Super sexy!
Monday, July 18th
3 rnds
overhead squats 135#/95#
50 double unders (sub 150 single skips)
time 9:18 85# and single skips
Would have done 95# if not for stupidity of elbow. Going to Dr. today. Thanks to Loic for calling me out on my lack of trying the double unders. Next time, promise. My times are slow anyhow and I am totally guilty of not wanting to slow them down further with my pathetic double unders. Bad Mel. Will be putting myself into a time out pronto!
Skated for four hours at derby practice! Getting better, slowly, but surely. Made a couple new bruises. It's sorta like making friends, painful at times, but fun. The temp here was 105, so we were all sweating like pigs. Super sexy!
Monday, July 18th
3 rnds
overhead squats 135#/95#
50 double unders (sub 150 single skips)
time 9:18 85# and single skips
Would have done 95# if not for stupidity of elbow. Going to Dr. today. Thanks to Loic for calling me out on my lack of trying the double unders. Next time, promise. My times are slow anyhow and I am totally guilty of not wanting to slow them down further with my pathetic double unders. Bad Mel. Will be putting myself into a time out pronto!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Happy Harry Potter Day!!!!
Busy week at the studio with Harry Potter camp and Chris is out of town, hence I am behind on my posts.
Thurs, July 14th
3 rounds
50#/35# dumbbell waiter walk 100 m right arm
30 glute-ham situps
50#/35# dumbbell waiter walk 100 m left arm
30 glute-ham back extensions
Time 16:53 30# dumbbell
I have to say that the 35# would have been doable if my left elbow was not a jerk at the moment. 30# sucked on that side enough as it was. For some insane reason, I thought it was five rounds-thank goodness that B brought me back to reality 'cause three was enough.
Fri, July 15th
Freddy's 46
Take 15 minutes to find your max weight 3 rep backsquat. Then take 70-75% of the weight and complete 46 backsquats for time. Each time you rack the bar you must complete a 250m row at a sprint pace.
Max 3 rep weight was 175# today, with working weight of 120#, two rows and time of 8:23. I love backsquats, but today they felt like dog poop. Ready for my rest day tomorrow!!!!
Thurs, July 14th
3 rounds
50#/35# dumbbell waiter walk 100 m right arm
30 glute-ham situps
50#/35# dumbbell waiter walk 100 m left arm
30 glute-ham back extensions
Time 16:53 30# dumbbell
I have to say that the 35# would have been doable if my left elbow was not a jerk at the moment. 30# sucked on that side enough as it was. For some insane reason, I thought it was five rounds-thank goodness that B brought me back to reality 'cause three was enough.
Fri, July 15th
Freddy's 46
Take 15 minutes to find your max weight 3 rep backsquat. Then take 70-75% of the weight and complete 46 backsquats for time. Each time you rack the bar you must complete a 250m row at a sprint pace.
Max 3 rep weight was 175# today, with working weight of 120#, two rows and time of 8:23. I love backsquats, but today they felt like dog poop. Ready for my rest day tomorrow!!!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A little behind . . .
Sunday, July 10th
Derby practice from 5-8 p.m. Biffed it really good this time. Landed on right hip/buttcheek/shoulder and then whip lashed my head back onto the cement. Now my nice pretty purple helmet has derby rash . . . .so sad! Getting better each time we skate and it looks like fresh meat training has been extended another four weeks, which is very good for me. More time to improve!
Monday, July 11th
5 rounds
400 m run
20deadlifts 145#/105#
20 pushups
10 deadlifts
10 pushups
time 24:56 for 3 rounds Rx
What can I say. My throat was horrible. The running was the worst part. Deadlifts were just fine. Frustrating!
Tues, July 12th
strict pull ups
hand stand push ups
I subbed out the pull ups for push press at 65# due to elbow. Didn't help. Just wasn't there today.
Wed, July 13th
800 m run
3 rope climbs (18 pullups)
5 handstand push ups
400 m run
2 rope climbs (12 pullups)
10 hspu
200 m run
1 rope climb (6 pullups)
15 hspu
time 14:11 sub glute-ham situps for pullups due to elbow and hspu were banded. Happy birthday Julie! Birthday burpees were also on the menu. Julie graciously let me sub birthday boxjumps 24":-) What a nice Birthday girl!!!!
Derby practice from 5-8 p.m. Biffed it really good this time. Landed on right hip/buttcheek/shoulder and then whip lashed my head back onto the cement. Now my nice pretty purple helmet has derby rash . . . .so sad! Getting better each time we skate and it looks like fresh meat training has been extended another four weeks, which is very good for me. More time to improve!
Monday, July 11th
5 rounds
400 m run
20deadlifts 145#/105#
20 pushups
10 deadlifts
10 pushups
time 24:56 for 3 rounds Rx
What can I say. My throat was horrible. The running was the worst part. Deadlifts were just fine. Frustrating!
Tues, July 12th
strict pull ups
hand stand push ups
I subbed out the pull ups for push press at 65# due to elbow. Didn't help. Just wasn't there today.
Wed, July 13th
800 m run
3 rope climbs (18 pullups)
5 handstand push ups
400 m run
2 rope climbs (12 pullups)
10 hspu
200 m run
1 rope climb (6 pullups)
15 hspu
time 14:11 sub glute-ham situps for pullups due to elbow and hspu were banded. Happy birthday Julie! Birthday burpees were also on the menu. Julie graciously let me sub birthday boxjumps 24":-) What a nice Birthday girl!!!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
shoulder press
45#-55#-65#-70#-75# and then singles to 90#
overhead squat
Love lifting! After months of not lifting, I have done lots of weighted lifts this week and my thighs can tell. I swear that they are swollen! What better way to make them feel better than to lift some more! B and Mark once told me that if an area is sore, instead of babying it, work it out and the soreness will get better faster. Totally true! And really, once you get going and the muscles are warmed up, you really don't feel the soreness.
Will be investigating various lifting programs and starting one soon. Not sure which will help me reach my goals the best and fastest. Will post along with regular wod. Any feedback of what program you like is appreciated. Have a great weekend!
45#-55#-65#-70#-75# and then singles to 90#
overhead squat
Love lifting! After months of not lifting, I have done lots of weighted lifts this week and my thighs can tell. I swear that they are swollen! What better way to make them feel better than to lift some more! B and Mark once told me that if an area is sore, instead of babying it, work it out and the soreness will get better faster. Totally true! And really, once you get going and the muscles are warmed up, you really don't feel the soreness.
Will be investigating various lifting programs and starting one soon. Not sure which will help me reach my goals the best and fastest. Will post along with regular wod. Any feedback of what program you like is appreciated. Have a great weekend!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Back Squats Baby!
95#-115#-135#-165#-175#-185#-185#-fail at 195#
It has been way too long since I have done backsquats, and boy did I miss them. I was happy to see that I had not lost any of my weight, and actually felt like I could go more at another time. 195# just wasn't as deep as should have been and I stalled on way up. Need to really work on "seeing the lift completed" before I start. It's silly, but sometimes the higher numbers make me loose my confidence. Maybe it's just a gradual progression. When I started trying higher box jumps, it also freaked me out, but once I did them, I was fine. It truly does help if I have someone coaching/cheering/yelling me to go deeper, add more weight, etc. Hint, hint to my lifting buddy and coach. Will be setting some lifting weight goals and working on them weekly before or after my wods. If I want to progress, I need to challenge myself to do more as I have in the past. True, I am at the gym working out all week long, but as anyone who knows me will tell you, I am very impatient when it comes to things that I want. I'll work my ass off to get there, but there needs to be results. On a lighter note, the Warrior Dash is only a few weeks away. I am very excited to run and play in the mud! Even though I am running by myself that day, I am feeling the urge to dress up all crazy. From the pics that I have seen, it is sorta a tradition (there is a prize for the craziest costume). The true question is, what do I want to get all muddy and possibly ruined? Cute pic-don't all men want to be married to a Crossfit girl?
95#-115#-135#-165#-175#-185#-185#-fail at 195#
It has been way too long since I have done backsquats, and boy did I miss them. I was happy to see that I had not lost any of my weight, and actually felt like I could go more at another time. 195# just wasn't as deep as should have been and I stalled on way up. Need to really work on "seeing the lift completed" before I start. It's silly, but sometimes the higher numbers make me loose my confidence. Maybe it's just a gradual progression. When I started trying higher box jumps, it also freaked me out, but once I did them, I was fine. It truly does help if I have someone coaching/cheering/yelling me to go deeper, add more weight, etc. Hint, hint to my lifting buddy and coach. Will be setting some lifting weight goals and working on them weekly before or after my wods. If I want to progress, I need to challenge myself to do more as I have in the past. True, I am at the gym working out all week long, but as anyone who knows me will tell you, I am very impatient when it comes to things that I want. I'll work my ass off to get there, but there needs to be results. On a lighter note, the Warrior Dash is only a few weeks away. I am very excited to run and play in the mud! Even though I am running by myself that day, I am feeling the urge to dress up all crazy. From the pics that I have seen, it is sorta a tradition (there is a prize for the craziest costume). The true question is, what do I want to get all muddy and possibly ruined? Cute pic-don't all men want to be married to a Crossfit girl?
Thursday, July 7, 2011
The road less taken . . .
5 rnds
9 pullups
15 pushups
21 overhead squats 65/45#
mel's version
5 rnds
9 glute ham situps
15 banded handstand pushups
21 overhead squats 65#
time 28:25
Sometimes you just have to do things your own way! That stupid elbow is still grumpy and didn't like my pullups at all. For that fact, the overhead squats didn't feel great either, but not bad enough to not do. Does that make any sense? I have missed doing them so much!
The first two pics are the reason that my jeans feel a little snug this week-but it was oh so good! We ate lots of veggie burgers and hot dogs (and way too many sweets!!!). The picture with my boys, husband, and the extremely tall guy is from the Red Garter Saloon in Hill City. They do a comedy, wild west gun show which the boys absolutely loved. The tall gentleman is Big Dave. He's a staggering 7'2" and used a bull whip in the middle of the street to entice tourists into his show. My youngest son was more that a little afraid of him. Last pic is of me and my boys at Rushmore. Fun times!
A little report on the five fingers. After trekking all over the SD hills and back, I declare that I am in love with them! Didn't run anymore in them, but did some hiking and all over wandering. Very comfortable.
9 pullups
15 pushups
21 overhead squats 65/45#
mel's version
5 rnds
9 glute ham situps
15 banded handstand pushups
21 overhead squats 65#
time 28:25
Sometimes you just have to do things your own way! That stupid elbow is still grumpy and didn't like my pullups at all. For that fact, the overhead squats didn't feel great either, but not bad enough to not do. Does that make any sense? I have missed doing them so much!
The first two pics are the reason that my jeans feel a little snug this week-but it was oh so good! We ate lots of veggie burgers and hot dogs (and way too many sweets!!!). The picture with my boys, husband, and the extremely tall guy is from the Red Garter Saloon in Hill City. They do a comedy, wild west gun show which the boys absolutely loved. The tall gentleman is Big Dave. He's a staggering 7'2" and used a bull whip in the middle of the street to entice tourists into his show. My youngest son was more that a little afraid of him. Last pic is of me and my boys at Rushmore. Fun times!
A little report on the five fingers. After trekking all over the SD hills and back, I declare that I am in love with them! Didn't run anymore in them, but did some hiking and all over wandering. Very comfortable.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Happy Late 4th of July!
The Black Hills of South Dakota are absolutely amazing! Breathtaking scenery, adventures for the whole family, and just good clean fun. My family has been visiting the same spots in SD for about 80 years, since my Great Grandma Ester had her children, so we are steeped in tradition and even some secret family spots where pennies have been pounded into the rocks on every trip. AKA Penny Rock. This trip was my youngest son, Garver's first time to pound pennies at Penny Rock and my other boys had lots of fun finding old pennies, blackened with time.
The weather was mainly cooperative, giving us plenty of time to go play.The downside of all of the playing is all of the eating! Dang those vacations and the good food (and beverages!). Just got back to the gym this morning and working on Morrison, when things got turned around a bit. It is going to be a don't ask, don't tell wod. Tomorrow will be better:-)
Here is a few handstand photos from the trip. I completely embarrassed my husband at Mt. Rushmore by having him take the pics. Silly boy! If you look closely, you can see the bottom of the faces by my feet. Lol!
The weather was mainly cooperative, giving us plenty of time to go play.The downside of all of the playing is all of the eating! Dang those vacations and the good food (and beverages!). Just got back to the gym this morning and working on Morrison, when things got turned around a bit. It is going to be a don't ask, don't tell wod. Tomorrow will be better:-)
Here is a few handstand photos from the trip. I completely embarrassed my husband at Mt. Rushmore by having him take the pics. Silly boy! If you look closely, you can see the bottom of the faces by my feet. Lol!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Free & Clear!!!
Thurs, June 30th
95-115-135-155-165 and then singles of 175-185, failed at 195
Got the OK from my Dr.'s to lift weights again! Yeah!!! Still watching the breathing stuff. In a year, once swelling is all gone, we will revisit and if not groovy, then it's off to Mayo to meet a new Dr. Genetically speaking, my nasal structure sucks. Easing back into the weights. Numbers will improve shortly.
Fri, July 1
redo of earlier week wod
15 handstand pushups
15 glute ham situps
400 m run
10 hspu
10 gh situps
400 m run
5 hspu
5 gh situps
400 m run
time 11:09
Elbow is still angry, so we revisited this WOD with Loic. Ran for the first time in my five fingers. Overall, it felt very good despite running on cement. Shins hurt just a little afterward. Just a thought, but I may be in love with these shoes. Is it too soon to say love? We've only known each other for three days . . .
Going down to the Black Hills for the weekend camping. So very excited as I have not been there in many years and spent lots of time in Hill City as a kid. The boys are stoked! Look forward to some hiking, biking, and walking through streams looking for crayfish (and according to my oldest son, gold). Look for lots of photos next week. Have a great 4th of July-be safe!
95-115-135-155-165 and then singles of 175-185, failed at 195
Got the OK from my Dr.'s to lift weights again! Yeah!!! Still watching the breathing stuff. In a year, once swelling is all gone, we will revisit and if not groovy, then it's off to Mayo to meet a new Dr. Genetically speaking, my nasal structure sucks. Easing back into the weights. Numbers will improve shortly.
Fri, July 1
redo of earlier week wod
15 handstand pushups
15 glute ham situps
400 m run
10 hspu
10 gh situps
400 m run
5 hspu
5 gh situps
400 m run
time 11:09
Elbow is still angry, so we revisited this WOD with Loic. Ran for the first time in my five fingers. Overall, it felt very good despite running on cement. Shins hurt just a little afterward. Just a thought, but I may be in love with these shoes. Is it too soon to say love? We've only known each other for three days . . .
Going down to the Black Hills for the weekend camping. So very excited as I have not been there in many years and spent lots of time in Hill City as a kid. The boys are stoked! Look forward to some hiking, biking, and walking through streams looking for crayfish (and according to my oldest son, gold). Look for lots of photos next week. Have a great 4th of July-be safe!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The Teenie 25!
Filthy Fifty
50 box jumps 24"
50 jumping pullups
50 kettlebell swings 35#
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press 45#
50 back extensions
50 wall balls 20#
50 burpees
50 double unders
Teenie 25 (Mel version)
25 box jumps 24"
25 jumping pullups
25 glute ham situps
25 walking lunges
50 abmat sit ups
50 fast 12" box jumps
25 back extensions
25 handstand push ups (banded)
50 jumping pull ups
75 single rope skips
Time 14:21
Today is six weeks post-surgery, but my check-ups are not until tomorrow, hence all of the non-body weight subs. The elbow is still angry, so a few more subs. The good news is that I was able to get done and cheer on my friend Loic through a Rx PR filthy fifty. Nice job Loic!
50 box jumps 24"
50 jumping pullups
50 kettlebell swings 35#
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press 45#
50 back extensions
50 wall balls 20#
50 burpees
50 double unders
Teenie 25 (Mel version)
25 box jumps 24"
25 jumping pullups
25 glute ham situps
25 walking lunges
50 abmat sit ups
50 fast 12" box jumps
25 back extensions
25 handstand push ups (banded)
50 jumping pull ups
75 single rope skips
Time 14:21
Today is six weeks post-surgery, but my check-ups are not until tomorrow, hence all of the non-body weight subs. The elbow is still angry, so a few more subs. The good news is that I was able to get done and cheer on my friend Loic through a Rx PR filthy fifty. Nice job Loic!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
15 handstand push ups
15 knees to elbows
400 m run
10 hspu
10 k to e
400 m run
5 hspu
5 k to e
400 m run
time 12:??
Had to switch my knees to elbows to glute ham sit ups halfway through first set. Me elbow did not agree with them. My first derby fall tweaked it a little and it's still crabby. Today is my first day for my five fingers. Wearing them as regular shoes, not running yet. Need to make friends with them first . . .
15 knees to elbows
400 m run
10 hspu
10 k to e
400 m run
5 hspu
5 k to e
400 m run
time 12:??
Had to switch my knees to elbows to glute ham sit ups halfway through first set. Me elbow did not agree with them. My first derby fall tweaked it a little and it's still crabby. Today is my first day for my five fingers. Wearing them as regular shoes, not running yet. Need to make friends with them first . . .
Monday, June 27, 2011
Good food & great company!
My weekend in Minneapolis was wonderful! Ate lots of good food, drank some really good beverages, and enjoyed some delicious desserts. Going back in a little under a month for the Warrior Dash and plan on staying a few extra days to chill with my good friend Traci. Want to explore the city with some photography. Here is a sampling of food pics and my new five fingers. Got in late last night and mistakenly thought that my field trip was earlier than scheduled, so my wod ended up just being some tall box jumps (just to see for height), stretching, and some handstand work.
Vanilla Creme Brulee from "Pardon my French."
We got to Crave at MOA very, very late and hungry. Forgot the before pic, but here is the after. I had two of their veggie sushi rolls (add cream cheese). They are draped in layers of avocado and drizzled with a sesame sauce. By far, my very favorite veggie sushi!
The next afternoon back at Pardon my French for a duo of quiche (spinach & feta and fresh mushroom) with a few pistachio macaroons for dessert. Yum!!!
These will be part of the formula to work off all of those wonderful food & beverages and also hopefully strengthen my feet, ankles, and legs. Will keep you informed on my verdict. They feel funny as heck but also good at the same time. Husband gives them thumbs down, but my boys think that they are groovy chickens.
Vanilla Creme Brulee from "Pardon my French."
We got to Crave at MOA very, very late and hungry. Forgot the before pic, but here is the after. I had two of their veggie sushi rolls (add cream cheese). They are draped in layers of avocado and drizzled with a sesame sauce. By far, my very favorite veggie sushi!
The next afternoon back at Pardon my French for a duo of quiche (spinach & feta and fresh mushroom) with a few pistachio macaroons for dessert. Yum!!!
These will be part of the formula to work off all of those wonderful food & beverages and also hopefully strengthen my feet, ankles, and legs. Will keep you informed on my verdict. They feel funny as heck but also good at the same time. Husband gives them thumbs down, but my boys think that they are groovy chickens.
Friday, June 24, 2011
So not seven minutes in heaven!
jump rope single skips - abmat sit ups
Between the numerous phone calls I had to answer mid-wod and my sore abs, my time was past where it should have been. Oh well. Heading to the cities for the weekend to see my lovely friend Traci, eat some good food, and get some clay for my studio. See you all Monday!
Between the numerous phone calls I had to answer mid-wod and my sore abs, my time was past where it should have been. Oh well. Heading to the cities for the weekend to see my lovely friend Traci, eat some good food, and get some clay for my studio. See you all Monday!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
handstand pushups
time 15:59
The wod was supposed to go in reverse order on 10-20-30, but who wants to add more at the end. Always better to go down in numbers or at least it feels better mentally to get the big stuff over with. The handstand pushups were banded, but the pullups were kipping. It's been awhile since I've been able to do pullups during a wod, so my callouses got tender very fast. Need to get back on track with Rx handstand pushups. My depth is not very good on them and if the wod calls for a descent number, it's less frustrating and quicker to band them.
handstand pushups
time 15:59
The wod was supposed to go in reverse order on 10-20-30, but who wants to add more at the end. Always better to go down in numbers or at least it feels better mentally to get the big stuff over with. The handstand pushups were banded, but the pullups were kipping. It's been awhile since I've been able to do pullups during a wod, so my callouses got tender very fast. Need to get back on track with Rx handstand pushups. My depth is not very good on them and if the wod calls for a descent number, it's less frustrating and quicker to band them.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Fresh Meat!
Fresh meat open skate tonight was great! A big thank you to Liz for correcting my derby stance-it made a huge difference in my balance as did tightening my skates a bit. My body is used to very deep Crossfit squats and they are counterproductive in derby stance. Mr. Miyagi would say "bad for balance, Melanie-son." Good to know. Broke out my shorter than short purple tutu and loved every minute of it. My dear silly husband wanted me to stop on the way home to grab some beverages and I am sorry to say that wearing a tutu while skating derby is one thing, but walking into a store dressed that way is another. Maybe I just need to ease into that experience a little more first. On a different note, snagged the last Crossfit Bismarck t-shirt that Brian had to get some "out & about" pics when we are in South Dakota over the 4th of July. Totally want to get a handstand pic by Mount Rushmore! Guess you will have to wait and see . . .
400 m run
30 deadlifts 135/95
30 situps abmat
30 back extensions
400 m run
20 deadlifts
20 situps
20 back ext
400 m run
10 deadlifts
10 sit ups
10 back ext
time 19:57
Had to sub out the deadlifts for knees to elbows since I'm still on lifting restrictions. Same old same old for the throat. Thinking that once I get the all clear for lifting next week, I will maybe focus on the heavy for a bit and see if that helps or hinders the throat. Need to get some more running in as well. Warrior Dash is coming up fast and I have not been on a run, run since pre-surgery. Heading to the cities this weekend to get some wet clay and other supplies for the studio with my Mom. Should be fun!
30 deadlifts 135/95
30 situps abmat
30 back extensions
400 m run
20 deadlifts
20 situps
20 back ext
400 m run
10 deadlifts
10 sit ups
10 back ext
time 19:57
Had to sub out the deadlifts for knees to elbows since I'm still on lifting restrictions. Same old same old for the throat. Thinking that once I get the all clear for lifting next week, I will maybe focus on the heavy for a bit and see if that helps or hinders the throat. Need to get some more running in as well. Warrior Dash is coming up fast and I have not been on a run, run since pre-surgery. Heading to the cities this weekend to get some wet clay and other supplies for the studio with my Mom. Should be fun!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Top secret female stuff!
3 rounds
50 double unders
25 wall balls 2 for 1 (2 squats for 1 throw)
My wod was a total subfest. My double unders suck, and I know that I should practice, but I had to be quicker today because I had summer camp early. As for the wall balls, I am at peace with them and would have liked to do them, it just would be a nightmare if I accidentally missed and hit my face. We will revisit wall balls maybe later this year. So, in conclusion, my subs were 150 single skips and then 50-12" fast box jumps. Time was 13:22
***disclaimer*** Men who are freaked out by girlie stuff should not read any further!
My friend, Mel S., is a genius! For all of you women who have had children the natural way, there are some exercises that do not bode well anynore (fast box jumps, jumping pull ups, and jump rope). Mel is a Nurse Practitioner who deals with incontinence. Before our wod today, I was mentioning how I was for certain to be running to the bathroom multiple times due to the exercises. She ever so secretly whispers to me that I may want to try wearing a tampon while exercising. Sorry Mel, but I would not due all of the technical terms justice, so we will just say that it worked so fabulous and I did not need even one potty break. So all of you fantastic female Crossiftters out there, even if you are not affected this way, please pass on this knowledge and together we can make the world a better place!
50 double unders
25 wall balls 2 for 1 (2 squats for 1 throw)
My wod was a total subfest. My double unders suck, and I know that I should practice, but I had to be quicker today because I had summer camp early. As for the wall balls, I am at peace with them and would have liked to do them, it just would be a nightmare if I accidentally missed and hit my face. We will revisit wall balls maybe later this year. So, in conclusion, my subs were 150 single skips and then 50-12" fast box jumps. Time was 13:22
***disclaimer*** Men who are freaked out by girlie stuff should not read any further!
My friend, Mel S., is a genius! For all of you women who have had children the natural way, there are some exercises that do not bode well anynore (fast box jumps, jumping pull ups, and jump rope). Mel is a Nurse Practitioner who deals with incontinence. Before our wod today, I was mentioning how I was for certain to be running to the bathroom multiple times due to the exercises. She ever so secretly whispers to me that I may want to try wearing a tampon while exercising. Sorry Mel, but I would not due all of the technical terms justice, so we will just say that it worked so fabulous and I did not need even one potty break. So all of you fantastic female Crossiftters out there, even if you are not affected this way, please pass on this knowledge and together we can make the world a better place!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Dude, my #ss hurts!
#1-Thank you to Crossfit for putting my butt and thighs in great shape. In roller derby, you are basically squat-skating the whole time (aka "derby stance"). Those body parts are already used to torture from Crossit, so derby stance was not a big deal at all. In fact, I heard comments back from my fellow "fresh meaters" about how fast I flew through all of the off skate drills. Since I am just learning to skate, I will take those compliments whole heartedly. I do think that the derby stance is going to benefit my little butt immensely (a nice plus!).
#2-As far as I know, there is not a level of fitness that can protect you from bruises when you fall during derby. If there is, I will get there and fast! It flipping hurt my tooshie to even do a few sit ups via abmat this morning. Really????? Plus, I think that there is not enough "meat" on my back bones as it also feels very tender from the various exercises on the concrete. Trying to decide if I smuggled my abmat into the next practice if that would look like a wussy or smart so I don't have the discomfort? Tough one for me. Alas, today was a stretching day for me. Sore is one thing, but bruised is another. I totally prefer the first one.
A few of my fresh meaters and I are going to break out the tutus for the next open skate. Heck, part of the appeal of derby for me is getting to dress up fun and crazy. We'll put it this way. When we go to the craft fairs and you see the little girls wearing the cute tutus, I am totally jealous. They're so sassy & girlie and now I have reasons to wear them! It's a oxymoron. You see girls dressed up fun, but they're on four wheels, racing fast as hell, and hip-checking anyone that gets in their way. What's not to love?
#2-As far as I know, there is not a level of fitness that can protect you from bruises when you fall during derby. If there is, I will get there and fast! It flipping hurt my tooshie to even do a few sit ups via abmat this morning. Really????? Plus, I think that there is not enough "meat" on my back bones as it also feels very tender from the various exercises on the concrete. Trying to decide if I smuggled my abmat into the next practice if that would look like a wussy or smart so I don't have the discomfort? Tough one for me. Alas, today was a stretching day for me. Sore is one thing, but bruised is another. I totally prefer the first one.
A few of my fresh meaters and I are going to break out the tutus for the next open skate. Heck, part of the appeal of derby for me is getting to dress up fun and crazy. We'll put it this way. When we go to the craft fairs and you see the little girls wearing the cute tutus, I am totally jealous. They're so sassy & girlie and now I have reasons to wear them! It's a oxymoron. You see girls dressed up fun, but they're on four wheels, racing fast as hell, and hip-checking anyone that gets in their way. What's not to love?
Sunday, June 19, 2011
A roller derby weekend
Saturday, June 18th
First day on my wheels! Went out to a park with my family to give them a try. Went better than expected with the exception of multiple bruises and scratches. Super proud and jealous of my husband's skating abilities. Take 13+ years playing hockey, many years on inline blades, and you get a guy who is skating backwards after 15 minutes on blades. I should mention that he hasn't skated for more than 10 years. Boys were so excited and are very eager to get their own blades soon.
Sunday, June 19th
First derby practice on wheels, second day on wheels. It was so much nicer to skate on smooth cement! My balance is getting better. Derby stance is good. The most natural thing for me was the off-skate workout at the beginning of practice. Totally missed my abmat for the sit ups. Sit ups on cement suck! Have my name and number totally figured out. Crossing my fingers that I can keep it once it's submitted. Went for a drink and some food afterwards with some fellow fresh meat teammates. Fun!
First day on my wheels! Went out to a park with my family to give them a try. Went better than expected with the exception of multiple bruises and scratches. Super proud and jealous of my husband's skating abilities. Take 13+ years playing hockey, many years on inline blades, and you get a guy who is skating backwards after 15 minutes on blades. I should mention that he hasn't skated for more than 10 years. Boys were so excited and are very eager to get their own blades soon.
Sunday, June 19th
First derby practice on wheels, second day on wheels. It was so much nicer to skate on smooth cement! My balance is getting better. Derby stance is good. The most natural thing for me was the off-skate workout at the beginning of practice. Totally missed my abmat for the sit ups. Sit ups on cement suck! Have my name and number totally figured out. Crossing my fingers that I can keep it once it's submitted. Went for a drink and some food afterwards with some fellow fresh meat teammates. Fun!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Thursday, June 16th
My very own version of "Nancy"
3 rnds
400 m run
15 box jumps 24"
No time recorded. Thinking that may be my mantra until we get all of the health issues under control. Less stress.
3 rnds
400 m run
15 box jumps 24"
No time recorded. Thinking that may be my mantra until we get all of the health issues under control. Less stress.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Hmmm . . .
Crossfit Bismarck posted wod today was Fran and with me still on weight restrictions, we had to come up with a plan "B". I wanted to stay on a similar format of 21-15-9. In my wod, I started with burpees, but they exasperated my throat issues so we switched to 12" box jumps with double the number of reps.
It went so much better after that. Not even close to perfect health-wise, but a step forward. It was wonderful to see so many great Fran times on the board, with a few PR's.
sit ups
burpees (sub double # box jumps)
It went so much better after that. Not even close to perfect health-wise, but a step forward. It was wonderful to see so many great Fran times on the board, with a few PR's.
sit ups
burpees (sub double # box jumps)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Bit by bit . . .
3 rounds
50 box jumps 20"
50 situps
50 squats
Made it through one round. Exercises good, throat bad. Enough said. Baby steps, little tiny baby steps.
50 box jumps 20"
50 situps
50 squats
Made it through one round. Exercises good, throat bad. Enough said. Baby steps, little tiny baby steps.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Patience is a virtue
3 rnds
1000 m row
50 burpees
50 box jumps 24"
400 m run
The scaled down version was half of the reps for each of the rounds. I managed to get in one round this way. Breathing today was really bad. From the row to burpees to jumps and finally the run, it killed my throat. The good news is that, for what I did, I Rx'd the wod. Love my buddy Loic for trying to keep my spirits up. It's getting harder and harder to do. . . on a different note, I got all of my derby gear today, plus a note from my Dr. for cardio! Good to go!!!!!
3 rnds
1000 m row
50 burpees
50 box jumps 24"
400 m run
The scaled down version was half of the reps for each of the rounds. I managed to get in one round this way. Breathing today was really bad. From the row to burpees to jumps and finally the run, it killed my throat. The good news is that, for what I did, I Rx'd the wod. Love my buddy Loic for trying to keep my spirits up. It's getting harder and harder to do. . . on a different note, I got all of my derby gear today, plus a note from my Dr. for cardio! Good to go!!!!!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
A week in review . . .
It's been a crazy work week! As a ceramics studio owner, Father's Day is one of my busiest times of the and I have not had any time to update the blog.
Thurs-Psycho phone again. Blog post should have said that I helped coach some strong Crossfit women through the regional qualifier wod. They did awesome! Super jealous on my end that I had to miss the overhead squats. Will be doing this wod as soon as I am cleared for weightlifting.
15 min amrap
9 toes to bar
12 push ups
15 box jumps 20"
Made 4 rnds clear. I feel like a broken repeating record here, but the exercises themselves were fine. It was the same old throat issue again. I am beyond frustrated! After a year and a half, surgery, and a variety of meds, I am at my breaking point here. The little patience that I had is gone. I've heard "stay positive" and "just give it more time." That is all fine and dandy, but when it's you having the issues, it's a lot harder to swallow. I think that we all can agree, it will be so nice once I am not b!*ching about this issue any longer.
Walked to studio to work. Wanted to run, but it was sorta awkward running with a backpack on, so a walking I went. It was a beautiful day!
Thurs-Psycho phone again. Blog post should have said that I helped coach some strong Crossfit women through the regional qualifier wod. They did awesome! Super jealous on my end that I had to miss the overhead squats. Will be doing this wod as soon as I am cleared for weightlifting.
15 min amrap
9 toes to bar
12 push ups
15 box jumps 20"
Made 4 rnds clear. I feel like a broken repeating record here, but the exercises themselves were fine. It was the same old throat issue again. I am beyond frustrated! After a year and a half, surgery, and a variety of meds, I am at my breaking point here. The little patience that I had is gone. I've heard "stay positive" and "just give it more time." That is all fine and dandy, but when it's you having the issues, it's a lot harder to swallow. I think that we all can agree, it will be so nice once I am not b!*ching about this issue any longer.
Walked to studio to work. Wanted to run, but it was sorta awkward running with a backpack on, so a walking I went. It was a beautiful day!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Day 1
box jumps 12"
sit ups
The box jumps and situps were completely fine. That is if you count that at least a third of the time was spent trying to catch my breath. Cannot even make into words how frustrated I am right now! My Dr. had said that my nose my throb if I overdid it and to stop. This I was waiting for and pretty much expecting. It did not happen. What I was praying did not happen was the old throat issue, which was back with a vengence. So either the timeframe has not been sufficient enough for things to correct themselves or what we did really didn't help. Needless to say, I am not playing the waiting game with this unless I have to. Ughhh!!!!! Why can't things go easy at least some of the time?
box jumps 12"
sit ups
The box jumps and situps were completely fine. That is if you count that at least a third of the time was spent trying to catch my breath. Cannot even make into words how frustrated I am right now! My Dr. had said that my nose my throb if I overdid it and to stop. This I was waiting for and pretty much expecting. It did not happen. What I was praying did not happen was the old throat issue, which was back with a vengence. So either the timeframe has not been sufficient enough for things to correct themselves or what we did really didn't help. Needless to say, I am not playing the waiting game with this unless I have to. Ughhh!!!!! Why can't things go easy at least some of the time?
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Can you say burpees?
Very little stretching today, but more coaching and motivation. Tomorrow I will be trying some cardio, bit by bit to see how it goes. Three weeks in and three to go until I should be all clear. Dying to get my hands on some of the posted wods! Happy Birthday Lila! Not sure that I can say that I am all too sad that I couldn't do 50 birthday burpees with you today. Next time!
Monday, June 6, 2011
A Walking We Will Go . . .
Sunday was just too beautiful to sit inside! Walked to the studio to dip and walked about 3/4 way home before my family picked me up to run errands. Total about 4 miles. Went down to visit Grandma and took boys on bikes and new niece in stroller for second walk of the day. It was an unfamiliar route for me, so I really am unsure of length. My In-laws live on the south side of Bismarck where all of the flooding is potentially happening and it was very interesting to get a glimpse of the variety of sandbagged barriers that are out there. Some had none, some had a few, and some went all out with a three foot dike. I should mention that as long as the dikes that the corps put up hold, the area should be safe. Here are some photos. We live on a very tall hill in north Bismarck and are not affected by the flooding, but my heart goes out to everyone who is. We have two sets of relatives that live below the University of Mary who have been out of their homes for almost three weeks now. It's in God's hands now.
Monday, June 6
Did a little bit of stretching and then some tall box jumps (with lots of rest in between as my nose began to throb). I worked in sets of three'ish starting with the 24" box. Added a 25# plate, then took that off and added a 45#. Stacked the 25# back on top of 45#, then did two 45# and finally added a 25# to the two 45#. This most likely makes no sense at all, and I apologize for not measuring heights. Just like sprints, box jumps are explosive and work your muscles differently than a long run. Between a lanky marathoner and a beefy sprinter, I'd rather look like the latter.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
An Idea Is Born!
Went on a wonderfully, relaxing family walk this evening. The big boys rode bike, the little one ran and Dad and I walked. The mosquitoes where awful already. On a positive note, I had a great idea to combine two of my favorite things; art and exercise. As we are walking, I am seeing the possibility of so many great pictures. So, the goal is to bring with some sort of camera on each walk, run or ride for the summer and post the fun things we encounter along the way. This will be in addition to all of the usual Crossfit wods and such. Wednesday is the go ahead for cardio! Yeah!!!!
Quote of the day: "Stinky mosquitoes better not bite me or I'll hit them with my wallet." "I hope they don't take a dollar!" by my seven year old.
Quote of the day: "Stinky mosquitoes better not bite me or I'll hit them with my wallet." "I hope they don't take a dollar!" by my seven year old.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Say what?!
It seems that maybe all of the recent pain killers have killed my brain cells. To me no lifting means no lifting weights. No thrusters, kettlebell, weighted squats, etc. So this morning, when I was doing my little bit that I can do at the gym, Loic got on my case about some kipping pullups. "You're lifting your body weight." Really, that never, ever crossed my mind as lifting. Not sure where my Dr.s stand on that fence, but I was a good girl and stopped anyhow. Back to tree pose, I guess. . .
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Doctor, Doctor, what's that you say?
No stretching today. Dr. appointments instead. First one came with a huge shocker for me. My ENT threw out the word "second surgery" to further help my breathing. Sounds like the grafts helped, but I am still not breathing good (think some is swelling) and he thinks that I may need to have grafts to open up my nostrils. It was instant panic for me. That surgery sucked, and granted this won't happen for at least nine months, if at all, but still worries me. Need to heal first. Second Dr. (plastic surgeon) said he didn't think that a second graft is a possibility, but we will monitor and see. My grandpa is all German and has always said this awesome German swear word, fonsoyetevitenah (no idea on spelling-sorry). Seems appropriate right now to me. Still waiting not so patiently to see if this has helped the whole throat issue. TBD.
Was able to hit the gym for a few minutes before work to give my buddy, Loic, some encouragement on his WOD.
Was able to hit the gym for a few minutes before work to give my buddy, Loic, some encouragement on his WOD.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Happy Late Anniversary!
Day two of stretching. Forgot to post on my Crossfit two year anniversary on May 24th! These last two years have been amazing to me on many points. I went from loathing any form of exercise to completely loving it and working out 5-6 times per week. My body maybe didn't lose that much weight, but I have dropped three jean sizes and reduced fat all over, replacing with muscle. Crossfit is never boring, never mundane and never dreaded anymore. I have found a passion for learning and coaching exercises, especially lifting. Henceforth, this is officially my third year of Crossfit and my blog title will change accordingly. I have hit many of my goals, with still many more to go, and I am excited and ready for the challenge. Are you?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Hello again!
Well, I am as back as much as I can be back. Dang recovery time frames. Tomorrow will be two weeks since the surgery and, from what I have heard, I can start a little cardio after three weeks. Sad news is no lifting until after six weeks. What to do? I am thinking lots of stretching and maybe dabble a little in some yoga in the meantime. Granted, it may help if I knew any yoga. So, let's scratch that and put in its place, mobility stretches. Those I know. It felt so good to be back at Crossfit. It looks like I will be wearing my coaching hat a little more in the meantime. We had new family pics taken before my surgery and this one is priceless! Glasser Images did a great job!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
A good girl gone bad!
It's been a heck of a week and nothing really went as planned. Surgery itself was 4 hours. They fixed my deviated septum, a balloon sinusplasty, reduced turbinates, and an open rhinoplasty. They removed cartilage from the back of my ear and used it to widen my narrow nasal bridge, hoping to improve breathing. AKA, lots of surgery. I was in the post-op recovery room for another 6 hours puking up copious amounts of blood and in wicked pain. They finally decided that they would have to admit me to the hospital overnight. More nausea and pain, with little to no sleep. BTW, it's really disgusting to have blood flowing out of your nose while vomiting. Can totally say that Crossfit helped me during my hospital stay. Imagine not being able to see (no glasses or contacts), your head throbbing horrendously anytime you lean forward, and needing to pee. Thanks to the CF gods for all of the squats-they made my life a little easier! Not sure about anyone else, but I was immediately bruised after the surgery. Took lots of pics. Very interesting to see how the color changed even hour by hour. The pics don't do the colors justice.
Day 1 after surgery, my best friend babysat me at her house. Was sent home with different pain pills than what was working at hospital. Called in to Dr. for pain control. Answer was take ibuprofen in between pain meds. Didn't really help. Still felt very tired from anesthesia. Day 2, my Grandma babysat me at her house. Spent most of the day with a bag of frozen green peas over my eyes. Pain worsened. Noticed on tip of nose some white funkiness. Oozed out yuck and blood when touched. Went to ER that eve. They gave me a huge shot of stronger pain meds and sent me home with pill prescription for same. Pain finally under control! Day 3, went to walk-in clinic about skin crap. Given pill antibiotics and a topical antibiotic cream. Also took a culture of nose tip. Dr. said to call my surgery Dr. asap. "Don't want to cartilage to get infected." Really??? What next! Day 4, hung out in my bed all day. Going to Dr. right away in the morning. Wanting good news. Dr. mentioned that he wouldn't do anything surgically right away? Please do not say the word surgery to me! I know that they try to control pain meds as to control addiction, but I think that it sucked being sent home with pills that were not as effective, suffering with pain and then having to go back in to get pain managed. To me it seems pretty black and white. Control the pain and if, as a Dr., you think that your patient is abusing is, don't give them more. Sorry for the play by play, but I am a little miffed with how everything has played out and I guess I want to share my pain. I took some nice close ups that may look groovy in black & white.
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post op |
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day 2 ish |
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day 4- yuckiness on end of nose |
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at hospital |
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tomorrow's Surgery Day!
3 rnds
21 front squats 95#/65#
40 feet walking handstands
30 glute ham situps
40 feet walking handstands
Time 25:34 Rx
The handstands were a little challenging as mine are hit and miss for balancing/walking. They took a little extra time to do, but are definitely improving. New goal is to be able to do a one-handed free-standing handstand hopefully before July. Guess my recovery will determine if that goal is met or not. Wish me luck and get ready for some fun pictures!
21 front squats 95#/65#
40 feet walking handstands
30 glute ham situps
40 feet walking handstands
Time 25:34 Rx
The handstands were a little challenging as mine are hit and miss for balancing/walking. They took a little extra time to do, but are definitely improving. New goal is to be able to do a one-handed free-standing handstand hopefully before July. Guess my recovery will determine if that goal is met or not. Wish me luck and get ready for some fun pictures!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Evil Droid must have lived in the Amityville House
So, one of two posts from my Droid cellphone yesterday actually worked. The first one was about going to a 2.5 mile run up & down the hills by my house. My oldest son came with and rode his bike. It was so fun to see him flying down those big hills screaming "Wheeeee!"
Fash forward to Monday
Box jumps/heavy kettlebell swings/pushups
Time 16:22 24" box jump/53# kettlebell/rx pushups
Only one day left until the surgery and this wod totally made me wish that the surgery was a month ago. Throat was not loving any of this (well, maybe the pushups). Always wonder what my times would be if I didn't have to stop and gasp for breath pretty much each round. Tomorrow is last wod day for a while. Depending on time, there are two that look nice and interesting. Decided that I will be posting pre and post surgery pics. Sorta feel like sharing my nice bruising and bandages for you all to enjoy:-)
Fash forward to Monday
Box jumps/heavy kettlebell swings/pushups
Time 16:22 24" box jump/53# kettlebell/rx pushups
Only one day left until the surgery and this wod totally made me wish that the surgery was a month ago. Throat was not loving any of this (well, maybe the pushups). Always wonder what my times would be if I didn't have to stop and gasp for breath pretty much each round. Tomorrow is last wod day for a while. Depending on time, there are two that look nice and interesting. Decided that I will be posting pre and post surgery pics. Sorta feel like sharing my nice bruising and bandages for you all to enjoy:-)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
7 minutes in heaven
7 minutes in heaven
single skip rope jumps/abmat situps
time 7:49
single skip rope jumps/abmat situps
time 7:49
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Power cleans
push press
45-55-60-56-70-75-80-85-90-100-105- missed at 110#
power cleans
65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100-105-110 missed at 115#
Really starting to like power cleans. Guess that happens as you get better at something. Words of wisdom. Avoid a bar with center knurling unless you like a red throat. My bad!
Starting to unleash my inner cheerleader/Jillian. It helps me when my ass is dragging or my form sucks to hear feedback good or bad. I would much rather have someone get in my face than to have shitty form and not know. Seems like my fellow Crossfitters may feel the same way.
My wods are numbered. Surgery is less than a week away. If you can't tell, not being able to workout is stressing me out. B tried to reel me back in today. Get the surgery done, recover and then exercise. For so many years, exercise was not a part of my life at all and now it plays a major role in my life. Big change. My two year Crossfit anniversary is coming up later this month! Somewhat hoping that I feel so miserable that I will be adverse to exercising until I am recovered enough to do so. Is that normal to hope to feel like shit? Just until I get the clear by my Dr. to go kick some CF butt! Pretty sure that I drank the Koolaid.
45-55-60-56-70-75-80-85-90-100-105- missed at 110#
power cleans
65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100-105-110 missed at 115#
Really starting to like power cleans. Guess that happens as you get better at something. Words of wisdom. Avoid a bar with center knurling unless you like a red throat. My bad!
Starting to unleash my inner cheerleader/Jillian. It helps me when my ass is dragging or my form sucks to hear feedback good or bad. I would much rather have someone get in my face than to have shitty form and not know. Seems like my fellow Crossfitters may feel the same way.
My wods are numbered. Surgery is less than a week away. If you can't tell, not being able to workout is stressing me out. B tried to reel me back in today. Get the surgery done, recover and then exercise. For so many years, exercise was not a part of my life at all and now it plays a major role in my life. Big change. My two year Crossfit anniversary is coming up later this month! Somewhat hoping that I feel so miserable that I will be adverse to exercising until I am recovered enough to do so. Is that normal to hope to feel like shit? Just until I get the clear by my Dr. to go kick some CF butt! Pretty sure that I drank the Koolaid.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
5 rounds
5 overhead squats 135#/95#
10 toes to bar
15 dumbbell squat cleans 40#/35#
20 double unders
Time 18:30 for 3 rounds of 85# ohs, 30# db, and subbed 12" fast box jumps for double unders. The dumbbell squat cleans sucked. Wondering why the rx for ladies is only 5# less than mens? Went for my pre-op physical yesterday and had to get tetanus booster. Why they placed it at the top of my arm, lower shoulder, I don't know. It is nice and sore though. Not me in the pic, but thought it was cool.
5 overhead squats 135#/95#
10 toes to bar
15 dumbbell squat cleans 40#/35#
20 double unders
Time 18:30 for 3 rounds of 85# ohs, 30# db, and subbed 12" fast box jumps for double unders. The dumbbell squat cleans sucked. Wondering why the rx for ladies is only 5# less than mens? Went for my pre-op physical yesterday and had to get tetanus booster. Why they placed it at the top of my arm, lower shoulder, I don't know. It is nice and sore though. Not me in the pic, but thought it was cool.
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